Call us: (919) 577-9901. Your reply would be highly appreciated!!! Basically I had to water it every day not to have the leaves droop. Hi Judith, Dont over or under water and it will likely be fine. My neighbor has the same problem. Im on the Board of Awbury Arboretum in Germantown, and our landscape manager there, Denis Lucey, says edgeworthia is his favorite shrub by far. Germination can still take 12 months or more at . In The Heather Garden at Ft Tryon in Washington Heights NYC Ive had them for about 8 years and hardly do anything to maintain them, just pinestraw mulch seems to keep them happy. Edgeworthia chrysantha | Scott Arboretum I have been hesitant to say that edgeworthia are indestructible because there arent many in our area, zone 6b/7. Carolyns suggestions for finding a microclimate and mulching are good ones, thanks Carolyn! Beautiful yellow fragrant flowers in mid-winter. Edgeworthia chrysantha Fragrant gold flowers in February and big lush green leaves. It did not flower at all, and only has started to leaf out around the beginning of August. It had smaller leaves, grew slower and smaller, and was significantly less cold hardy even for me in Atlanta. Thank you! Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que algunas aplicaciones y/o servicios pueden no funcionar como se espera cuando se traducen. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. After leaves have fallen, bare branches host silver-hair covered flower buds that according to one observer, look like mouse toes. Then it was in the upper 60s so more flowers opened before being hit with lows in the teens starting 3/11 and continuing in the forecast through at least 3/16. Love the snowflakes too! Required fields are marked *. Edgeworthia chrysantha Robert E. Lyons This shrub grows in zones 7 to 9, and in protected areas of Zone 6. It eventually reaches 7 feet high and wide and makes a nice stand-alone specimen or back-of-the-border choice. Or had not ticked the right box for notifications to see your replies earlier. You dont have to worry about missing the scent of the blooms, but you may want to plant it within reach of passersby because the foliage invites handling. Not sure he could send a plant to USA for sanitary regulations. The much sought after Edgeworthia Red Dragon is a winter flowering deciduous Chinese shrub with cinnamon coloured young bark and dense nodding terminal clusters of fragrant orange to red flowers which open in late winter. It did partially die back one winter when it went down to -8, but no problems since. It is near my front door so most of the winter I have the scent wafting into my house. Aside from its many attractions for us, I can report that deer have not found it so. Leaves single, alternate, lanceolate to narrow ovate, 8-13 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, entire, dull green, gray-green below with silky hairs when young. Buy Edgeworthia chrysantha Paper Bush - Wilson Bros Gardens The seed might germinate in the spring, though it could take another 12 months. The oldest reference to it growing in the US that I have found is 1993 at the fairgrounds in Raleigh. I brought one with me from VA in a gallon pot, two and a half years ago. Has anyone seen this behavior on their Edgeworthia? Leslie, I hope that you will report back on the results of your trial. The underside of the leaves is gray-green. It flowers on old wood so you would want to prune it right after it blooms. The foliage is beautiful! In season, the shrub seems fine, but if relocation will help, well find a better spot for it. Unless I dig it up and bring it in, it will likely not survive at all. These are fast and large growers. Height and spread: 150cm (59"). If the exposure to direct sun is for many hours I would try anythingumbrella, stone, pine straw, lean-to, etc. In fall, leaves drop to reveal a beautifully . EDGEWORTHIA chrysantha 'Red Dragon' - Edgeworthia papyrifera | paperbush Shrubs/RHS Gardening I am in zone 7a so not that far off from your zone. Full sun or light dappled shade lover, this plant is easily grown in humus-rich, loamy, well-drained soils. How It Grows Paper bush spreads by rhizomes but isn't invasive, and generally forms a dense, slowly expanding clump of long, pliable stems. No one has ever mentioned that, and I have nothing to do with them. About 3 x 3 perfect shape covered with buds . Thank you for your info What made it so helpful? It is in dappled morning shade, a window of full sun in the mid afternoon, and shaded in late afternoon. Should I even go so far as to put up some wind screens for the first winter or two? Is there perhaps a similar plant that looks like the Edgeworthia but isnt? One thing is clear though: you wont regret adding edgeworthia to your garden. Hi, I am growing what I believe is an Edgeworthia, however I have never seen mine flower. It formed buds on virtually all branches by Fall, but some appear to have shriveled in the cold of late winter, and none have blossomed yet. I have seen them go limp in very dry weather, but the pop right back if I catch it in time. Unless you have the red / orange form, akebono, which was apparently a blooming flop for mist folks. What a beautiful and elegant shrub! I was wondering, what do you do about pruning Edgeworthia and are there any problems you should look out for associated with pruning? This causes the leaves to go limp when its hot but doesnt seem to harm the plants, time will tell. I think Cape Cod and southeastern PA are the same zone. I wanted to attach a picture but do not see an option to do it. They are