However, upon seeing each other at the party, tension and uncertainty between them (due to Steven believing that Connie's new look was a sign that she had decided to move on from him, and Connie presumably being uncertain of what Steven thinks of her after unintentionally leaving him completely in the dark during the duration of their estrangement) prevent them from reconciling immediately. In "The Future", Amethyst learns Steven is going to leave Beach City and see the world thanks to Garnet's future vision and, not wanting to hold him back, acts nonchalantly when Steven finally tells them alongside the other Gems. After the Gems fail to fight Aquamarine and Topaz, Steven turns himself in as "My-Dad". 2. She also calls Steven's dad as well and urges him to come back from his tour with Sadie and Shep. She attempts to go with him until Steven tells her he's going alone, leaving Jasper to sadly, yet gruffly, say goodbye. After offering her the foot of her limb enhancer suit, Steven becomes the only person Peridot allows into the bathroom after she locks herself in. Hi. Steven: Jasper, I'm going alone. "Volleyball" showcases Steven's anger and frustration towards his mother after learning she gave Pink Pearl her cracked eye, causing a fair amount of destruction through his powers as a result. Greg is Steven's main go-to for help on regular human affairs, and Greg understands how to help Steven in ways the Gems can't, such as in "Steven's Birthday" when he takes baby Steven for a drive to calm him down, just as he'd done before, and in "Gemcation" when he comforts Steven over his fear that his friendship with Connie is ruined. On the sides of his head are a pair of long, angular horns that point upwards, as well as a similar-looking pair of short, curved tusks on the sides of his lower jaw. "I Am My Monster" is the 19th episode of Steven Universe Future and part three of the four-part series finale. But first, you're going to have to leave your own head. Once the trajectory of "Future" really became clear in my mind, that seemed like the direction that we needed to go in. According to this blog post, Steven is just 127 cm, which is . Deep down Steven feels guilt over his mother not being around and inferiority over not being able to live up to her reputation. Monster Steven is the final antagonist of the Steven Universe franchise, serving as the titular main antagonist of the animated TV epilogue series Steven Universe Future. In "Legs From Here to Homeworld", Bismuth gives Steven some sound advice as he departs for Homeworld. However, the episode also shows the good that comes from Steven talking his problem out with someone, namely his father who afterward assures his son he'll be there for him during the tough times. Steven Universe: Future | Steven Battles Jasper | Cartoon Network UK "Lion 4: Alternate Ending" shows he has become paranoid about anything having to do with Rose and her secrets and in "The Good Lars" calls her a war criminal. ; Some fans believe that the Behemoth is the creature which the Tentacles from Planet X are attached to. Shocked at her apparent betrayal, Steven leaves her locked in the truck and tells the other Gems of what occurred, very upset at Peridot for having learned nothing. . With this, Steven decides to embrace his mother's old role on Homeworld to help convince White Diamond to cure the corrupted Gems on Earth. Eyes. Unknown to him at the time, the two had been estranged for the past few weeks over Steven's surrender to Homeworld, and both only accept the invitation in the hopes of seeing each other again and working things out. Lion shoots Steven a disapproving glare before leaving with her, showing that he shares her anger at Steven over his surrender, as well as him treating the situation as nothing, and ignoring her feelings about it. As I see, he is half as tall as the Cluster, but In the scene where Lapis is watching Monster Steven from Little Homeschool, Monster Steven sems to be bigger than the mountain including the lighthouse when roaring, but other than that, I have no idea. However, after they all manage to embrace him in a group hug, showing that they love him unconditionally and will always be there no matter what, Steven is finally able to calm down, return to normal, and let out his years of emotional baggage. Since Garnet is a fusion of the two, their individual feelings for Steven are similar to Garnet's feelings for him. As associated with his gemstone, Steven's powers are maternal and the control of his gemstone is based on emotional clarity. "A Single Pale Rose" once again changes Steven's view of his mother after learning she actually was Pink Diamond. It is more saturated in color than Rose Quartz's gemstone. Sugilite, in turn, enjoys having an audience to her show-off actions. After the proposal fails, Steven allows Connie to ride Lion back home. But the truth is, we rely on you. In "Monster Reunion", Steven defended Nephrite from the Gems because they believed she would still be unstable, despite Steven healing her; however, she shows a great deal of appreciation after Steven reunites her with her crew. In "I Am My Monster", Connie assists the Gems and Greg in trying to calm down and revert Steven back to normal. She is a