A feisty, medium-size, Old World tarantula with understated blue, most evident post molt. It was originally described as Haplopelma lividum. Last modified October 26, 2019.

The blue color of O. sp. It is noted for its iridescent blue legs and light gray prosoma and opisthosoma, the latter of which may contain darker gray chevrons. Some specimens have a beautiful and vibrant Blue tarantula crawling on web. Similarly, Orphnaecus philippinus and Orphnaecus sp.

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Orphnaecus sp. UGReptiles $70. TARANTULAS; TRUE SPIDERS; SCORPIONS; CENTIPEDES; OTHER INVERTS; DAILY LIVESTOCK UPDATE; WHOLESALE; ICSC MEMBERS; CONTACT US; Shop; ORPHNAECUS SP. The cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is a tarantula species (family Theraphosidae) native to Myanmar[1] and over the border into Thailand. Climate in the Philippines varies according to location west to east, with distinct dry and wet seasons on the western side, and mixed patterns of increased rainfall on the eastern side. QTY. Both Orphnaecus sp.

A female (left) and male (right) in courtship in captivity, A second-instar spiderling cobalt blue tarantula near burrow. UGReptiles $125. Females mature at 3-4″, but with subsequent molts have been reported to grow larger. Quezon Blue Earth Tiger Tarantula? [7], http://www.everything-cobalt-blue.com/cobalt-blue-tarantula.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cobalt_blue_tarantula&oldid=976897117, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, In Kaeng Krachan District, Phetchaburi, Thailand, This page was last edited on 5 September 2020, at 18:28. Brazilian Red & White Tarantula (Nhandu Chromatus), Blue Foot Baboon Tarantula (Idiothele Mira), King Baboon Tarantula (Pelinobius muticus), Orange Baboon Tarantula (Pterinochilus Murinus), Rear Horned Baboon Tarantula (Ceratogyrus darlingi), Socotra Island Blue Baboon Tarantula (Monocentropus Balfouri), Togo Starburst Baboon Tarantula (Heteroscrodra Maculate), Asian Blue Smokey (Chilobrachys sp Vietnam blue), Cobalt Blue Tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividum), Cyriopagopus sp hati hati – Purple Earth Tiger Tarantula, Fringed Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria Ornata), Gooty Sapphire Ornamental – Poecilotheria metallica, Indian Ornamental Tarantula – Poecilotheria Regalis, Ivory Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria subfusca), Sangihe Black Tarantula (Lampropelma Nigerrium), Singapore Blue Tarantula (Lampropelma violaceopes), Tiger Ornamental Tarantula (Poecilotheria Tigrinawesseli), Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula (Aphonopelma seemanni), Ecuadorian Red Bloom (Pamphobeteus vespertinus), Honduran Curly Hair Tarantula (Brachypelma Albopilosum), Mexican Fire Leg Tarantula (Brachypelma Boehmei), Mexican Golden Red Rump Tarantula – Brachypelma Albiceps, Mexican Pink Tarantula (Brachypelma Klassi), Mexican Pink Beauty Tarantula – Brachypelma Klaasi, Brachypelma Auratum – Mexican Flame Knee Tarantula, Mexican Red Knee Tarantula (Brachypelma smithi), The Mexican Rose Grey Tarantula – Brachypelma Verdezi, Brazilian Black Tarantula (Grammostola Pulchra), Brazilian Whiteknee (Acanthoscurria Geniculata), Bolivian Black Velvet (Acanthoscurria Insubtilis), Bolivian Dwarf Beauty (Cyriocosmus perezmilesi), Chaco Golden Knee Tarantula (Grammostola pulchripes), Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula (Grammostola rosea), Colombian Purple Bloom (Pamphopeteus sp Machalla), Flame Rump Tree Spider (Thrixopelma ockerti), Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), Greenbottle Blue Tarantula (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens), Natal Brown Bird Eater (Acanthoscurria natalensis), Peruvian Green Velvet (Thrixopelma pruriens), Pinktoe Tarantula (Avicularia avicularia), Pumpkin Patch Tarantula – Hapalopus Sp. Additionally, males gain a palpal bulb on the pedipalps and tibial apophyses (mating hooks). I found one outside our house here in San Jose, Antique .. Didn’t even know it was that rare! The photo above shows an adult female, intermolt. At this point, the male exhibits sexual dimorphism in the form of a light tan or bronze coloration and legginess. [4] The cobalt blue tarantula is a fossorial species and spends nearly all of its time in deep burrows of its own construction. Recommended for experienced keepers. Quezon Blue Earth Tiger Tarantula $ 34.99. “Quezon blue,” the Orphnaecus species mentioned above come from western regions, with distinct dry seasons.

