rainbow moss plant
Houseplants forum: Rainbow moss care.
I don’t do much to it and I am always pleased with the way it looks! Rainbow Moss. If the container is exposed to sunlight, make sure the other plants will shade the fern during the brightest hours. Join me for fresh nonsense and garden tips! If the soil is moist, the culprit may be too much fertilizer. I've had this rainbow loss in very low light and it started to yellow a bit. Originating in China, Rainbow Fern or Rainbow Moss, Selaginellaceae uncinata, is also known as Peacock Fern, Peacock Moss, Peacock Spikemoss, or Blue Spikemoss. An ideal indoor growing environment is a terrarium.
It is a perennial evergreen that forms a dense mat of tiny, almost papery iridescent blue-green leaves with touches of red and orange. You must be giving it all the right care – it is pretty good size – of course I say that, but I have no idea how big it was when you purchased it.
–Linda, I hope you can find a new rainbow/peacock fern/moss/club moss whatever. The individual plants are usually composed of simple leaves that are generally only one cell thick, attached to a stem that may be branched or unbranched and has only a limited role in conducting water and nutrients. All that rain has kept it alive as it is at the edge of the porch roof. Miss Kim – It is slightly bigger and has more streamers than when I bought it. I am also in love with something called rainbow fern, but it is different to yours. The invasive possibility has kept me from growing it in anything but a ceramic pot because I’ve had aggressive plants that were fine for years and suddenly spread over a wide area. Yours is a beautiful plant. Thank you for providing so much information about it.
Privacy Policy and BB. Selaginella uncinata. I was walking on one side of my brother’s house (this is a family compound) where it looked like a mushroom farm — the kind that look like umbrellas. I never thought of the plant reaching out to me. This might be because my Siamese sleeps in the pot at night to keep himself above predators (the pot is on a plant stand). After studying botany and microbiology at Clemson University, Blackstone was a University of Georgia Master Gardener Coordinator. I am laughing out loud about your cat. Been an avid wildflower “hunter” and “preserver” for decades now, and gardening and cats are my two main purposes in life now – Fiona, Fiona – I live in Northeast Florida, Zone 9A.
Please advise as I don’t want to lose this beauty. A light fertilizer application once a week from spring to fall is sometimes recommended but I never got around to it.
Catmint – I noticed your Rainbow Fern and thought it looked a lot like ferns we have under different names. If you place the hanging basket inside your bathroom away from a heat vent, this may provide the humidity that rainbow moss requires. Thank you in advance for a speedy response!! So to grow a healthy peacock fern, put those two cultural needs at the top of your must-have list, and it will dazzle you and have your garden guests asking, "What kind of plant is that?". , I have always called mine a peacock fern. Every week see the 10 best gardening photos to inspire your gardening projects. I careened around corners like a cartoon character until that Rainbow Fern was safely in my buggy. Although some …
CSU Channel Islands Native Plants: Spike Moss.
Also called peacock moss, rainbow moss is so-called because its metallic blue-green foliage is accented with beautiful shades … Then if you kill one, you still have a spare, maybe two. Thank you You see it. I am laughing out loud about wanting to kill your cat! Other uses for it: alpine and rock gardens, waterside gardens. It is August 2020 and I just now found your post about “rainbow fern”.
My recommendation? I know what you mean, wink.
You need only a few materials and a wee bit of time. Apparently, the 700 species of the genus Selaginella can have 3 or more different names for each species. To receive new post notifications, enter your email address below. Selaginella plants are very diverse in their size and in the ways they grow.
My friend at Deb’s Garden planted hers in the ground, in her woodland garden, in 2015. I have 7. Also, my blog’s header photo is from my very first Rainbow Fern.
Tootles, You are too funny. I expect the flea market lady rooted them herself. Priss – There you go trashin’ my reputation again. My only reason for rooting it is to be able to share it.
I discovered my first Rainbow Fern at a local arts festival.
Thanks for the tip on my nibs&ink blog about how to *outsmart* the blogger template. I don’t know where the farmer’s market seller got hers but she seemed to have no shortage – but they are tiny cuttings, all perhaps from one plant.
Or do they really like to be set back from direct sunlight? Is this going to be too much light? Its foliage will often turn reddish over the winter. I made this rainbow moss art to showcase some of the colors the moss comes in, but you can lay it out in any pattern or color combination that you like. I was trying to find out if this is a native fern/fern ally. I had guests last night for the Super Bowl and they all found great humor in the towel I bought in honor of you. Some Selaginellas are native to Florida with great drought tolerance and ability to withstand the sun but the Selaginellas most often cultivated are those from Africa and China. It was comical. Gypsy – You keep yours outside or inside? I thought originally that they required very little light but today I read they require medium indirect light, mist, and damp soil so I moved it. The soil should stay consistently moist, which means you may need to water your plant often during the extreme heat of summer. I could see there was only one which prompted me to punch the gas on the buggy. They are easy to root if you keep it moist. It otherwise looks healthy, I think.