placed by WordPress, my blog host. We have very hot summers here, 90 to 100 degrees F, and it didnt rain for a lot of July, August, and September. Carolyn. Superb in shape and form, Paperbush is a wonderful plant to combine with shade-tolerant evergreens and wildflowers. And there are photos on google of it growing in containers.. Starr, I hope everyone understands that I am not recommending an edgeworthia for zone 5. Your email address will not be published. Does scent travel in the air and to what distance??? My favorite season for edgeworthia is winter when the leaves drop to reveal the buds which form in late summer or early fall depending on where you live. It is hard to give advice not seeing your sight. In China, its bark is used to produce very high quality paper and for various medicinal purposes. I would have a hard time giving mine up, they are so beautiful and fragrant. Another try for dry weather is Transatlantica Eternal Fragrance. So glad you waited and thanks for letting us know. NC State Extension is the largest outreach program at NC State University. One year later, voila. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. Remember that watering deeply once per week allows . I dont care so much about the unattractive quality, I just dont want to lose one of my favorite shrubs of all time!! Carolyn, do you think mine might be struggling because it was brought from England which has a much wetter climate. Current catalogues are under Pages below. Young leaves are covered with white, silky hairs. Beautiful. Hi Nikolay, Fun to get a comment from your part of the world. I also prune this after the blooms are finished because I would never sacrifice them. Contents. I just purchased an edgeworthia from my favorite nursery in the Atlanta area. Any compost will do, it doesnt have to be from leaves. Perhaps some other commenters could help. I am going to write a follow up blog post soon about my experience over the last few years. Is it ok? Hi Carolyn, this plant was a favorite in the 2011 Native & Deciduous Shrubs class at Longwood. I bought 2 at the Scott sale last year, one of the species and one Red Dragon. I love the open form, but I want to make sure there isnt anything wrong, such as a pest, disease, etc.which I cannot find any evidence of. Push a branch into the ground, stick a brick or stone on it, and one year later you will have a rooted plant to detach from the main much like an azalea. Denis Lucey is a customer of mine. Paperbush (Edgeworthia chrysantha) Id leave it be. I do occasionally have to water it in a dry summer and I have it situated so it is protected from winter winds. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. Carolyn. It is not supposed to be as hardy. It has a beautiful shape and form. I have had edgeworthias in the southeast US (7b/8) for over 20 years now and have never lost an Edgeworthia chrysantha, even during several true drought years, no matter where I planted them, nor have I lost the blooms in any year. Pingback: A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Stately Kitsch A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Design for the modern older home owner. . Cayuga White is one of the most productive and disease resistant varieties grown in New York and was Cornell University's first variety released specifically for winemaking. Anything is possible, especially with these mild winters. Happy Holidays, Carolyn. Edgeworthia is best in light to moderate shade, in soils with lots of organic matter. They all demand highly organic, fast-draining soil. I grow mine in an east-facing location with very high shade, but edgeworthias at the Scott Arboretum and Chanticleer are in the sun while Charles Cresson has a relatively old plant in full shade. This coming winter will be our 5th winter together. Any suggestions? I am not sure why your buds would freeze and mine wouldnt. Generally I stick with plants that are zone appropriate because of the maintenance aspects. If you are growing edgeworthia, please leave a comment describing your experience with it, especially if you are from an area north of the Delaware Valley. The first photo in the post of the Scott plant was taken in 2012 and the last picture in the post is of the same plant in 2006 so that gives you some idea. Nancy, You must have liked the post. Cuttings root easily in moist soil. Carolyn, Can I order for shipping 3 Edgeworthia chrisanthas from your nursery. It is now so largejust as wide as it is tallthat it will take 3 or 4 strong people to move it. I have never smelled it , though near our front door & have never seen it flower. What separates NC State University from other schools? And the blooms are the white (in my case) flowers early in the spring/late winter? I dont ship plants except snowdrops and miniature hosta. 3793. I have two Edgeworthia. I ordered the edgeworthia chrysantha from England. That said, Id run to buy one and not lose that year!!! Edgeworthia papyrifera paperbush A bushy deciduous shrub with very flexible shoots bearing rounded inflorescences 5cm across, composed of numerous small, lightly fragrant yellow flowers opening from hairy buds in late winter and early spring, before the narrowly oval leaves appear Other common names mitsumata paper bush Synonyms Perhaps it is similar ? Donna, Exotic is a good word for it, and it does engage the sense of touch with the silky buds. In Japan, the paper is used to make banknotes. If there are any left I would like to try one in southeast Michigan zone 6 (now changed from zone 5) and will grow it in a protected place, maybe in a area that Japanese maples would like. I have only seen three plants besides my two, and all three were in protected courtyard areas. Now about cold hardiness, I came upon an updated Europe hardiness zone showing I am in 7 bordering 8 but 6 is less than 50 miles away the zones in South East Europe are too narrow meabing extremities are not out of the quesrion. It appears to us that Edgeworthia chrysantha has a beefier appearance all around, with dense flower clusters and fat branches that hold flowers upright and don't droop. 