This years race is slower at the median, but remains quite consistent at the front of the age group field. Don't expect to be blown away by the views. My score on the bike course is due to the following reasons. These cookies do not store any personal information. Ironman Arizona 2019 Predicted Kona Qualifiers by Country, Ironman Arizona 2019 Predicted Kona Qualification Times. The swim course has been modified to reduce the amount of time you spend facing the sun which definitely improves visibility. The two loop run course isn't too bad. Overview ⇨ 2019 Results ⇨ Qualification ⇨ DNF Rates ⇨ Ironman Boulder. You can access a spreadsheet of the full results from Ironman Arizona 2019 on my Google Drive. Number of athletes per agegroup, country or finish time. 2009 Results at:
Support the continued development of these stats. First, it is not the most scenic route. Individual race analysis and guidance for Kona qualification. Aid stations are well supplied with water, nutrition, and hydration. It’s not entirely consistent here and there are variations across age groups though. The village was also a big plus. It’s a large US race with a long race history that typically draw around 2,300 competitors for a standard 40 age group Kona slots. My family and I decided to go to an Airbnb since we were a large crew, and sharing the space made more sense than a hotel. © copyright 2020 TriFind triathlon calendar 2020 All rights reserved. The swim was spectator friendly, there were multiple buoys that made navigating easy, and water temperature was cool (60s) which made it wetsuit legal. The days prior to the race there was a system that brought temperatures down from the 70s to mid 40s with heavy rains. That fits with a pattern of consistent front of pack times while the median fell back. 2019 Ironman Arizona :: November 24, 2019 | Trifind triathlon calendar These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Again we see variations between age groups when we examine the times of the top twenty in each division. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Competitors. 5. Ironman Arizona 2019: Results. Number of athletes per agegroup, country or finish time. Froome also agrees with...... Next season will see Ben Swift returning to Team Sky after being part of UAE Team Emirates for two years. 2624. You gave your bike to one of the volunteers and made your way to your running bag, all of which was very close to the run course. Giro d’Italia route for 2019 is finally revealed and we couldn’t be happier with it. Had that happened during the race, it would have made this a very challenging course. Number of athletes per agegroup, country or finish time. My family and I decided to go to an Airbnb since we were a large crew, and sharing the space made more sense than a hotel. He said that the racing legend was driven…, An investigation is now launched into ‘serious team management allegations’ against the head coach of Univeristy of Missouri’s women’s and men’s swimming and diving teams.…. Compare qualification times across the Ironman Calendar. The feeling never gets old, and all the cheering and clapping make you feel like a rockstar. Detailed individual race analysis for each athlete. Ironman Arizona can be a hit or miss when it comes to weather late November. Despite major changes to the Ironman website I’ve been able to extract the full set of results from the new platform for analysis. 40. Overall Results - Ironman Boulder 2019 AG Overall Male Athletes Female Athletes F18-24 F25-29 F30-34 F35-39 F40-44 F45-49 F50-54 F55-59 F60-64 F65-69 FPRO M PC M18-24 M25-29 M30-34 M35-39 M40-44 M45-49 M50-54 M55-59 M60-64 M65-69 M70-74 M75-79 MPRO I have to admit, we got LUCKY. However, some still choose tinted or mirrored glasses, but I found that clear goggles improved overall visibility. If possible, don't stop moving! "Check out our new site! DNF. I would suggest to layer up during the first lap of the bike, and be ready to shed some layers as the day progresses. At the very front, as places qualify for Kona times do start to dip down a little further and are generally average or better. However, as soon as you got out of the water, you were greeted by cheering spectators. Detailed individual race analysis for each athlete. Copyright © 2007 - 2020 Russell Cox. BIKE 2/5: Some Rollers, Windy on the way out. Comparing the race distributions over the last decade shows this year’s race to be a little slower in swim, bike and run. The swim was pretty straight forward. Be the first to add a review for this event. You can compare this with other races on my Kona qualification page. There are some rollers with a low grade uphill about halfway and at the end of the run. All Rights Reserved. ...... Movistar’s Alejandro Valverde, 38, says that neither injury nor age has slowed him down in his career, and his...... Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Terms Of Service - Contact
Overall, I would recommend this course to anyone looking for a PB, or loves having constant support (who doesn't?!). The low key atmosphere, and friendly people took the nerves out of race day. DNS. Froome still undecided, Breaking: Ben Swift back to Team Sky for the 2019 season, Valverde’s plans for next season might not include Tour de France, Bradley Wiggins Calls Lance Armstrong a ‘Perfect’ Winner of Tour de France, Breaking: Swimming and Diving Coach for University of Missouri Put on Leave After Serious Allegations. The start line and venue were close to downtown, and there were multiple parking options. IRONMAN MONT TREMBLANT august 19th 8:05:38 2nd place Ironman 70.3 Augusta September 29th 3:42:19 1st place IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OCTOBER 12th 8:25:54 22nd place IRONMAN 70.3 LOS CABOS NOVEMBER 3RD 3:44:06 1ST IRONMAN 70.3 INDIAN WELLS DECEMBER 9TH 3:43:36 1ST CHALLENGE DAYTONA DECEMBER 14TH 2:23:02 1ST. Overall 4/5: Yes, I would do this race again :-), 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