Spike bucks may not be taken. (a) Pursuant to the provisions of sections 3080 and 3081(b) of the Fish and Game Code, game birds and game mammals taken by California Indians on reservations under those circumstances wherein the taking of such animals is excepted from the application of the California Fish and Game Code in accordance with the provisions of section 12300 of the Fish and Game Code may be transported off the reservation and possessed within this state subject to the following conditions: (1) A permit, in such form as shall be prescribed by the Department of Fish and Game, to transport the carcass of a game bird or mammal or parts thereof off a particular California Indian reservation shall first be obtained from tribal members designated by the tribal council of the reservation. Advertisement. Season: The archery deer season in Zone B-4 shall open on the fourth Saturday in July and extend for 23 consecutive days. 708.5. (c) No applicant shall earn more than one (1) preference point per species, per drawing, for use in future drawings. One part of the tag shall be immediately attached to the pelt and kept attached until it is tanned, dried or mounted. Zone C-2. (b) Pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 2003, it is unlawful to offer any prize or other inducement as a reward for the taking of furbearers in an individual contest, tournament, or derby. For tags that are valid for both an archery season and a general season, only the general season shall be considered for the calculation of the percentage of hunt season lost. (b) Information Required to Obtain a Permit. For the purposes of this section, harass is defined as an intentional act which disrupts an animal's normal behavior patterns, which includes, but is not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering. (7) Fort Hunter Liggett General Methods General Public Tule Elk Apprentice Hunt: (A) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(12)(A). (D) Any applicant who holds a junior hunting license for the license year for which they are applying, who has not used a first-deer license tag drawing application to apply for an additional apprentice hunt, may use a second-deer license tag drawing application to apply for an additional apprentice hunt tag issued by drawing as specified in sections 708.1 and 708.14. Access to private land may be restricted or require payment of an access fee. (5) Each year upon application, each applicant shall specify if the applicant is applying as an individual, a party leader or joining an existing party. Deer baiting has always been a controversial topic. A Colusa County ordinance prohibits firearms on land administered by the USDI Bureau of Reclamation in the vicinity of East Park Reservoir. 3. I prefer casseroles, Pizza, chicken wings and Mountain Dew. (C) Within the riparian vegetation zone, characterized by, but not limited to, willow, cottonwood, sycamore, salt cedar, cattail, bulrush and rushes, when found within the area defined in section 463(a) where the take of beaver is permitted. In that portion of Siskiyou County within a line beginning at the California-Oregon state line and its intersection with Interstate 5; south on Interstate 5 to Highway 97 at Weed; north and east on Highway 97 to the intersection with the California-Oregon state line; west on the California-Oregon state line to the point of beginning. No application is needed. Use of bait in Oregon is lawful. (3) Any person taking an elk which has a collar or other marking device attached to it shall provide the department with such marking device within 10 days of taking the elk. 257.5. 4. 18 Best Deer Baits and Attractants To Lure Bucks! (b) It is unlawful for any person to import, receive from out-of-state, or receive for sale, any bobcat pelt, or parts thereof that is not: (1) Marked with the current export or shipping tag from the state of origin. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. 2. In North Carolina, you can now hunt on private property within 500 yards of a residence owned by the hunter. 2. Thus, you can use both food based and scent-based attractants for hunting. Apprentice Hunt tagholders shall be accompanied by a nonhunting, licensed adult chaperon 18 years of age or older while hunting. Gray Fox. (2) Applicants shall be California residents or nonresidents, at least 12 years of age on or before July 1 of the license year for which they are applying. Deer Hotline. All shot shall be loose in the shell. 