Gender and masulinity is are at the center of Billy's problems, even though he sees no issue with his interest in ballet. His father and brother work in the mines and are working class people. POV is primarily Billy, but also shows the story from Jackies and Tonys POV occasionally (E.g., Jackie finds out that Billy hasnt been going to boxing as hed thought). In general, girls have to start studying at a younger age, preferably 6 to 9, in order to be ready to dance on pointe (in toe shoes). Wants: Billy just wants to dance and find meaning in his life. Goofs Consider when, upon returning to their hometown, Billys father returns to the coalmines. Why was Mrs. Wilkinson especially interested in teaching ballet to Billy? In this way, the film provides an excellent model for the maintenance of friendships between people who are substantially different. The big event/performance: the performance of Swan Lake at the end of the film when his father, brother and best friend all come to see him dance. The salty dance instructor, Sandra Wilkinson, lights up a cigarette and tells the pianist to play "The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow," as Billy tries to say something to her. "I just, feel like a sissy," he says, to which she responds, "Well don't act like one." Though somewhat exaggerated, his outlook seems to be heavily influenced by his status as a middle-class citizen in an otherwise unprosperous region of Britain. The shot of Billys brother communicating with Billy through the window of the bus parallels many shots in the film where Billys brother hurls abuse or throws rocks at the miners bus windows except this time, the moment is tender and caring. He is sternly rebuked by the review board, but when asked what it feels like when he is dancing, he describes it as being like electricity. When Billy finds his grandma in the field and escorts her away, we see riot police in the background. Will the beleaguered Elliot family pull together and heal? 2. 11. Possible Problems These scenes allow the responder to infer that Billy will face further struggle and opposition as he attempts to make his transition into the wider world and although his journey into his artistic expression will be difficult, that he is motivated to succeed. You may discuss the impact of certain experiences, or the reasons that they occur, or the emotions that are associated. Describe the role that the 1984-85 miners strike played in the film. Billy pauses at the edge of a field, looking in the wrong direction. Should Billy have maintained his friendship with Michael after he realized that Michael was a homosexual? What other moral values were motivating him? Hes like a fanny in a fit Youre a bastard) he does at least finally understand where his father is coming from. However, with the change in setting, the contrast between the clean, spacious dance spaces and Billys cramped, grubby bathroom reinforces the constant tensions of socioeconomic class that surround him. Later that day, Billy sneaks into the library, which is a small trailer near the school, and looks at a book about dancing. With no encouragement from the men in his family, Billy must have an internal fight with himself about his own desire to dance, and he resists an inclination that is stronger than he realizes. Their father, Jackie, comes out sullenly as Tony tells him that the strike will work. The study of classical ballet is physically rigorous, tantamount to engaging in the most grueling sports activities. Will Billy pursue his dream? Later, when Billy is exasperated and bashes his arms to the beat of hard rock music, his internal frustration is made external in the sound. These elegant and clean spaces are starkly juxtaposed against the grubby and blackened coal fields, suggesting a large tension in the broader world between different classes. Your first week of Year 11: whats on stake, what to take, smash this piece of cake. However, Jackie, Tony, and their fellow miners are currently in a bitter labor dispute, with the mine still operating with scab labor, which is prolonging the strike, since the company has no reason to give in to the wage demands. Although very nervous, Billy performs well, but he punches another boy in frustration at the audition, fearing that he has ruined his chances of attaining his dream. These clashes are frequently demonstrated in the film, and they symbolise a broader conflict between democratic or populist wills and technocratic or authoritative forces. This has important connotations because Billys performance at the end of the film is Swan Lake. It starts stiff and that but once I get going, then I like forget everything and I sort of disappear. Bethesda, MD, Camp Director at Traveling Players Ensemble Ask the Quick Discussion Question. Copyright Dux College Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy, Daldry, Stephen, Billy Elliot (Texts and Human Experiences), HSC English Advanced Texts and Human Experiences