former member of the Great Diamond Authority who decided to turn Earth into a colony for Homeworld. In "Now We're Only Falling Apart", "The Question", and "Reunited" Steven's relationship with Ruby and Sapphire becomes somewhat stronger. The advice, of course, ends up having the opposite effect, instead causing Connie to believe that Steven has given up on making amends with her after being unintentionally abandoned and shut out by her for so long, and has decided to both drop her as his best friend and replace her with Kevin, which is seemingly confirmed in her eyes when the two have an awkward encounter in which he, still under Kevin's influence, implies that he has moved on from her and Lion, and is much happier with them out of his life. White Diamond: What did you say? When Jasper tells Steven to not be afraid of his power and enjoy the feeling of releasing his anger, he asks Jasper to help control this power, relying on her for guidance. In "Can't Go Back", Lion brings Steven to the Moon Base when Steven discovers The Barn on the moon. But a fusion between Opal and Peridot would still be listed as "Amethyst + Pearl + Peridot.". Despite initially being shocked at this revelation he states that he can indeed believe it, given that Spinel is not the only one she wronged, though he doesn't hold it against her, not forgetting that she also suffered before and after what she did to her friend. She becomes emotional as Steven aged rapidly in "So Many Birthdays"; in "Future Vision" she shares her "future vision" to him- which she only does because she thinks he would understand and it would bring them closer. And even though he still disagrees with her methods to save Earth by betraying her fellow Diamonds and starting a war with them in secret, he also acknowledges that they are too dysfunctional to be reasoned with to the point where everything she did for them amounted to nothing. 14 ("The Answer" to "Change Your Mind")15 (Unleash the Light)16 (Steven Universe: The Movie to "The Future"), I changed. Throughout the show, he's put everyone else first, and his main goal has been to become the person his family wants him to be. Lonely Blade: Evil Janitor Lonely Blade Lonely Blade's Brother However, upon her regeneration, the two become mutual acquaintances, with Spinel resuming her 'Best Friend' status with Steven, as she did with Pink. Steven suggests to Yellow that she should try failing which Yellow responds to by laughing hysterically. As a result of his parentage, Steven is an extraordinarily unique being with innate powers beyond that of normal humans and Gems. As a result, Steven is very comfortable and relaxed whenever he is in the presence of his dad as he provides a link to the human world, away from "magical Gem stuff". They don't know what to do without you! After all three of them are back in Beach City, Steven expresses remorse over not being able to heal Pink Pearl's eye, feeling the mission was for nothing but Mega Pearl puts a smile on his face when she told him the both Pearls understand Pink Diamond beter and they now have each other. White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Blue Diamond | Pink Diamond, Homeworld Gems Garnet again cries as Steven finally leaves, but not before giving him one last future prediction. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. Later, in "Change Your Mind", Steven successfully manages to meet with White Diamond a second time. Stephen Sharer - Wikipedia This revelation leaves Steven feeling resentful over being denied typical childhood experiences (such as going to school and the doctor) and likely causes him to conclude that the lack of normalcy in his childhood has left him unable to deal with his trauma or figure out what to do with his life. She was healed alongside the rest of the Corrupted Gems in "Change Your Mind" and for a . Of course, this does not go as well as he hopes and he almost gets crushed by her. Thanks to Steven, Peedee earned the respect of his father and did not have to wear the Frybo suit anymore. First meeting Bismuth in the episode of the same name, Steven is quick to respond warmly, showing admiration towards her tales of past battles and laughing indulgently at her jokes. He continued to write short stories and novels, some of which formed the basis for film scripts, including Duel, directed by Steven Spielberg in 1971. Pink diamond. While she acted friendly towards Steven in her eponymous episode (despite pranking him multiple times), this was revealed to be an act to gain his trust so she could exact her revenge much easier. However, "Together Alone" shows him struggling to deal with Homeworld's stifling conformities and traditions, much like his mother did, especially when he learns that he and his friends must be split up during the ball he has decided to throw: only Pearl and Connie are allowed to remain by his side (with the latter as his "pet"), while Garnet must split up into Ruby and Sapphire, and they and Amethyst (who must wear limb enhancers) must remain with their kind of Gem. Steven. This is because Steven wants Rose to be that way. Steven jokes around with Blue and even says that the two should spend more time together. Blue visits Steven in the prison tower after