475. One the feed must be 100 yards from where you are or are hunting from and two the feed must not be within your line of sight due to natural vegetation. Possession of a firearm, archery gear, crossbow or other instrument capable of killing or capturing any animal is prohibited while training dogs, but such equipment may be transported to or from a campsite, transported to or from a residence or lawfully possessed by a person at a campsite provided all dogs are secured and under the control of the owner, agent or person training or transporting said dogs. (1) Every person who takes a bear shall immediately return the report card portion of the bear license tag, after having the tag countersigned as required in (c) above. (7) G-10 (Camp Pendleton Either-Sex Deer Hunt). (B) Season: The season in Zone X-3a shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 16 consecutive days. d. The department may designate the deer tag classification for any deer hunt that was not held in the previous year. What is not allowed is the use of bait in the North Bank Habitat Management Area. Source: (http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-18-Hunting-Trapping-Digest.pdf). The decision of the department in such respects shall be final and binding upon the tagholder. (1) All tag holders shall return their license tags to the department within one week after the close of the elk season, even though the tagholder may not have killed an elk. A-1 (C Zones Archery Only Hunt) tags are valid in Zones C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 only during the archery season as specified above in subsections 361(b)(1)(B)1. through 4. 354. Published on September 28, 2021 State law requires that 1. . (A)Area: Shall include all of Zones C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 (see subsections 360(a)(3)(A)1. through 4.). It is unlawful for any person to buy, sell, barter, or otherwise exchange for profit, or to offer to buy, sell, barter, or otherwise exchange for profit, the raw fur, as defined by Section 4005 of the Fish and Game Code, of any furbearing mammal or nongame mammal that was trapped in this state, with a body-gripping trap as described in subsection (c) above. The following attachments are parts of this permit application: Attachment A: Special Use Permits - Terms and Conditions (DFW 730a (REV. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 942442090, postmarked prior to May 1, 2022. (b) Live mountain lions may be possessed only under terms of a permit issued by the Department pursuant to section 2150 of the Fish and Game Code or if the owner can demonstrate that the mountain lion was in his/her possession on or before June 6, 1990 under a permit issued pursuant to section 3200 of said code. If the head is removed and not retained, evidence of sex in the form or udder or vulva must remain naturally attached. (This regulation supersedes Sections 4001 and 4002 of the Fish and Game Code.) Is deer attractantRead More (A) Area: Those portions of Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties within a line beginning at Highway 395 and the Kern-Inyo county line; east along the Kern-Inyo county line to the San Bernardino-Inyo county line; east along the San Bernardino-Inyo county line to Highway 127; north along Highway 127 to the California-Nevada state line; south along the California-Nevada state line to the California-Arizona state line; south along the California-Arizona state line to Interstate 40; Interstate 40 north to Needles; Highway 95 south to Highway 62; west on Highway 62 to Highway 247; northwest on Highway 247 to Highway 18; west on Highway 18 to Bear Valley Cutoff Road; west on Bear Valley Cutoff Road to Interstate 15; north on Interstate 15 to Highway 18; west on Highways 18 and 138 to Highway 14; north on Highways 14 and 395 to the point of beginning. It is also legal to hunt using bait on private lands in all counties South of the above-stated counties. (Portions of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo and Yuba counties. (p) Fort Hunter Liggett Special Conditions: (1) All tagholders hunting within the exterior boundaries of Fort Hunter Liggett will be required to attend a mandatory hunter orientation. (c) The following persons are authorized to countersign deer and elk tags. (3) Zone 3--Clark and Kingston Mountain Ranges: That portion of San Bernardino and Inyo counties beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 15 and California State Highway 127 in Baker; north on California State Highway 127 to the junction with Old Spanish Gentry Road at Tecopa; southeast on Old Spanish Gentry Road to the junction with Furnace Creek Road; southeast on Furnace Creek Road to the junction with Mesquite Valley Road; north on Mesquite Valley Road to Old Spanish Trail Highway; north and east on Old Spanish Trail Highway to California/Nevada state line; southeast on California/Nevada state line to the intersection with Interstate Highway 15; southwest on Interstate Highway 15 to the junction with California State Highway 127. For any person with a permanent disability, the permit is valid through the end of the license year. The only exception to this law is the hunting of quail on private lands. 