Study Guide, Experiences of resistance against authority. Billys family had a lot of problems, but they had one big thing going for them. This is the one thing that Billy asked begged her not to do. Prospective students (like Billy Elliot) are auditioned at sites around the country. In 1984, while the miners' strike rages, Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell) is a young boy living in a small County Durham town, who discovers he has a talent for ballet, much to the chagrin of his widowed father Jackie (Gary Lewis), leaving him torn between his dreams and the only life he's ever known. Billy attends boxing even though he isn't good at it. The gloves (or fists) evoke the violence attached to many of the male characters in the film, while the shoes (or feet) are often shown in moments of vulnerability or elegance particularly for Billy. And then, at nineteen, Mower joined the New Adventures company, where (as of 2015) he has danced in ballets including Nutcracker!, Sleeping Beauty, Edward Scissorhands, and Swan Lake. One of the great qualms of the entire movie was whether Mrs. Wilkinson should be in the final scene, when Billy performs Swan Lake. Describe some situations in which a child would not be justified in lying to his or her parents. A dancers body has been compared to a perfectly tuned instrument: extraordinarily coordinated, limber, strong, and musically responsive. Would that reaction be justified? But some of us thought it was, . '", Partly inspired by Royal Ballet dancer Philip Marsden, whom screenwriter. I had heard about Swan Lake before but decided to do some research The acting was mediocre, the scenes all took place in rooms and there was no transisions, for example, one scene took place in the bedroom for about 10 minutes, another in the living room for about 10 minutes, they never really went Example from Billy: Billy is hesitant to enter the boxing hall, as he acknowledges his desire to. In the beginning of the story it seems Billy is searching for meaning, and by the end, hes found his passion and is pursuing it wholeheartedly. Billys fulfilment through his creative outlet in the scene where he Billy's dreaminess and passion for the arts are soon given a focus when he accidentally encounters a ballet class taking place in the same gymnasium where his boxing lessons take place. We think its because internally and externally were in the same Needs Tank (Esteem and Respect), so the changes will be similar. Obviously, Billy didnt obey the ethical principle of respect for others when he hit the ballet student who was trying to talk to him after the tryout. Other parallels between Billy and the mining community can be seen. With a text as unique, wide-ranging and socially conscious as Billy Elliot, making arguments about the role of art, authority, sexuality, freedom and adolescence in human experiences should be relatively straightforward, provided you pay close attention to what the films messages are and how they are delivered. Instead, his fellow miners and the neighbourhood raise some money and Jackie pawns Billys mothers jewelry to cover the cost, and Jackie takes him to London to audition. The familys struggle is set against the background of the 1984 English coal miners strike in which the British government, determined to drastically reform the countrys bloated and inefficient coal industry, crushed the miners union, and changed English society. And it could be argued that this story is, like Rocky, Status > Sentimental because Billy doesnt seem to be without meaning in the beginning. How else would we see the inner conflict? | WebBilly looks confused and Sandra is immediately regretful, holding him in her arms as he cries. What does this scene show? Until and unless the parents neglect or abuse of the child rises to intolerable levels, it is the childs lot in life to endure them. 3. Film Study Worksheet for a Work of Historical Fiction; Film Study Worksheet for ELA Classes; and. 4. Follow your heart and passion, even if society is against you OR. Billy claims that he is not gay a somewhat defensive comment, likely influenced by the homophobic environment he lives in but accepts the gesture nonetheless and seems to maintain a strong bond with his friend. Billy Elliot study guide contains a biography of director Stephen Daldry, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. At the time in which this film is set, the British coal industry was owned by the government. Review the Helpful Background section so that you can answer questions that may arise as your child watches the film. Furthermore, the Broadway production cost $18 million to make, over three times as much as this movie's budget. However, when they ask him why he wants to dance, he speaks from his heart. 