he is imprisoned there for fusing with Connie and attempts to get him to apologize. Steven Quartz Cutie Pie DeMayo Diamond Universe, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), they form, When fused with Ruby and Sapphire (or Garnet), Amethyst, and Pearl, they form. Simply subtract 1 from a mob's health and add 3! However, he is still paranoid about her and her secrets as seen in "Lion 4: Alternate Ending". In "Catch and Release", Steven is worried and wants to know what Peridot is trying to say at the Galaxy Warp, and chooses to pop her bubbled gemstone and release her. As revealed in "Steven vs. Amethyst" though, he has doubts that he cannot measure up to Rose's greatness, which is why he works diligently to become a worthy successor to her legacy. He seemed uncomfortable around her, but when he manages to remove White Diamond's control over her in "Change Your Mind" he welcomes her back. Vs Steven Universe Future x Pibby FNF Animated but I EDITED - YouTube The top 50 drafted NHL prospects ranking, 2023 edition: 1. Of the nine actors to don the hockey mask, Kirzinger remains the tallest, and, having worked as a stunt coordinator on Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan, knew his way around . "Storm in the Room" highlights Steven's anger and confusion towards Rose over her actions and how she "disappeared" leaving him to clean up her mess. Having kept this in mind, Lars manages to save everyone at the cost of his life. In Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven expresses disappointment towards her after finding out about her abandoning Spinel. Again, White Diamond is initially dismissive of Steven, though he is angry at her for taking control of the other Diamonds and later, the Crystal Gems. Steven is overjoyed to see her again and his joy increases when she officially declares herself a Crystal Gem. This is shown further when she acts excitedly when Steven gives Amethyst his video games as a parting gift, even threatening to delete his save files. Steven's human half is physically weak without his gemstone, unable to stand unsupported and he may be completely unable to survive without it. Despite her stoic and somewhat distant nature, the two share an occasionally close and emotional relationship. In "Are You My Dad?" Because of his tendency to help people, Steven also pushes Lars to his limits, almost unintentionally ruining his friendship with Sadie in "The New Lars" in an attempt to help him. The Diamonds then arrive, ready to confront Steven about where they will live, and Steven introduces Spinel to them, thus giving her the new friends he promised. He also becomes arrogant about his newfound abilities as seen when he kisses his bicep, something even Jasper is annoyed by. When he tries to escape, Aquamarine freezes all of them in her wand's tractor beam. Yellow complains to Steven that it is unfair how he gets to see White Diamond because he has one failed colony, while she has hundreds of successful ones. While talking to her, Lapis refuses his help, saying, "Just let me do this for you!". Jasper thinks Steven is just Rose Quartz hidden in a weak constitution, possibly after regeneration. Giant Ruby accepts this and unfuses, and as the Rubies are about to leave, "Eyeball" thanks Steven for the information. When he found out she lied, Steven feels hurt, believing that she was embarrassed by him. "Everything's Fine" shows Steven's mental health nearing its lowest when, after returning from Homeworld, he puts on a cheerful faade and tries to help everyone like he used to. That's got to shift. Shapeshifting: Since Steven turned into a monster due to his thoughts of being one it was clear he kept this ability. Aquamarine reveals that the list of humans came from "a Steven" in a report from Peridot 5XG. Steven is a bit of a romantic and loves the ending of The Spirit Morph Saga for the wedding even when Connie disagrees. The fact that Yellow rarely smiles, let alone laughs, shows how comfortable she is around "Pink" (Steven). "Why So Blue?" When Steven Universe started glowing pink and gave in to his diamond powers and PTSD, he grew and became corrupted and transformed into the giant pink kaiju-like monster. In "Fragments", Steven's insecurities about himself, his life, and his powers finally lead to him breaking away from his family and running away to the one he feels can understand him: Jasper. It is also shown, in many episodes, that Steven, being unsure if he is actually his own person or simply a reincarnation of Rose, feels guilt and takes blame for his mother's actions feeling that he deserves them. Feeling bad, Peridot wakes Steven up and says they don't have to do this anymore. "Growing Pains" showcases the aftermath of Steven's failed proposal to Connie: his body begins shapeshifting out of control due to his emotions, and Connie convinces him to go see a doctor for the first time in his life. In Steven Universe: The Movie, he's bonded enough with his father to fuse with him effortlessly, despite being weakened, becoming Steg. And forever shall he rue the names "Eyeball": And Ruby! Contrasting with the other three people implicated in the robbery, Steve has no criminal history and is . I'm supposed to be better! Oh my