708.7. 2022-2023 Mammal Hunting BOOKLET (PDF) (opens in new tab) (effective through June 2023) includes regulations for: hunting small and big game mammals; trapping furbearers (fox, badger, beaver and raccoon, etc. (A) Area: Shall include all of Zones C-1, C-2, C-3, and C-4 as described in subsections 360(a)(3)(A)1. through 4. It is illegal to use deer baits on all wildlife management areas. Placement of minerals for attracting big game is legal in North Carolina. (b) Antlerless Deer Defined. Bighorn Sheep License Tags, Application, Distribution and Reporting Procedures. (2) Three Dogs per Hunter Limitation for the Take of Wild Pigs. Shall open on the second Tuesday after the first Saturday in August and continue for 4 consecutive days. (b) Recorded or electrically amplified bird or mammal calls or sounds or recorded or electrically amplified imitations of bird or mammal calls or sounds may not be used to take any nongame bird or nongame mammal except coyotes, bobcats, American crows and starlings. Upon receiving a request for a permit, the department shall investigate the applicant's claim of damage and shall be satisfied that damage has occurred or is immediately threatened before issuing a permit. (D) Number of Tags: 8,150. Tags shall be issued upon request to second-deer license tag applicants until the tag quota for the hunt is filled. (9) Successful applicants and a list of alternates for each zone shall be determined by drawing within 10 business days following the application deadline date. (A) Area: As described in subsection 360(b)(4)(A). (2) Unsuccessful deer tag holders, whether they hunted or not, are required to report no harvest by January 31 annually. The Honey Lake Wildlife Area shall not be open to antelope apprentice hunt tag holders. The seals shall be issued only from the Sacramento office of the Department of Fish and Game. The receipt shall contain the customers name and permanent identification number, proof of entry into the big game drawing for the license year, hunt choices for each species, accumulated preference points for each species, and Party Identification Number. 708.10. Statewide Youth Day - Private Lands. (e) For party applications, the department shall use the average preference point value of all party members (total preference points for the party divided by number of party members) as the basis for consideration in the drawing for that species. Tags shall not be transferable and are valid only in the zone or zones specified. Source: https://tpwd.texas.gov/regulations/outdoor-annual/hunting/general-regulations/means-and-methods), Unlike all the other state I have discussed above, Utah has never had regulations on deer baiting. http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17GAHD-LR2.pdf, If you are thinking of using bait to hunt in Idaho, you better re-think that plan. (b) Crossbow, as used in these regulations means any device consisting of a bow or cured latex band or other flexible material (commonly referred to as a linear bow) affixed to a stock, or any bow that utilizes any device attached directly or indirectly to the bow for the purpose of keeping a crossbow bolt, an arrow or the string in a firing position. (C) The tagholder shall surrender his license tag to an employee of the department for any of the following reasons: 1. In North Carolina, it is legal to bait deer during deer season, but it is illegal to bait bear or wild turkey. (8) Tinemaha Mountain General Methods Tule Elk Hunt: (A) Area: In that portion of Inyo County with a line beginning at the intersection of Glacier Lodge Road (9S21) and McMurray Meadow Road (9S03); south on McMurray Meadow Road to Tinemaha Creek; west along Tinemaha Creek to the Inyo County line; north and west along the Inyo County line to the southeast corner of Section 23, Township 10S, Range 32E; north along the eastern boundaries of sections 23, 14, 11, 2, Township 10S, Range 32E, and the eastern boundary of Section 36, Township 9S, Range 32E to Glacier Lodge Road; east along Glacier Lodge Road to the beginning. (A) Area: In that portion of Tehama County within the area described as zone C-4 (see subsection 360(a)(3)(A)4.). The archery season for Zone C-4 shall open on the third Saturday in August and extend for 16 consecutive days. (A) Area: In those portions of Lassen, Modoc, Shasta and Siskiyou counties within a line beginning at the California-Oregon state line and its intersection with Highway 139; south on Highway 139 to the Lookout-Hackamore Road; south on the Lookout-Hackamore Road to Highway 299; west