reclaimed pavement lights
Copyright ©2020 New Age Glass Limited. Sign up to the UKAA mailing list and we’ll send you details of any new stock that may interest you, so you don’t miss out.
• We still make bespoke cast iron Pavement Lights 777670000.
• We need the overall dimensions as well as details of any design embellishments required. Cookies are small bits of information that we place on your computer. .
We also do landscaping, weeping tile and waterproofing, concrete work, light excavation and demo, post hole drilling and so much more.
For more info please contact our Technical Department on 01243 790414 or email your enquiry to
In the case of a Pavement Light with less overall depth, the amount of taper will not affect greatly the amount of light allowed through.
The Victorians knew the value of using natural light to illuminate basements and pavement lights were the answer. The glass lenses are fitted into the cast iron frame using double sided adhesive tape used in the manufacture of modern double glazing units.
Victorian Cast Iron Pavement Lights Next time you pass a local Pub or when walking through your City's streets, look down and you will probably see one of these old Victorian cast iron pavement lights.
Undercutting occurs if, when lifting the pattern out, sand gets trapped and breaks or damages the mould. Any waste or excess iron is then recycled and re-used for future castings. What do we need? This kind of decoration is added at the Pattern making stage.
Cast Iron Pavement Light Refurbishment London, Hayward Brothers Cast Iron Pavement Light Refurbishment, Weighouse Street Cast Iron Pavement Lights, Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement.
As a rule of thumb, if the overall depth of the casting is up to two inches (50mm) we can make a single piece flat back mould from the pattern. The casting is then ready to be primed, painted and have the glass lenses fitted. • It is important to decide on the size of the glass lenses as soon as possible
Our buyer buys remotely from your pictures and descriptions - then our driver collects and pays for the goods, therefore the buyer needs sufficient information so that he can make a decision without physically seeing the items. There are many factors critical to making any pattern, but in the case of Pavement Lights probably the most important detail is the size of the glass lenses.
We enjoy working closely with our customers who can always pick up the phone and speak to an expert about their project.
Manufacturing and delivering ALL of our products safely, Hayward Brothers Cast Iron Pavement Light, In 1857 Hayward Brothers started to produce cast iron pavement lights glazed with rough cast glass, They originally started 1848 with their main products being ironwork: ranges, stoves, coal plates, circular and spiral staircases, and ventilators, Designed to light up basements and cellars, We have tested the glass and it all appears to be water tight - However we can’t guarantee. • Samples of originals, even if broken or badly damaged can still be helpful to us. To find out more about our use of cookies and your privacy please read our Privacy Policy.
There are many factors critical to making any pattern, but in the case of Pavement Lights probably the most important detail is the size of the glass lenses.
Also, in this day and age, since Mr. Health was introduced to Mr. Safety, it is common to add non-slip ridges. 3553820.
The process is finished by brushing fine, kiln dried silicon sand mixed with cement into the edges and covering with a fine mist of water to cure. New Age Glass Ltd were contracted to manufacture 27nr T2 cast iron pavement lights fully glazed and installed…, New Age Glass Limited completed to removal of 60no damaged 4"x3" glass lens inserts set within an old…, We were requested to Supply & Install 2nr new Victorian Cast Iron Pavementlights fully glazed with…, We took in 2no very worn and tired looking Cast Iron Pavement Lights from a lovely Chap in East London.…, Another quality refubishment of an early 1900s Hayward Brothers Cast Iron Pavement Light, as you can…, New Age Glass Limited were pleased to receive the order for providing tooling for 1no cast-iron mould….
Nov 30, 2011 - Old reclaimed pavement lights - originally set into the floor. Next time you pass a local Pub or when walking through your City's streets, look down and you will probably see one of these old Victorian cast iron pavement lights.
Due to their age, the majority of these Victorian pavement lights are now in need of repair or replacement. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). Pavement Lights often carry makers or customer names, sometimes dates etc. Fitting the lenses Finished Pavement Light All the contact details are shown at the bottom of this blog.
We also need to know the overall dimensions, metal thickness required and any decoration or wording required before the pattern can be made. Details of pattern This can have an effect on the cost as there is twice as much work in a two part mould. Registered in England & Wales No. When the casting is broken out of the mould it needs to be fettled.
Our speciality is making cast iron products, and whether these products are for engineers, artists or architects, the processes are still the same.
We offer complete reseal and re mastic services to prevent water ingress to the basement and make your pavement lights water tight. Letters and numbers in standard fonts can be attached to the pattern.
EXC VAT The Victorians knew the value of using natural light to illuminate basements and …
Our buyer is not office based - please note our sales staff cannot provided telephone valuations. There is a common misconception that nobody makes certain products any longer. If you continue to browse this site, you consent to the use of cookies. The surface of the mould is lined with a refractory paint to protect it from the initial inflow of hot iron. On site cast iron refurbishment in Kensington, West London. (You can find out more about mould making here Ask about a recycled asphalt driveway as an ecconomical and durable choice next to gravel or crushed rock. In this case a single, flat backed mould will do the job.
Making the Sand Mould Where the overall depth is greater than two inches (50mm) the amount of taper will limit how much light can get through.
We can’t make a pattern until we know which lenses need to be fitted.
We are specialist fixers installing and replacing pavement Lights.
Another factor that effects how we make a Pavement Light is the overall metal thickness required.
Even where an old pavement light has been damaged, corroded or broken we can usually work out precisely what the finished casting needs to look like and therefore how to make the pattern. Completed mould coated with refractory paint document.getElementById("spnEmail").innerHTML = rot13('
Ref: 8100 Hayward Brothers Patent Cast Iron Pavement Light Known as the Pludelux In 1857 Hayward Brothers started to produce cast iron pavement lights glazed with rough cast glass This measures 60" Long x 28 ¾" Wide Give Nick a call for a free estimate.
Bespoke sizes are available but these will cost more.
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Although not as common on our streets as they used to be, we still get orders for these and still make them. Given cast iron's place in history many of our architectural castings are for restoration or heritage projects, although we do get some new or original designs to work on.
Hargreaves Foundry has been developing pavement lights suitable for use in pedestrian areas. We have continually worked through Covid-19, We have continually worked through Covid-19 -
Once the iron has been poured in at 1,360°centigrade, it is left to cool and then broken out of the mould.
This was not usually the practice on originals, but something we can easily do.
Pavement lights glass replacement The reason for the difference in the moulding is to do with taper and the amount of light allowed through the Pavement Light. Pattern Ramming Up’ the mould around the pattern
This can vary but is often subject to location and the load bearing requirements.
Please enter your email address and password below. Pavement Lights are a key architectural feature of a building, new or old, allowing natural light into what could otherwise be a dark, uninviting cellar. Fettling is a foundry process that involves shot blasting any sand residue left from the mould off the casting and grinding off any extraneous metal, joint lines etc. To talk about your project, contact Andy Knight, Foundry Manager at Tel: 01422 399111 (You can find out more about pattern making here Damaged originals Finishing
With our UK based manufacturing, New Age Glass provides heritage areas and listed buildings with the opportunity to replace Old Cast Iron with New Cast Iron. New Age Glass Ltd has invested in the necessary tooling and expertise in the manufacture of these original Victorian Cast Iron Pavement Lights. All the sand is recycled and the pattern is available to make more moulds if required. Contact us via Linkedin or Twitter or speak to Andy on Twitter.
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