'key' : 'b64e52273e69973e87744606862f3b80', Estimates range from 10,000 to as many as a million followers are needed before you can really be able to monetize your account. Focusing on Topics. He writes about Windows 10, Xbox One, and cryptocurrency. Like Vine, TikTok is heavily focused on short videos. While you can’t exactly rent an extra bedroom in Hype House (sorry), it is true that group content performs exceptionally well on Tik Tok. Some celebrities are able to get their accounts verified simply because they’re celebrities even though they have zero TikTok followers. For the free package, we will do all the work for you, however, premium users will need to enter payment details (PayPal). A higher follower number means that your account is worth following. If you are more popular on TikTok or you get more comments on your videos, then your growth will be maximum and You will get popular creator badge from TikTok soon. The next step is to choose how many followers and likes you want. If you have great content and a high number of followers, it is the perfect combination. 'format' : 'iframe', document.write('
how many followers do you need to get verified on tiktok 2020