on Highway 299 to the Pit River near Bieber; south and west on the Pit River to Highway 89 at Lake Britton; northwest on Highway 89 to Interstate 5 at Mt. 1. However, the Tennessee Wildlife Regulations Agency has made things clear. Urban deer hunting properties are used to lower the deer population around populated areas. (16) Lake Pillsbury General Methods Tule Elk Hunt: (A) Area: in those portions of Lake County within a line beginning at the junction of the Glenn-Lake County line and the Mendocino County line; south and west along the Mendocino-Lake County line to Highway 20; southeast on Highway 20 to the intersection of Bartlett Springs Road; north and east along Bartlett Springs Road to the intersection of Forest Route M5; northwest on Forest Route M5 to the Colusa-Lake County Line; northwest and east on the Colusa-Lake County Line to the junction of the Glenn-Colusa County Line and the Lake-Glenn County Line; north and west on the Lake-Glenn County Line to the point of beginning. A harvest report card returned by mail shall be postmarked by the date applicable to that card as specified in this section. Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(a)(3)(A). According to the laws, use of bait to hunt deer is illegal between June 1 and December 15. The law allows hunters to use deer baits on private land between September 1 and December 31. (42) J-20 (Zone X-7b Apprentice Either-Sex Deer Hunt). The department shall certify or reject the request within 60 business days of receipt. This state allows hunters to have two deer tags each season. According to the laws, it is illegal for you to try and use any kind of bait when hunting deer or any other animal. Season: The archery season in Zone D-12 shall open on the first Saturday in October and extend for 23 consecutive days. The bag and possession limit is five bobcats per season. (b) Use of Guides: Any holder of a bear license tag who utilizes the services of a guide or guides shall verify that the guide is in possession of a valid guide's license and shall place the guide's license number on the bear license tag in the space provided. (2) The possession of a projectile containing lead in excess of the amount allowed in subsection (b)(4) without possessing a firearm capable of firing the projectile is not a violation of this section. Refer to subsection 363 (b)(5) for special conditions for permission to enter and hunt pronghorn antelope in the Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The following definitions shall apply: (1) A softnose or expanding projectile is a bullet designed to increase from its original diameter, commonly referred to as "mushrooming", and retain a significant part of its original weight upon impact with, or when passing through the tissues of an animal. The same cannot be said when it comes to public lands. Yes Thats current and you are absolutely right, Are food plots for deer legal in California. (a) Areas: Those portions of the state as described in subsection 365(a). (A) Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(d)(9)(A). Diablo Scenic Boulevard, south on Mt. On the other hand, the remaining 28 states do not allow deer baiting. (a) Forked-Horn Buck Defined. It is; however, legal to use mineral blocks and artificial scents such as urine. As of 2017, it is now illegal to use scent-based deer lures made from deer or elk urine. 5. (a) The following nongame birds and mammals may be taken at any time of the year and in any number except as prohibited in Chapter 6: English sparrow, starling, domestic pigeon (. Area: As described in subsection 360(a)(13)(A), (15)(A), (16)(A) and (17)(A), respectively. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt M-7 (Ventura Muzzleloading Rifle Either-Sex Deer Hunt) shall open on the last Saturday in November and extend for 16 consecutive days. In Wisconsin, there are those counties where baiting is allowed, and there are those where the practice is not. Nothing on this website should be considered legal advice. Shall open on the third Saturday in November and continue for 9 consecutive days. Anchor chains must be attached to the center of the padded trap, rather than the side. (37) J-15 (Anderson Flat Apprentice Buck Hunt). A pile of corn on the ground isn't exactly a station. (b) Distribution of pronghorn antelope license. (D) The licensee shall notify the Department, at the regional office having responsibility for the area where the licensee intends to hunt, at least 48 hours prior to hunting or contact the department's 24-hour dispatcher at the number indicated on the license. Jack Rabbits, Black-Tailed and White-Tailed. Incidental feeding of wildlife within active livestock farming areas is not considered baiting. This also applies to the game