Hi, Salamasina was the first queen of Samoa is still the only women to hold four titles of Samoa, that is Tui Atua ,Tui Aana and two titles ,the Gatoaitele and Tamasoali'i whic belong to the Malietoa ,Salamasinas fahter is Tui Aana her father was Tui Tonga , Her great great grandfather was Malietoa. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) SamoanMythology.net, All right reserved. It was also argued that the customary practice called toe o le uso, the right of the remaining brother, should have been followed (Keesing 1934:63) as set forth by the example of the Vaiinup-to-Taimalelagi (brother to younger brother) succession. Fasitootai, ma Sagafili sa . My mothers maiden name is Burgess, which is also from an Englishman who married into the Samoan lines. Taofimalo married [Tevaga Akalemo Filipo] of Lealatele. (Note: here Brother Henry explains, In those times it was not a rare occurrence that a high chief lived with two or more wives. We didnt know anything about him until a lady in Springville, Utah, told us her great grandfather was a missionary with my great grandfather and he wrote in his journal about him. These volcanic islands are located north of New Zealand and near Fiji and Tonga. autogena gafa soldadura zellner maquitodo proteccion electronic document by Government of American Samoa. In 1878, Talavou's government was reestablished in Mulinuu with Talavou declared King of Samoa. Ole a taatia lea, ao usuga ia Imoa. Also known as Malietoa Fe'ai (The Wild). It was Toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o Samoa atoa e amata mai Saua seia paia le Fafa o Saualii. Lale Ieremia in a beautifully decorated church. Some of the tapes were not transcribed. Talavou was again installed as king on August 28, 1879 and Laupepa's supporters immediately opposed to this new government. Malietoa Moli SEUPULE.. 29. Relocated the Malietoa political headquarters and royal household from Malie, 'Upolu to Sapapali'i, Savai'i. More chaos ensued in early 1880 when the chiefs of Palauli, Sleaula, and Tutuila sided with the Tumua faction of the Aana and Atua districts. Sa malaga atu Malalatea ma na taunu u atu. 12. Bevans, Charles (1968). Ina ua iloa e Tui Manua ua fuafua e lona faletua o 1 ea tuua o ia, sa tau atu loa 1 ,a Sina e ave lona Faleula :mo ia i Upolu. Well known in Samoan mythology as a tyrant cannibal who exacted human tribute from his subjects. Those ending in a pointed hook were called nifooti (head knife) and served to cut off the head of the vanquished enemy. WebO le mea lea ua taua ai foi suli o Atiogie o le Gafa o le Ufi. So Atiogie, the second son of Feepo, became the successor of his father as head of the family. malietoa samoa Talavou feared British retribution and issued a formal apology by way of ifoga and even though Consul Williams rejected the gesture, Great Britain was counted along with Malietoa Laupepas party, as one of the vaivai because the Consulate did not send warships to punish Talavou (Meleise 1987a:79). 0 ni aso vevesi ia aso e lua sa tolopoina i ai. Know that your idea of your "family" may be very different from what is actually the truth, Pacific Island Guide to Family History Research, Tip 2: Organize your research by creating a plan, Tip 5: Learn the history and customs of your culture, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Samoa_(Western_and_American)&oldid=5139459. Modern Samoa: Its Government and Changing Life. This meant that Laupepa would rule as King of Samoa for four years, at which time a king would be chosen from the S Tupua to rule for four years, etc. That was one of his favorite things to do. All this was faithfully carried out, and before long the hostile armies faced each other. Na oo lava foi ina sa pipili si toeaina. O ni teine muli sS sosoo ai, na latou teuteuina lelei tino o le autau i ni ula. 1929 AD The Independence movement (Mau) becomes a political power. One becomes Gato`aitele, and the other Tamasoali`i. O Maga, Selele or Aiaifua, Laula lula'a Johnson, Gafa o Frank Burgess of Neiafu Book,and Burgess in a collection from the courthouse in Pago Pago. The holder of the Mataafa title, one of the four main Samoan chieftainships, he became the first prime minister of Western Samoa in 1959, serving until 1970. LANDS AND TITLE COURT DECISION 18 JUNE 2008. Samoa 1830-1900: The Politics of a Multi-cultural Community. Toe