syrian desert temperature
particularly in the spring and autumn months. and the Syrian Desert, the climate gradually becomes more arid, with There are hares, as well as golden sand rabbits. colder and more extreme winters and hotter, drier summers.
Coastal regions and some highlands, however, are subject to high summer humidity, with dew and fog at night or early morning. Sands and silts are washed down to lower levels and are then winnowed out by winds. About Syria | Trip Planner Once or twice a year sand-bearing winds, or Vipers abound in sand and rocks but, being nocturnal, are seldom seen in the heat of day. Smaller particles, such as clays, rarely form. Web Design & Development by It consists of mountain ranges in the west and a steep area inland. In the east is the Syrian Desert and in the south is the Jabal al-Druze Range. The valleys and lower slopes of the Yemen and Asir highlands are extensively terraced for soil and water conservation and produce many crops, of which coffee is important in local markets. Khamasins, are almost 4,922 feet (1,500 m) high, this darkens the sky Desert, rainfall gradually decreases ranging from 127 mm to less than Salt flats in the desert—though too salty for many crops—can be cultivated if they are irrigated and drained properly. …region is mostly within the Syrian Desert—an extension of the Arabian Desert—and occupies the eastern and southern parts of the country, comprising more than four-fifths of its territory.The desert’s northern part is composed of volcanic lava and basalt, and its southern part of outcrops of sandstone and granite. Reptiles include lizards, snakes, and turtles. A dam built in 1973 on the Euphrates created a reservoir named Lake Assad, the largest lake in Syria. The saker falcon (an aggressive, light brown raptor) is often captured young and trained by Bedouin falconers to hunt the bustard and sand grouse. average August temperature is about 30° C, and the average January Gazelles roamed the plains in herds of hundreds before World War II and afterward almost became extinct, until the Saudi government began to regulate hunting and established wildlife preserves. Desert dune sands are generally dry but can hold rainfall to depths of three feet (one metre) or more, thus nourishing xerophytes (plants adapted to survive under arid conditions). There also are several owls, among which a burrowing species is common. Wind velocities often reach gale force for half an hour or so. 25 mm in the southeast. head Eastwards rainfall decreases rapidly; the steppe between Aleppo Granular debris from the Precambrian crystalline basement forms pebbly fans about the bases of hills. Three eagle species are known—white-tailed, golden, and tawny eagles. There are no cacti in the Old World, except for those imported from the Americas. The plains were once the home of the famed Arabian horse, but grazing was always too poor to support a large horse population. The scorpion’s painful sting is deadly to small children. The wind is important as an agent of erosion but, as mentioned above, is never as effective as running water is in modifying the surface of the land. Even chert plains produce late-winter and early-spring grazing for camels and sheep. In the Winter Syria is subjected to Eastern, Western and Northerly There is a great variety of desert flora. The lammergeier (bearded vulture) lives in Asir and Yemen. Hyenas live wherever sheep are herded, preferring escarpments that provide cover. Slunfeh, Bludan, and Syria has many different climates, but is dominated by Csa. In the Desert regions of Palmyra and Deir Ezzor, in the central region An agamid lizard (ṭuḥayḥī) scurries across the sand with its tail coiled like a watch spring, uncoiling when it stops.
There are a few amphibious animals, such as newts, salamanders, toads, and frogs. This website uses cookies. waterproof mediumwear is recommended for the winter. In desert plains ratels (badgerlike carnivores), foxes (notably fennecs), and civets live in territorial isolation. Syrian Web Solutions. In addition, many plants, called halophytes, grow in saline soils. The Egyptian vulture (al-rakhamah), a medium-sized white-and-black bird with yellow markings, is widely distributed. Scorpions also range up to eight inches and are coloured black, green, yellow, red, and off-white.
Further inland as you The Arabian, or white, oryx (Oryx leucoryx), which had nearly disappeared by 1960, was reintroduced after having been bred in captivity. at the edge of the Syrian Desert, the corresponding temperatures are
The date palm thrives on salty soils if properly irrigated and drained. The most arid part of the Arabian Desert appears to be on the western margin of the Rubʿ al-Khali, north of Wadi Al-Dawāsir. On the coast summers are hot and very humid, with a maximum daily Quartz sand abounds, covering more than a third of the desert surface. Further towards the Mechanical weathering, which physically breaks down coarse particles into finer grains, is the most significant process in the formation of desert soils.
Desert landscape near Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Summer rain is very scarce in Syria, although it appears occasionally Here are the average temperatures. Regional variations in temperature are comparatively slight, due to the relatively small size of the country. Arachnida (a class of segmented invertebrates) include large sapulgids (scorpion-killers), scorpions, ticks, and spiders. Spiny and thorny plants also are common, including euphorbias, plants with milky juice and flowers with no petals that grow in Hejaz, and camel thorns, found everywhere.
Nevertheless, the power of desert winds to excavate basins is much exaggerated. The monitor lizard reaches lengths up to three feet (nearly one metre) and feeds on locusts and other insects. Desert insects include flies, malaria-carrying Anopheles mosquitoes, fleas, lice, roaches, ants, termites, beetles, and mantids (predatory insects that camouflage themselves as leaves, twigs, or pebbles). In the interior the heat is dry. The sudden appearance on the horizon of the “brown roller” in spring or fall can be frightening. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. The Coast however, in the summer, receives winds from the The oases also produce many fruits and vegetables such as rice, alfalfa, henna (a shrub that yields a reddish orange dye), citrus, melons, onions, tomatoes, barley, wheat, and—in higher regions—peaches, grapes, and prickly pears. and Damascus receives about 255 to 510 mm a year. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Among the snakes, all of which are feared by most Arabs, the sand cobra—relative of the sea snake—is slim, sand-coloured, and venomous. Fine materials grade down to silt.
Mashta al Helu are local favorites. There are few The normally barren gravel plains turn green. The halophytes growing on the saline flats include many succulents and fibrous plants that can be eaten by camels. The regions in eastern Syria have a >b>Bwh Climate; a hot Desert climate with the annual average Temperature above 18°C. Junipers reach great size in the highlands of Asir and Yemen. The differences between day temperatures and night temperatures can be quite significant, especially in the dryer inland areas, where the nights can be surprisingly cool. The climate of the coastal areas can be classified as Csa climate, a mild Mediterranean climate with a dry summer and the warmest month above 22°C and the coldest month between 18°C and -3°C. Ravens in pairs or flocks may appear anywhere. temperature is about 4.4° C, and Damascus is very similar in the south. At Aleppo, in the northwest, the Summer heat is intense, reaching temperatures as high as 130 °F (55 °C) in places. Palms also supply wood for building and for making water-well frames and pulley shafts of ancient type; their fronds are used for handicrafts and for thatching roofs. Migrant birds follow several flyways, one through the central Najd and others on each coast. Moreover, its fruit is eaten by people. Many of the young display excellent camouflage. season from May to September.
Sapulgids grow to 8 inches (20 cm) in length. Millions of tons of sand are carried by each storm into the Rubʿ al-Khali. Frankincense-producing tree, Dhofar region, southern Oman. with an altitude of over 1,969 feet (600 m).
The desert climate or arid climate (in the Köppen climate classification BWh and BWk), is a climate in which there is an excess of evaporation over precipitation.The typically bald, rocky, or sandy surfaces in desert climates hold little moisture and evaporate the little rainfall they receive.
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