you are hunting. Special Conditions: Hunters that possess a Zone D-3-5 tag may hunt in zones D-3, D-4, and D-5. A Disabled Archer Permit for a permit holder with a temporary disability that ends prior to the end of the license year is valid only through the date specified by his/her physician. (1) G-1 (Late Season Buck Hunt for Zone C-4). If the deadline to claim the tag falls on a weekend or holiday the applicant can claim the tag until the close of business on the first state business day following the deadline. (3) Applicants shall be California residents or nonresidents, at least 16 years of age on or before July 1 of the license year for which they are applying. (25) MA-3 (Santa Barbara Muzzleloading Rifle/Archery Buck Hunt). (C) Only persons possessing valid junior hunting licenses may apply for Apprentice Hunt license tags. Similar to Idaho, Illinois has a pretty tough stand on deer baiting. (2) When used by the landowner or tenant of private property to drive or herd game mammals for the purpose of preventing damage to private property. In the event the Commanding Officer cancels the hunt, J-10 tagholders may exchange the unused tag for any remaining deer tag and have accumulated and earned preference points restored pursuant to Section 708.14. As per the TWRA no person is allowed to use bait for purposes of hunting wildlife. (B) Season: The season in Zone D-8 shall open on the fourth Saturday in September and extend for 30 consecutive days. In addition to this, it is also not allowed to hunt over bait in all U.S. http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/17LAHD-LR2.pdf, http://www.maine.gov/ifw/hunting-trapping/hunting-laws/deer-hunting.html#prohibitions, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17MDHD-LR5.pdf, https://www.mass.gov/service-details/deer-hunting-regulations, https://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-350-79136_79772_79773_83479,00.html, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/full_regs.pdf, https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/hunting-trapping/species/deer/regulations, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/17NVHD_LR2.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/17NHHD_LR_31.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/deer-guide.pdf) and (https://gf.nd.gov/regulations/deer, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17OHHD.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/17ORHD_LR3.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-18-Hunting-Trapping-Digest.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/17SCAB-LR.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/huntinghandbook.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/huntguide.pdf, https://tpwd.texas.gov/regulations/outdoor-annual/hunting/general-regulations/means-and-methods, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/17VAHD-Final_LR-3.pdf, http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/2017-18_Hunting_Regs.pdf), outdoorever.com/author/hunting-with-lake/. The deer baiting laws in Louisiana are pretty straightforward. Thus, contrary to what you might have heard, deer baiting is still illegal. (A) Area: That portion of Lassen County lying within the following line: Beginning at the junction of Highway 395 and the Clarks Valley-Red Rock-Tuledad Road (Lassen County Roads 506, 510 and 512); east on the Clarks Valley-Red Rock-Tuledad Road to the California-Nevada state line; south on the California-Nevada state line to the Pyramid Lake Road (Lassen County 320); west on the Pyramid Lake Road to Highway 395; north on Highway 395 to the point of beginning. The department may only refund deer tag license fees under the following provisions: (1) The difference between the fee paid for a nonresident deer license tag application and a resident deer license tag application may be refunded for any nonresident deer tag application for which a deer tag was not issued. (B) Season: The season for additional hunt G-37 (Anderson Flat Buck Hunt) shall open on the fourth Saturday in November and extend for nine consecutive days. The take or attempted take of any furbearing mammal with a firearm shall be in accordance with the use of nonlead projectiles and ammunition pursuant to Section 250.1. Area: The tag shall be valid in the area described in subsection 364(a)(2)(A). 1. Shall open on the first Wednesday in September and continue for 23 consecutive days. (j) Any applicant who was drawn for the applicants first deer tag choice in the big game drawing (becoming a tag holder) and cannot hunt for any reason may return their unfilled tag and submit a written request to retain their accumulated preference point total and earn one preference point for deer for that license year.