2. Why was it so difficult for Billys father to cross the picket line? Mrs. Wilkinson believes Billy is talented enough to study at the Royal Ballet School in London, but due to Tonys arrest during a skirmish between police and striking miners, Billy misses the audition. Facing not only the wholesale loss of jobs but also destruction of the many mining communities that were dependent on the mines as their sole source of employment, the union leaders called a strike. This is obviously the perfect choice for Billy being that transcending archetypes of masculinity and femininity is a central theme in Billy Elliot. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Billy Elliot, directed by Stephen Daldry. Why was it ironic that Mrs. Wilkinsons husband, who had himself been made redundant, took the position that the miners should abandon their strike? Many of their towns were economically dependent on the coal industry and the government wanted to shut the mines down. Various forms of authority exist in the film. 5. In this film, a friendship between two boys survives the fact that one is homosexual and the other probably is not. Another important theme expressed in the film is the relationship between ones context i.e. Protagonist, realizing he must change his approach to salvage some form of honour, reaches an all is lost moment: Billys all is lost moment is when hes at the audition. For Billy, rather than overcoming his father, he manages simply to convince his father that the dancing is an important aspect of his identity. Billy might not have found what he loved to do. Yes to both questions. GradeSaver "Billy Elliot Part 1: Billy Elliot Summary and Analysis". Mower also went back to the London stage musical to play the dream ballet's "Adult Billy" in Billy Elliot the Musical Live (2014). So, youll need to incorporate visual and filmic techniques in your analysis to showcase your holistic understanding of the text. Billys father and brother start out powerfully on strike, but the union caves in at the end, and they go, impotently, back down into the mine during the resolution. As the librarian turns to look, Billy sticks the book in his waistband and sneaks it out of the library. However, Billy has to decide whether this path is one he wants to take, especially as it means coming clean to his family, Jackie and Tony, who may feel emasculated in the process, especially if their miner friends find out, and especially in Billy's destiny as a coal miner himself. billy elliot final escena The easy way is to hopscotch through time and space, picking up bits and pieces to facilitate exposition, but this makes story sprawl and lose tension. He was better at the end than at the beginning. 1984 in the coal mining village of Evrington, Durham County, Northeast England. Like I feel a change in my whole body like theres fire in my body. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. Later on, when Billy dances and runs home, his steps are in time with the music. Julie Walters, Jamie Bell, Jamie Draven, Gary Lewis (III), Jean Heywood, Stuart Wells, Mike Elliot, Janine Birkett. The strikers protest and the police attack. As such, there are no real antagonists in the film at least, not in the form of characters. But, passionate about dancing, Billy secretly continues lessons with the help of his dance teacher, Sandra Wilkinson. The money will not be available for dancing lessons. We are given a hint here that music will provide him a pathway into a wider world, but also make him susceptible to the dangers and prejudices that exist in the world. I know the final scene of Billy Elliot is the scene where he is playing the lead role in Swan Lake. As people and editors, we bring our own worldview to the story and identify with different aspects of the journey the characters take. Did the police treat the striking minors with respect? Slow motion combined with tightly framed shots provides the audience a dreamy, surreal aesthetic. For instance, Billys father and brother are torn apart by conflicts between their loyalty to the union strike and their need to earn money to support Billy. Furthermore, the Broadway production cost $18 million to make, over three times as much as this movie's budget. However, the miners were tremendously loyal to the unions. Jackie, left to parent alone, with only an old and senile grandmother to help him, hardly has a maternal touch. These wide shots are not simply for the sake of aesthetic they underscore the important tension between industry, capitalism and beauty that reoccurs throughout the film. WebRemember that Billy Elliot is a film. Billys father, a miner of limited education, and his older brother are walking the picket lines during the violent and unsuccessful 1984 British miners strike. Protagonist is rewarded at least on one level of satisfaction (extra-personal, personal, inner): Billy is rewarded on all 3 levels. For Boys: If you wanted to be a ballet dancer, how do you think your schoolmates would react? The film reveals the sacrifices required of striking union workers and their families, as well as the anguish of a community whose way of life is doomed in the face of new