I was really into reading, learning, composing, learning other instruments, playing in various bands, and even athletics. Lyrical etudes give us a chance to work on our musicality, tone quality, intonation, and more. endobj endobj Sleeping is when the brain consolidates memories and improves your fine motor skills you just spent all that time practicing. Muscles fatigue. The popularity of this book confuses me. These things shouldn’t be discarded when playing technical things, but they often are. Scales can’t just be memorized; they must be internalized. The technical etudes in those books put together the technique that was learned separately into an etude. stream /CSp /DeviceRGB /Length 11 0 R I completely subscribe to it. Practice what your teacher tells you to practice. This article is what I wish I had available to me back then. I can’t remember who it was, but my guess is that they were a student of Sam Pilafian. Did you follow the numbers or did you get lazy and treat 5,6,7 as roughly the same? If you’re uncomfortable counting a mixed 7/8 + 4/4 where the eighth stays the same, find a study that does that a lot. I could have just as easily used a technique book written for fourth graders. They look like things you’ve played fine a million times. 12 0 obj Scales absolutely must be worked on to a point, but I think they are a bit overemphasized in the music world in general. Don’t get me wrong. b? This article contains far more practice material than one could reasonably jam into a single practice regimen. This isn’t good. So, if you’re at the point where someone says: play D major, and you think: okay, that’s two sharps, F-sharp, and, let’s see…C-sharp, so D, E, F-sharp, etc. You should understand why you’re doing each thing. This is so much more important than speed. /CA 1.0 This is the easier one to talk about. Second, it’s part of the internalizing process of playing in various keys. This is why I do not recommend just plowing through all of the first set and then moving on to the next. You should know what you’re going to practice before you start. Deep breath exercises to increase lung capacity. I spent a few weeks trying to do this to perfect my “basics.” It was quite useful. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Those practice sessions consisted of warming up, running through a Rochut etude for the week, and then running through whatever solo material I had. /Parent 3 0 R I was so impressed with the results that I bought the book. 5 0 obj I used to create big grids on a sheet of paper. /XObject << /Font << /PCSp 5 0 R Back then, laptops and tablets weren’t really a thing. /CreationDate (D:20160824171339) First, it’s getting these common patterns under your fingers to be clean and even. Comments (-1) Bells Scale Sheet. So, even some band standards require fast scales. Also, they’re nothing special. Major Scales in Thirds? Never go faster until it is perfectly even and clean. Some people think playing through “easy” lyrical music is easy and not worthy of practice time. Baritone Sax. I know this sounds paradoxical, but resting and taking breaks is when you learn the most. That was it. It’s probably a good idea to start this book before finishing the above “Scales” section. Feel the natural agogic stress and make conscious musical decisions about how heavily to draw them out. When a piece of music in G-flat major is placed in front of me, I’m not really thinking about the key at all. Yet when you try to actually execute it, even at a relatively slow tempo, it comes out a gabled mess. 10 Unconventional Tips for Music Auditions, 5 Steps to Playing in Tune (the hard way). Were my attacks all focused and the same? 4 0 obj After you work them out, they need rest to recover and grow stronger. I’d then fill in the grid with how fast I got each one so I could check when I came back to the key if I could push it faster. endobj But that’s definitely not the intent of this book. It’s been internalized. You never know when an audition or performance opportunity will require you to quickly get one of those in shape. I’m going to take a slightly contrarian view here. Filling that much time seemed inconceivable. The best use of Arban, in my opinion, is to learn the characteristic studies and a few of the solos at the back. 10 0 obj /F9 9 0 R << /Pages 3 0 R If it’s so important, why does no one practice it? There’s a hundred musical things to be thinking about, and it’s important to practice these ahead of time. Working too hard with too little rest will only make you improve slower. x��}K�%9��>�Y�h��a`�=c����1�ccp�pc���G�C��PD^/�%㓂�(�b����?^���^��o�������훚TP���^3b6�������߾���_������o����)â��KJ�WTq��D�̓R�k E���a������O������O�_Y�~���~ ������F?$5yR�����$��?�~��o>O6�`Kǿ����Ҏ6:4=8�����4BW�o�ѧIG]��3*'��Zr�������i�ܑ�o"�Ƙ���cz*�ߺO�m���~��M�'����I���?K;\��vo�gis��ʵ�?H;�D�Z�F,�ٖe�8���X� ��V�O�:ja�}�c��Z�oz��>-�m���0:��۟��7���D�חy������L�@֝�z�R��^�o��\ʆhf)&�I�Z��h�el2�e.

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