They keep destroying the catnip seedlings and rolling over all the other annuals in my garden beds. I keep mine on the covered porch but move it to the greenhouse for the winter. This is gorgeous! It performs so much better than the Knock Out roses that I dug ’em up and threw ’em out. Impressive propagation. Indeed I’ve read your response – thank you so much! The fern-like foliage is at its most brilliant when the new growth emerges in spring. If you notice that your peacock fern is turning yellow, check to see if the soil is too dry.
My first efforts to photograph it were not up to my standards so I will try again but it has been raining every day. I've had it for a couple of months. Even though these other mossy designations more accurately fit this plant botanically, they define a class of plants that are not true mosses but classified instead as "fern allies."
The acquisition of my second Rainbow Fern was like a scene out of a sappy romance movie. Fiona — If you return to look for this reply, I hope you’ll come back another month from now. Because of a lot of research confusion over butterfly vine (for an article I wrote for the Mandarin Garden Club’s website), I’m going to pay much closer attention to scientific names. Indie – What an interesting perspective. It is okay for the top surface of the soil to get almost dry or slightly damp. Selaginella is commonly used in terrariums where the air and soil are constantly damp. Originating in China, Rainbow Fern or Rainbow Moss, Selaginellaceae uncinata, is also known as Peacock Fern, Peacock Moss, Peacock Spikemoss, or Blue Spikemoss. I have killed two of them and they are hard to find. Other than its common names, you may also find Selaginella uncinata called "spike moss" or "club moss."
Years ago, I was a member of the Mandarin Garden Club and one of their lovely ladies gave me a 6″ sprig of a Louis Philippe (sp.?) The RFs just will not tolerate drying out. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/root-bound-symptoms.htm.
Peacock fern will root as it creeps along the ground, so it can be divided frequently and replanted without any harm to the original plant.
I am currently without a Rainbow Fern.
Peacock fern is not a drought-tolerant plant. A couple of the tendrils were dried up but the rest were fine. Linda – beautiful plant, I can see your attraction to it. Kathy. Do you think it’s alright to have my rainbow moss in an east window?
I bought a tiny terrarium with one in it, at a farmer’s market in western NC mountains.
This plant can be burned by too much fertilizer or fertilizer that’s applied too often. Sheesh. I know mine is not rootbound because half the pot has no growth above the dirt. Making moss wall art couldn’t be easier. I hear you about the mushrooms. When it is love at first sight, there is no stopping us! I live on a 2-acre family compound on a rural route amidst some curious neighbors, all kinds of wild critters, and have many odd adventures in dirt (Zone 9a, Duval County, FL).
Please help as I'm getting very frustrated as what to do about all the yellowing!! Kathy – You will have to experiment with the east window based on the color you want the rainbow fern to be. When the warm temperatures in spring prompt new growth, fertilize with a water-soluble fertilizer that’s diluted to half-strength and do a second application in midsummer. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
See Atlas of Florida Plants. If you’re growing plants as a ground cover, space each plant 18 inches from the next one. It seems they aren’t really mosses or ferns but Fern-Allies and share a similar reproductive pattern of no flowers, fruits or seeds, just inconspicuous “seed cones” filled with both microspores (sperm) and megaspores (egg). Much of it tickles my funny bone. Hi Ms. Southern Rural Route!
Gain access to free articles, tips, ideas, pictures and everything gardening, .
I like the blue tone. Mosses, or the taxonomic division Bryophyta, are small, non-vascular flowerless plants that typically form dense green clumps or mats, often in damp or shady locations. First identified as a Rainbow Fern, rather than any of the other common names attached to it, means it will always be a Rainbow Fern to me. Skye3 Nov 6, 2018 6:23 PM CST. He is one of two beloved cats but at that moment I thought about killing him. Use peacock fern in a hanging basket under a porch roof or to cover up the bare soil in outdoor containers of shade-loving plants, such as alocasias and begonias. I just bought my first one this morning at a hardware store. Many can be found growing wild in tropical America, Asia, China, Japan, North America, Mexico, South Africa and Australia. No need to tell me about the daily rain – the only things thriving in my garden this year are mushrooms.
It is totally trouble-free, unlike most roses. No to repotting .. no to pebbles. I was in Wal-Mart wheeling a buggy around the bedding plant section when I saw it hanging across the room. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { Really unexpected but welcome surprise.
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