With a Shaw Internet/TV plan I'm considering a switch to Shaw with a combination of By The Gig and $45/m unlimited. Np, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, News and questions about Shaw products and services. You can access your downloaded programs for a maximum of 30 days. This will remove the device from the Devices section and unassign it from the profile it was associated with, if applicable. Note that titles can only be checked out (downloaded) by one device at a time, per account. What happens when a download is interrupted? Where will Shaw’s BlueCurve TV App be available? You may set any device on your network to be trusted, allowing it to bypass these blocks. Will using my home Internet to access the BlueCurve TV App count against my allotted monthly data usage? Go to in the address bar of any browser while connected, or the proper ip address, and once a page displays for the router, enter admin and password for the admin and password boxes. You cannot watch a program until it has been downloaded completely. Also, download select on-demand kids' titles for offline viewing at a later time. Say goodbye to channel numbers! © 2020 Shaw Satellite G.P., All Rights Reserved. Learn more about Shaw BlueCurve TV App for Shaw Direct customers with our frequently asked questions. All rights reserved. 'Blackout restrictions' refer to rules under which content may be unavailable to customers, frequently depending on where he or she is located. If the device is connected to your home network, there should be a green dot indicating that it's online which may also help with identifying what device it is. The app is available for direct download in iTunes and Google Play stores. Can I watch a movie or show while it's downloading? Most devices that use iOS 9 or newer, or Ice-cream Sandwich 4.1 or newer, will work with the Shaw BlueCurve TV App app, including iPhones, iPads, iPod Touches, and Android tablets and smartphones. How long does an offline device stay listed in the Devices section? Is there a link Shaw has that I've just missed, or? How can I check my device's connection? None of it plays well with Google devices. Or can I watch a movie or show that was partially downloaded? No, you can only play back a program on the authorized device that originally downloaded it. Why isn’t one or more of my profile features (profile pause, scheduled pause, active time limits, parental controls) working on my iPhone or iPad in a profile? If you'd like this block to be active at all times, leave the, To specify times and/or days for the block, set the. Click here for more information on removing and adding devices in the BlueCurve Home app. How do I download content to view offline at a later time? Note: If you have BlueCurve Pods on your account, 'Troubleshoot a Device' is not currently an available feature. So just upgraded to the new BlueCurve modem last night and also installed the wifi pods, the PC wired right into the BlueCurve modem is getting great speeds (we pay for 300 unlimited and wired speeds usually hover around 290-320), even our phones that are usually on the complete opposite end of the house from the modem are getting much better speeds and signal. From device limits to types of content that can be accessed, our BlueCurve TV App FAQs answer common questions about BlueCurve TV App. If you still can't identify your device, you'll need to access the hostname or MAC address in your device's settings. Pair the extender using the WPS button, pressing on both the extender and the top of the BlueCurve modem. From what I understand, Shaw can't actually wire a full Fibre optic cable through to my apartment downtown Victoria. When I tried to check if the port opened I only found it was closed. Below are the steps to find the MAC address for common devices: What do the different indicators for devices mean? Do blackout restrictions apply with BlueCurve TV App? My Google toys are mostly useless now , if I hadn't gotten offered a deal to switch I'd go to back to the hitron. BlueCurve TV is available to Shaw Direct TV customers for no additional cost. ©2020 Shaw Communications. This article offers instruction for the following topics: With the BlueCurve Gateway, you can quickly setup parental controls using the BlueCurve Home app. If you log into your router from internet.shaw.ca (Not 0r or you can use the Shaw Home App. Also, the pause function only pauses WiFi access on your home network and does not impact access using cellular data. Please check your wireless rate plan for details. What will the channel line-up look like on the app? Shaw Direct subscribers have access to Shaw BlueCurve TV App at no additional cost as part of your TV subscription. These controls can be set to be active always, or only on certain days and times. Like all other video streaming apps, the BlueCurve TV App will count against your Internet data usage. Is it possible to use BlueCurve TV App outside of Canada? Select Device Details, and then Forget Device. What content will I have access to through Shaw BlueCurve TV App? Will upgrading to the Fibre + 150 really make a difference? If you want to download additional content you will be required to check in titles (remove them from the device) prior to downloading. You can also visit shawdirect.ca/freerangeTV for download links and to find more information about Shaw BlueCurve TV App. Ask tech related questions, learn about new products, and get information. Despite this, there are cases where restrictions are imposed on the content we can provide for our customers digitally, which may impact where and how content can be viewed, and duration of access for customers. How to personalize and manage devices with BlueCurve Home, If your device is connected to your Wireless Gateway using a cable, select, If your device is connected wirelessly, select. Oh, dear. Note: When a third party initiates a stream using the same account, it will produce an error message that the other two streams are in use, and that it is necessary to wait until one of the other two streams ceases before be able to stream from your device. See How to remove a device for instructions. Shaw BlueCurve TV App is available for download for Shaw Direct customers and is included at no additional cost as part of your TV subscription. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Do I need a special receiver to use Shaw BlueCurve TV App? Enter the information for the service you'd like to block.

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