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Redslate Ornamental Tarantula?

quezon Common Name(s): Quezon Blue Country of Origin: … Orphnaecus sp. Originating from the Philippines, the Blue Panay is an exotic and extremely rare species of tarantula.

Psychedelic Earth Tiger Tarantula? Quezon Blue Earth Tiger Tarantula quantity. “Quezon blue” is most evident in freshly molted adults. A feisty, medium-size, Old World tarantula with understated blue, most evident post molt. QUEZON - QUEZON BLUE 1/2" ORPHNAECUS SP. Orphnaecus sp. This tarantula is fast and somewhat skittish.

The cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus) is a tarantula species (family Theraphosidae) native to Myanmar and over the border into Thailand. In overall appearance and behavior it is similar to Orphnaecus sp. Quezon Province on the other hand, receives rain throughout the year, as shown on this Philippines climate map. All instars are good eaters and hardy in captivity.

“Quezon blue,” the subject of this entry, is from Quezon Province, Luzon. “Quezon blue” may be found in rock crevices. Adults also tend to dig. The species is fast, easily agitated, and defensive. Cobalt blue tarantulas inhabit the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia,[5] where they construct deep burrows, and generally only leave them to find food. Venom may be medically significant. QUEZON - QUEZON BLUE 1/2" $40.00.

There are only 2 items left in stock. In captivity, spiderlings dig a maze of tunnels in loose substrate.

“Quezon blue” for experienced keepers. Except for O. sp. I have no way of proving these claims as it was when I was younger. In the wild, O. sp. The cobalt blue tarantula is a medium-sized tarantula with a leg span around 13  cm (5 in). Columbia, Trinidad Chevron Tarantula (Psalmopoeus cambridgei), If you need help buying an enclosure why not check out our enclosure review. I just let it loose cause it was so vibrant and beautiful. “Quezon blue” (Quezon blue earth tiger) from Quezon Province, Luzon, Philippines, captive bred. One of the most striking aspects of these spiders is their pitch dark color with a slight tinge of blue. Recommended for experienced keepers. “blue Panay,“ from Panay Island, directly south of Luzon. Captive Bred Slings Approximately 2 – 3 Inches In Leg-span; Very Rare In The Hobby; This Is A Small Species But They Grow Very Fast; Feeding On Small Insects Regularly; SKU: Orphnaecus sp. Scientific Name: Orphnaecus sp.

For these reasons, although it is no trouble to keep, we recommend O. sp. “Quezon blue” (Quezon blue earth tiger) from Quezon Province, Luzon, Philippines, captive bred. Rain in the Philippines depends mainly on ocean currents such as El Niño, elevation, and season. Orphnaecus sp.

Cobalt Blue Tarantula (Haplopelma lividum). [6] Bites from this species can result in severe muscle cramps and inflammation.

[3] Males and females look the same until the ultimate (final) molt of the males. The female eventually becomes larger than the male and lives years longer. Add to cart . UGReptiles $35. The cobalt blue tarantula is a mainstay in the pet trade, despite being a fast and defensive tarantula with potent venom.

“Negros” inhabit the island of Negros. “Quezon blue” and Orphnaecus pillitus, for example, inhabit Luzon, the northern-most and most populous island. I lived and grew in Panay, when I was younger it was really common to see them on every crevices, they are quite rare nowadays, however, I have never encountered an arboreal Panay Blue, they don’t dig burrows in the wild and would prefer a damp crevices to house, also, I have noticed before that some specimen live quite close to each other, literally neighbours, with the entrance about a centimeters away from each other. Brazilian Black Tarantula? The larger of these host one or more Orphnaecus species.

Usually arboreal in nature, they can reach a leg span of 7 to 10 cm. Tarantula Friendly © 2020. [2] It was originally described as Haplopelma lividum.

The Republic of the Philippines has over 7,500 islands.

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