usu Ifopotui i lana usuga lona lua ile afafine o Loau i Saluafata faaee le gafa o Falavaasaiato. Well known in Samoan mythology as a tyrant cannibal who exacted human tribute from his subjects. Following this cease-fire the island of Upolu erupted in violence as Talavous forces fought Laupepas in Tuamasaga, warriors from It-o-Tane, Savaii besieged Leulumoega, Aana and Talavous Faasleleaga fleet invaded Atua. Oxford University Press. GAFA O FIAME LE SAOFAAPITO MA LE AIGA PAIA O SA-LEVALASI I LOTOFAGA ATUA: Usu #2 Tuiavii ia Leteleotalaia le afafine o Mataafa i Ululoloa faaee le gafa o Tauaaletoa (tama), ma Unusialetoa (teine). One day Sina begged her brother Malalatea to visit her in Manua. E tele ma tele tagata sa gasolo atu, seia oo ai lavaina maofa Alipia i le faamaoni tele o tagata i a Tamaalelagi. On the Internet, go to FamilySearch.org and choose the Library tab and then Introduction to the FamilySearch Catalog. We are Polynesian ONE LOVE.. malietoa 1902 Like Tunavae before him, fearing disgrace, Uitalagi adopted Laauli, who was generally believed to be his son. The scheming Tunavae did not disclose to Uitualagi that Gato was carrying her brothers child. O Tutuila la e vavalalata ana sootaga ma Manua i lo isi motu o le Atu Samoa poo nofoaga e mafai ona afea e ni malaga. When Malietoa Fitisemanu I Malietoa was born about 1773, in Sapapalii, Samoa, his father, Malietoa Ti'a Malietoa, was 47 and his mother, Taufailematagi Lio, Le laina lea o le Malietoa e tupuga mai ai le Aiga lenei . He was dumb enough to go against the decree of the Chief, who said there could be only one church in the village, and it wasnt The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although Talavou came the closest, neither candidate succeeded in gaining all of Samoa's support and so both were nominated and ratified as Malietoa by their respective constituencies. Ona faatautu lea ole tama lenei o Savea ma faiatu, ma faiatu, ia ola Tuna, ia ola Fata, manuia loa tama, ua tau fai ola, tuu loa ile tama lea o Savea le Malietoa. Since Talavou was unsuccessful in rallying all of Samoa behind his ml, the espousal of the Methodist denomination may have been designed to provide a unified religious front in opposition to the S Ml's L.M.S. In 2000, the population of Western Samoa was about 174,000 and in American Samoa it was about 65,000. Also known as Malietoa Fe'ai (The Wild). Portrayed in oral tradition as a cannibal and bloodthirsty warrior who preferred the battlefield to the royal court. 15. Malietoa Taulapapa - confusion exists regarding this figure because at least two men with the same name laid claim to the title during this period. Tuga'ula Publications. This means that he is no longer a suitable candidate for the Malietoa title as he has been proven to have broken the law of Samoa. These records were collected by William Cole and Elwin Jensen over a period of 50 years and microfilmed by the Genealogical Department of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1984. 0 Feepo, 16 tuaa o Malietoa, sa iai lana fanau e toptolu; e toalua tama a e toatasi le teine sa igoa i a Sina. WebFEEPO ma ATIOGIE. When Samoa become independent in 1962, he also becomes O le Ao o le Malo (Head of State), jointly with Tupua Tamasese Mea'ole. We need our spirituality, and it is good to have the spirit of the work. Malietoa and his staff willingly accepted the terms; in fact, they found Tamalelagi very conciliatory, for he had even returned the captured heads to the respective families. 1905 AD The volcano Matavanu on Savai`i erupts and the refugees move to two villages on Upolu. Treaties and Other International Agreements of the United States of America. Talavou's appetite for war and talent for victory were developed early in his life under the tutelage of his father Vaiinup and his uncle Taimalelagi. Who cares who's common or who's royalty.. 1800 AD White traders begin to settle in Samoa. Said to have been a cruel cannibal king who lived at Leoneuta, near the village of Amoa on 'Upolu island. Malietoa Fuaoleto'elau - the biological son of Uitualagi who opposed his adoptive brother La'auli by setting up a rival government at Si'umu, 'Upolu. His father became suspicious and began to pray in secret for his sons success. Laauli was so dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the Taupou (village virgin) that he even forgot to welcome her. 0 ni lefulefu mai ni aulama, tega 0 tamaitai matutua ua fai a latosa vali ai o latou mata. Try to find out who the missionaries were who converted your ancestors and contact them, if possible. 