They are also also very RESPECTFUL, positive, and constructive. I would advise anyone considering to give money to Child Fund to support an organization that not only helps children through means of food, water and shelter, but most importantly it preaches the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The situation is stupid, but if the pope allowed them to be educated about sex in the first place they wouldn’t be in this mess. C’mon man!!. Steven, your post is just sickening. The name was changed to discourage discrimination. It shouldn’t even cost $10 dollars to send the money which means any gift over 50 dollars means there making money with the 20% fee. HELP PROTECT CHILDREN FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASE. no, they wouldn’t IF they actually cared they would provide water wells and decent food and education for those people. Did you try speaking to someone about it? If you can’t see that this is dehumanizing and derogatory, then nothing else can be said. Number One for Internet Marketing. I’d rather they pocket 25% and the rest go to a child that has no other hope, than not do anything about it. ChildFund Australia is an independent and non-religious international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities. so it’s ridiculous that individuals donate to people that feed off of other people’s weakness. These children are facing a daily reality that is devastating and heartbreaking: find food, or go hungry. Here is how to get saved from your sins; ChildFund Australia is an affiliate of the ChildFund Alliance. Yes it is true we have people here in the USA that need our help but the fact that children here in the USA are also part of this program. How about they be allowed to be educated to have safe sex and understand why they keep having kids. It makes you wonder how much it would be to just send the money directly to the child disregarding the charity completely, but I have a feeling a tax write off for donating is more important to alot of contributors. One can only hope that someday you will become more enlightened. Screw all the poor countries, we do not need to help stupid people. Do you really think that the 80% of your donation can’t cover some of that instead of just one cow? Yours Sincerely, truth is it all goes to the suits; CEOs and the like. answer, this BUSINESS wants to maintain a full wallet. ; there will be human children dying like animals. Dark is a mild term for such a heart, purely evil is what it is. We met Anne Goddard, president of Childfund, in person a couple of months ago, at which time she explained the name change and it’s purpose. It certainly doesn’t sound like the author speaks from any first-hand knowledge. […] This is the concluding post of the PBH series Choose Another Charity, comprised of 3 articles on the Salvation Army, MADD, and ChildFund. Watch this video and get saved from your sins. Our child-focused appeals achieve measurable change for children in poverty around the world. It makes a difference in my life to know I can reach out with my heart and touch anothers soul and share this gift of life and love in giving. Its a dark soul. Every child needs a childhood. What We Think Obama Does Vs. What He Actually Does,“bill-o’reilly-has-left-the-human-race”/,, carpet cleaning and pest control Parklands, project management and green building Gauteng, recovery services and roadside assistance Boksburg, karoo cladding and slate tiles North West Province, how to lose weight healthy Cleveland and weight loss programs Teeside, Here is the info on how to lose weight fast, Three Charities That Don't Deserve Your Money - Prose Before Hos, dalyan villas, dalyan villa rental, dalyan holiday villas, Glenn Beck Called For Liberal Assassinations In June 2010, The Real Native Takes On Anti-Immigration Zealots, The 7 Most Ridiculously Stylish Dictators. Make a donation today to help children where it is needed most. And why have millions died of starvation. Melancholy piano music tinkles in the background while middle-class guilt is triggered nationwide. Your support can save and change lives. How do I get this resolved? these rural orphan children and old-aged persons. Still help but diretly to the place. I know the truth about how these organizations works as to have been in a 3rd world country. the group is feeding children and helping make the world a better place and then there are worthless assholes like you who. hope the money got there since I had use the Copaiba on my soaps from the Rain Forest It’s one or the other–you’re either too stupid to realize that that’s exactly what your attitude does, or you consciously want more suffering children in the world. ChildFund Australia is an independent and non-religious international development organisation that works to reduce poverty for children in developing communities.

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