0. edgeworthia varieties. The worst the plant will experience in drought is droopy sad leaves during the day. A south-facing wall is best for growing this shrub, which likes moist, rich soil. Les, I agree, edgeworthia is an A+ plant that needs to become better known. Most people celebrate daffodils as the harbingers By Wuttisit Somtui, Earth Point, Shutterstock. Native to China and the Himalayas, E. papyrifera has been used to make fine paper for eons. Just because you are zone 5B doesnt mean you dont have little pockets of zone 6. And the orange-flowered forms are about the same size and have the delicate branching of Edgeworthia papyrifera, but with beautiful reddish-orange flowers rather than pale yellow. Kathy, How exciting! I even did a radical pruning (you might say chopping) on a giant one that outgrew its space and then moved it to entirely different conditions (from part sun moist to bone dry shade) and darned if the thing isnt regrowing beautifully from the bottom up! Click here Mine is about 6 feet tall and the same around, it is in a moveable planter (which I do not movebut I would if we are hit with a hurricane or some other natural disaster), the planter is 4 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and 5 feet long, it is has yellow flowers, and it is gorgeous, but I have a concern. Clicking on the translation link activates a free translation service to convert the page to Spanish. Lee Lee, Thank you so much for your extensive comment. Edgeworthia chrysantha 'Red Dragon' (Paperbush), Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' (Golden Variegated Sweet Flag), Want Garden Inspiration? The previous commenter was intent on trying it in Michigan so I just told him what I would do if I wanted to grow a plant thats outside my zone. Thank you so much for your beautiful pictures and valuable information. 1 Names and Identifiers. Nakai belongs to Thymelaeaceae family, its alabastrum is used as the traditional Chinese medicine 'Buddleja Officinalis Maxim'. Happy Winter, Emily, I too find Edgeworthia to be a very hardy plant. Hank, I guess the edgeworthias were on a schedule of their own this year. I am going to give cultural information for edgeworthia with the caveat that I dont think the plant has been grown long enough for it to be definitive. Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. It is such a new plant that I dont feel that I can make any generalizations about where or how it grows. Commenters on my first post agree with Andrew's assessment. I cant imagine that it could grow in a pot. I only prune right after the flowers have faded. My day is complete! I have pruned one edgeworthia back to the ground when it became unstable on its large central stem on a slope (5-6 diameter) and it has sprouted and regrown beautifully. It now seems to be stabilizing, and most of it is as lovely as ever. Or daphne, since they are similar. 2 Related Taxonomies. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Whatever plant youre writing about I want to have it! Keep in touch. A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Stately Kitsch A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College | Design for the modern older home owner. Carolyn. I prefer edgeworthia shaped to a single stem, but have seen it grown multi-stemmed also. So I am encouraged to try an edgeworthia. WE are Zone 7B, [ a little colder than an 8 but not as cold as a true Zone 7 As to size, papyrifera may go well over 6x6 in time, as I have one that is there in 6 years (in half sun). It is not found in Bulgaria. In fall, the leaves drop to reveal a wonderfully structured plant that develops sweet-smelling winter flowers. I am in zone 8/7B/Adepending on the year and climate of the current season. Edgeworthia's flowers are a creamy yellow, tan, and white. Now, since roots have not developed yet, the leaves shrivel up in the afternoon if not watered every other day. Origin: Found in the woodlands of the Himalayas and China. While you might hate the thought of it being deciduous when the deep-green leaves have fallen the plant will take your breath away with its form and structure adorned with clusters of silver-sheened buds that you will treasure during the months leading up to the beginning of blooms in late winter. Make a cut just above a bud that faces outward. I would just take care to trench around the perimeter several weeks in advance to stimulate new roots to assist in the transplant process. Was surprised to see one at my favorite nursery and snatched it up. Photo: Andy Pulte. My 1990 edition of Michael Dirr's Manual of Woody Landscape Plants contains no mention of it, and it was not covered in my 1994 Longwood course, Deciduous Flowering Shrubs II. Will see how it does I have high hopes! It eventually reaches 7 feet high and wide and makes a nice stand-alone specimen or back-of-the-border choice. If you would like more information on edgeworthias, please read my more recent post, Edgworthia Update, and the very helpful reader comments, by clicking here.