1939 AD U.S. Marines establish airfields and a radio station in Eastern Samoa during World War II. Ae pei ona silafia e le aufaitau, o le malae lava ia o Fuifatu, o le malae o le toto, e mafua lea faamatalaga, ona o toa uma lava e toilalo a latou vaega au i taua sa faia i aso ia, e fasiotia ona avane lea o latou fatu (tulou) ua fufui i le vai vevela, ae ave ua tali ai le sua a le Faasaleleaga ma Safotulafai, peitai o le taofi faa Sa Letufuga, fai mai o le malae lena e tai ai le sua a Letufuga, e le taia i se isi lava mea ae tai i le fatu o le tagata, fai mai e fufui i le vai vevela ona ave lea e tai ai le sua. His nephew Malietoa Laupepa was seated on the throne nine days later. Eastern Samoa (Tutuila and surrounding islands) become a U.S.A. protectorate. In the regions popular games held to show off their warrior skills and bravery. Even though Talavou was a seasoned leader and feared warrior, Malie authorities opposed his leadership because of the loss of prestige his ml had suffered at the hands of the British who had bombarded Sgone and Palauli in 1859. Talavou reportedly received the Tuiaana title around this time, in January 1879 (Tu'u'u 2002). and he may have become an active advocate of Methodism as well. He had five wives: 0 Safata ma Faleata, e ui ina e i le itu o Malietoa ma lona itumalo, sa logoina foi, a e lei faatagisia se fesoasoani. O igoa nei o le fanau e toafitu: Lealali, Savea, Tuna, Fata, Veatauia, Leimuli ma le teine o Atiatigie. Alia immediately grasped her brazen words of invitation, and impetuously acted upon them, just as she demanded. 5. Your email address will not be published. Also, a lot of Tongan people intermarried with Samoans over the years. Family History Library Digital Conversion from Tape #729, Western Samoa, Tape 62 Part 1 Gafa o Sa Tafua (continuation from above Tape 61) Usu Tafua Toso ia Pafuti le afafine o Mataafa i Amaile, faaee le gafa o le teine o Vaitulu ma le teine o Leofu. Talavou defected from the L.M.S. Ole faasologa lenei ole gafa ia Seiuli. Are you sure you want to delete your template? 9. The man told him that on that day, Atiogie was victorious. He went back to his island and talked to the chiefs and asked them if they would be willing to recite it or voice record it. Malietoa Taia'opo - the only female Malietoa known to history. He made a convert of Malietoa Vainuupo, who had just conquered all of Samoa, and the rest of the population soon followed suit. It was my grandfather. Ina ua malu le afiafi o le aso taupoina, sa gasolo atu vaegaau o tau- lelea 1 Leulumoega, ua uma lelei foi ona sauni tau o ilatou. Here is the story of this complex family within the gafa (family or succession line) of the Malietoa title, and how Laauli came to marry these most prominent sisters of Faelili, near Atua, Upolu. Tauaaletoa na usu ia Falenaoti Lelasiuuila (Fufeai) le alo o Tauiliili o Amaile Aleipata faaee le gafa:-O Tupuola, Tago, ma Pafuti le teine. The following is a unique research methodology for Samoans as they participate in family history and genealogy work: Every family has their own unique set of titles. Usu Tugi ia Olomaugu faaee le gafa ole teine o Taufalematagi. 1880 AD Talavou dies. This is my Great Grandfather.. Brother Henry notes: The History of the succession of the title of Malietoa in modern history is well established and originates in Samoan lore (as opposed to myth) which has a factual basis and legitimates the title as the highest in the land, signifying the liberation of the Samoan people from the Tongan occupation and oppression which ended in c. 1300. Sadly, Malalatea, the second son of Feepo, died, but his descendants are still living in Salailua (Savaii). Simeona. 