gosh! He displays impressive power reminiscent of Steven's pink state, being able to shake and crack the floor of White Diamond's ship just by yelling and completely block her mind-control beams. "Fragments" shows a new level of Steven's abilities as he fights Jasper in his pink state, showing increased strength, speed, and the ability to fly. In the decades since the height of his Hollywood fame, Seagal has been an outspoken supporter of Putin, who granted the 70-year-old film star . Aliens: Beetle Aliens Bird Blob Aliens Ungulate Aliens Worm Aliens Flower-Like Aliens Minor Alien Characters, Camp Pining Hearts: Paulette Percy Pierre After an explanation of why they reacted nonchalantly to Steven's departure and assuring they'll always be there for him, Pearl gives a tearful goodbye to Steven as he leaves Beach City. Jasper | Steven Universe Wiki | Fandom In "Stuck Together", Aquamarine marvels at the fact that she captured "Rose Quartz", and that she handed herself in. Steven's name and appearance are based on Rebecca Sugar's brother. Gem Type. Humans: Connie Maheswaran Answer (1 of 6): A slaughter fest Monster Steven is near featless with the accepting of Overpowering Lapis's chains,The Cluster arm and the big roar that parted some of the sea Waybig now lifted the Highbreed Jump gate which was almost twice as heavy as the moon Waybig also has super speed from. Her hair is waist-length, white in colour. Peridot soon escapes and activates her robot to retrieve the communicator. I am an admin of this site. In "Familiar", Steven starts to realize that the experiences his mother went through on Homeworld are similar to what he went through when he was younger, leading him to sympathize with her more. He becomes very eager to meet the fusion when Amethyst and Pearl reveal the information and the concept of fusion to him. And yeah, it sucks. This is continued when she delivers a nonchalant response to Steven giving her his ukulele as a parting gift, even storing it in her gemstone almost immediately after receiving the instrument. This assumption and his already emotionally vulnerable state nearly drive Steven to leave the party without even trying to talk to Connie, and ultimately, to desperately take Kevin's advice to bait her into making the first move in their reconciliation by deliberately ignoring her presence and making it seems like life is going fine for him with her gone. Steven to Lars. Steven has made an effort to befriend Blue and Yellow Pearl. In "Familiar", Blue Diamond acts warmly towards Steven whom she believes to be Pink. When his loved ones confront him in an intervention, Steven finally lets loose the bad things that occurred with him since leaving Little Homeschool, including Jasper's shattering, which shocks everyone. In "I Am My Mom", Steven and the Crystal Gems confront Aquamarine and Topaz at Funland. He is the monstrous form of Steven Universe after giving in to his inner turmoil and turning to the dark side. Reverting to her old behavior, Spinel attacks Steven and briefly holds Garnet hostage, before retreating to the top of the Injector. If we use fan estimates, he's around 600-900 feet tall. She asks if he is "My-Dad" again, he says no, and she flies off. He tells Amethyst in "What's Your Problem?" This friendship further develops in "Off Colors" when they spend time in the abandoned Homeworld Kindergarten. He wants to be a great hero just like them and is eager to go on adventures with the trio, both to prove his worth and to have fun exploring strange lands. In "Gem Hunt", Steven follows Connie's lead while they are tracking the Gem. Stop trying to be like Jasper. After many failed attempts, Peridot comes up with a new plot, their own character "Steffan" will do one of the characters dirty by kissing their love interest. Once Steven goes on a rampage and damages the Crystal Temple, also threatening to destroy Beach City and Little Homeworld, his friends try to restrain him; the Great Diamond Authority and Spinel then arrive and are shocked when told about Steven's condition. In "The Future" Steven says goodbye to Bismuth as he prepares to leave Beach City. In Save the Light, Steven retains all of his abilities in Attack the Light (barring the Escape option) and has some new abilities. Steve Perry - IMDb As Steven, Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot embrace, Steven declares he loves them all. Upon refusing to resort to the use of the Breaking Point, he continues his attempts to reason with her and upon being forced to destroy her physical form, shows his respect for her by promising to tell everyone what happened, giving her closure before poofing. I'm afraid right now. Sardonyx has taken a liking to Steven too, being incredibly excited when meeting him for the first time. They eventually find a way to connect, and Lars gets on better terms with Steven. The two bond again, in the episode "In Dreams", when the two watch the Camp Pining Hearts reboot together, in which they both hate. Yellow states that the two and a half words Steven said to White is a new record, implying that White rarely speaks to anyone. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. This could hint he is sorry and is trying to be more respectful to her desires.