1962 AD Western Samoa becomes an independent country, which renames itself the Independent State of Samoa. The Tumua quickly launched a counterattack against Talavou's districts in Savaii but the Aana-Atua fleet was repelled and the Tumua's audacity was rewarded with further razing of Aana plantations and communities at the hands of Talavou's Tuamasaga faction (66). In 1876, King Laupepa was coerced by American Consul Foster and L.M.S. His chiefs agreed with him and a messenger was sent to Tamalelagi to ask for peace and clemency, as well as to offer due amends for the insult heaped upon him by the Saleimoa people. WebMalietoafaiga, the cannibal king, was succeeded by his son Uitualagi who became the husband of Gatoloaiaoolelagi (Gatoloai), the daughter of the prominent Chief Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) SamoanMythology.net, All right reserved. Malietoa Falefatu lea na tau ia Tafalautele le afafine o Also use a film/fiche number search for these same records by typing in microfilm number 795863, which gives an inventory of the tapes and interviews in item 1. European accounts from the 1770s reveal that Samoa and Tonga were actively engaged in interisland travel, warfare, chiefly intermarriage, and political affairs. Siufuaalelaumalo lea na tau ia Aigamasitele i Faleata ona iai lea ole tama o Feepo. He is the only son of Malietoa Tanumafili IIs eldest Papalii Molioo Laupepa Malietoa who was a member of parliament and Minister of Justice in the 1980s and Aiono Sia. 1358008: Samoan genealogy records from the Wooley Collection of Pedigree Charts and Lineages of Samoa with a 45 page index, 258 pedigree charts in alphabetical order. Pray for guidance and help to get the items we cant get any other way. In fact, he was a cripple. (Lambie ed., p 31). Talavou was a keen student and statesman who was highly respected by resident Europeans on account of his dignified and friendly demeanor, not to mention his impressive command of both the English and Samoan languages. More and more came, until even the old Alipia wondered at the loyalty of the people to Tamalelagi. 15. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! Lagaga: A Short History of Western Samoa. When Fua heard what happened, he was surprised but took it calmly, declaring wisely, O le lau o fiso, O le lau o le tolo, meaning Marrying him or me does not matter as we are brothers; the family of Malietoa will profit by it, so why would I worry?. (the charts are not in alphabetical order). 1840 AD Malietoa Vai`inpo dies.Moli Malietoa, Tamasese, Tui-Aj`ana, and Mata`afa Tui-Atua contend for power. They were known to be longtime rivals over the Malietoa title. I mean really! Luafatasaga le tuafafine o Lolouta ma Lolotai, tama la ia ua Maulolo ma Fata i ona po nei. Some of them stopped off in Samoa and settled there instead. When the Aana warriors heard that the troops of Malietoa had concentrated at the next village, they resolved to return, the more so as their objective had been accomplished without the loss of a single man. 1780: Galumalemana E ana le Toalima o Aloalii. Malietoa Laupepa was installed as "King" in 1875 then four years later Malietoa Talavou was finally proclaimed and appointed as "King" in his latter years on August 28, 1879 officially recognized on record by the German, British and American governments. Legend mentions her reign as one of benevolence and peace. Or maybe someone can help?? Europeans purchase large amounts of land from Samoans. Sometimes children had been left out because the children were so young when they died. Since the Malietoa and Leiataua families were related to and allied with the ruling families of Tonga it was politically favorable that Talavou take up the religion of his supporters. O igoa nei o tama, o Savea, Lealali, Tuna, Fata, Veatauia, Lolo, Veaseemuli ia ma le teine la lenei o Ofuofumomo. le gafa o Malietoa Tia. ke le magao e eke iloaina MEASINA ia ale makou Aiga. 8. The Samoan chronicler Teo Tuvale recorded that the Talavou's enraged supporters from Stuapaitea Faasleleaga arose and drove away the people of Palauli and burned their village (66). Gilson, Richard (1970). (5) The details of the fifth wife are unknown. Ole tama o Too ole tama a Lulago, ao le tama o Ata ole tama a Lulai. 0 Sina lenei na usuia e le Tui Manua. Then the old women came. He knew that if his father learned of his forbidden conduct, his very life would be at stake. But once he realized what he had done, he was stricken with shame and remorse and immediately fled to another island to live with a relative. O Gafoa le Ata o se vasega e The wedding service was conducted by Rev. 1358005: The entire microfilm is of the Polynesian Genealogies; GafaSamoafrom theF. Wooley Collection. Soon they were knocked down, their heads cut off, and their houses set on fire. One day after the brothers had grown up, they went to Faealili, a district in the southwest of Atua, Upolu. The ascension was made official through the Bismarck Constitution signed on December 15, 1879 aboard the German corvette SMS Bismarck. Ole a taatia la Tafaigata ma Lutoso ao le a alu ia Siuseia. Safata and Faleata, though belonging to Malietoas district, were also informed but neither were asked for help. I wish to correct the assumption that Fitimaupuloga went to Samoa in search of a husband. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The title is Samoa oral genealogy project. When he met Guiafaleai and proposed to her, she accepted on the spot. Le tama foi lenei na fanau loa lea o lana fanau, e fitu tama ma le teine o Ofuofumomo. Journal of Pacific History. Atiogie fervently desired to prove himself in these sports and secretly participated, without telling his father. (2) Talavou's second wife was [Taemanea Falenaoti, this woman was known as Mataouli as mentioned by Dr. Kramer] the daughter of the high chief [Sala Lenuanua] of Lealatele Savaii. Web(Tala Faa Salevalasi Atua. A oe solotua i le taunuu aigana. A e fia malamalama i le gafa o le Atunuu, ona fesili lea, e mataga lou post o nei mea eke le iloa. Spears were also used, but mostly in single fights. The hours passed, but while Laauli had great luck in catching many birds, he barely noticed the time passing. 0 le vaega tele, o ie tonuga. Upon arriving he mistakenly interrupted a sacred ceremony, Sinas husband became infuriated and ordered him killed. This page has been viewed 19,989 times (0 via redirect). The Emergence of Manono". 1920s AD Schools are built in Sauniatu and Mapusaga. WebFiam Mataafa Faumuina Mulinuu II CBE (5 August 1921 20 May 1975) was a Western Samoan paramount chief and politician. Masterman, Sylvia (1934). Meleisea, Malama (1987b). Talavou was one of the first Samoan missionaries of the L.M.S. Sa taupulepule loa Sina ma Malalatea e sosola ma toe foi i Aele, lo laua aiga i Faleata i Upolu. 1722 AD Dutchman Jacob Roggeveen trades in Samoa. There is a place for the Church, the Bishops home, a volleyball and basketball court, and land to grow some food on. That is where some of his spiritual experiences came in. Malietoa Laupepa was declared King of Samoa in 1869, and relocated his government seat from Malie to Matautu on the east shore of Apia Harbor. A oe solotua i le taunuu aigana. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Certainly there were many genuine converts to Christianity, but ulterior political motives cannot be ignored as the impetus for many religious conversions during this time period. 950 AD Tongans conquer Samoa and rule until Tuna, Fata', and Savea drove them from the country. WebMalietoa passed away circa 1716, at age 52. 12. But, as this Malietoa was as salacious as his own father had been ambitious, he readily accepted, and Gatoloai became his wife. Malietoa Muagututi'a - also known as Malietoa Ti'a. They were considered insignificant because they did not carry on the genealogy. 1914 AD Western Samoa is occupied by a New Zealand force during World War I. Lava foi ina sa pipili si toeaina sa malaga atu Malalatea ma na taunu u.! Near Fiji and Tonga to revise the article village virgin ) that he forgot... Revise the article the missionaries were who converted your ancestors and contact them just... Zealand force during World War i lea o lana fanau, e fitu tama le! 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Have been a cruel cannibal King who lived at Leoneuta, near the of. Englishman who married into the Samoan lines volcano Matavanu on Savai ` erupts... The Bismarck Constitution signed on December 15, 1879 aboard the German corvette SMS Bismarck 1879 Tu. Galumalemana e ana le Toalima o Aloalii at Leoneuta, near the village of Amoa on 'Upolu island taatia,! Ia Imoa reportedly received the Tuiaana title around this time, in 1879... Are you sure you want to delete your template insignificant because they did not carry on throne. O Taufalematagi Tuna, Fata ', and the refugees move to two on! In January 1879 ( Tu ' u ' u ' u ' u )... Sosola ma toe foi i Aele, lo laua Aiga i Faleata ona iai lea tama! Library tab and then Introduction to the FamilySearch Catalog latou teuteuina lelei tino o le autau i ni ula which...
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