economic conditions. The Question and Answer section for Billy Elliot is a great Evaluate the conduct of each in terms of this ethical principle. BILLY ELLIOT FINAL SCENE LaDance McFever 2K subscribers Subscribe 26K 4M views 9 years ago The dramatic final scene of Billy Elliott, as a grown man, dancing At home, Billy hides his ballet shoes under his mattress. This then leads into Billy jumping up into the screen and his exhilaration and excitement increases, as does the screen and it lengthens until his whole body comes into view. Mrs. Wilkinson tells Jackie about the missed opportunity, but fearing that Billy will be considered to be gay, both Jackie and Tony are outraged at the prospect of him becoming a professional ballet dancer. In 2012, an article in London's Evening Standard covered a nineteen-year-old dancer, Liam Mower, who had come full-circle as a result of this movie. More books than SparkNotes. Jackie leaves angrily, closing the piano, and Billy opens it again to play quietly, looking up at a photo of his mother. Billy gets in the ring and begins to fight, doing an elaborate dance around the ring. For instance, Billys father seems to reflect the virility, rage and conventional masculinity that his mining town celebrates in traditions such as boxing and hard labour. Just by donating your resources to our library! It demonstrates the redemptive agency of love in a family under enormous stress and shows a father coming through as a parent after some egregious errors. He practises the piano without encouragement or guidance, and continues to play after the scene in which his father has slammed down the pianos lid. Billy defies his father and surreptitiously attends dance classes. What was Mrs. Wilkinsons motivation in teaching ballet class? The board is clearly not impressed with him or his father. Sandra quickly comes over and tells him he needs to remove his boots if he wants to dance. Daldry also suggests that art plays a liberating role in our lives, allowing us to transcend the boundaries of structure or context. The themes of the film may be more commonplace and well known in todays world, but in the context of the films creation they were cutting edge and, to some, provocative. Additional questions are set out below. Menu. Profanity pervades the dialogue. Helpful Background Billy watches as the pianist plays for the ballet class, punching the bag in time to the ballet instructor's orders. when he first has to break up his late wifes piano for firewood at Christmas, and when he pawns her gold jewelry for bus fare to London. In 1984, Billy Elliot, an 11-year-old from the fictional Everington in County Durham, England, loves to dance and has hopes of becoming a professional ballet dancer. Explicit all is lost moment the protagonist must understand that there is no getting around their imminent failure: All is lost moment is when Billy is at his audition and thinks hes completely blown his chances. He gets knocked down soon enough, as his father watches from nearby. See Website for the Royal Ballet School. Billys grandmother has a tendency to wander off and cannot take care of herself. Was he ultimately a good father? When Billy stands next to the barre, a girl asks him why he doesn't join in, and he does. Why did Billy show his mothers letter to Mrs. Wilkinson? Many of the local Easington extras were repeating the way they behaved when the pits were actually on strike. Michael asks Billy about ballet, and insinuates that he thinks Billy would look good in female dancer's clothes. The author of the script, Lee Hall, stated that, The story sort of wrote itself once I had the image of the kid at odds with his family and the community and pitted against a larger, hostile world. Speaking about the 1984-85 miners strike, Hall said, It was a class war where the state was mobilized against a small group of people. Notice also the visual contrast between legs (dancing) and arms (boxing). In what circumstances are children justified in defying their parents? These authorities are less focused on, often demonstrated in brief glimpse, yet their presence is no less important. The effects of the strike can be seen in the policies of the New Labour governments of Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, which have abandoned many of the traditional Labour Party positions for more capitalist and centrist policies. Tysons, VA, Assistant Director at Traveling Players Ensemble Billys family is under tremendous strain. Soundtracks. Individualism is celebrated as the all-powerful force of our lives, a message reinforced to the audience in the final shot of the film as a grown-up Billy leaps on stage during a production of Swan Lake. Over Christmas, Billy learns his best friend, Michael, is gay. Hes found inner happiness through dance, his father and brother are proud of him, and the larger world (dance school. Mentor recovers moral compass or betrays the protagonist to act out perceived victimhood: After Billy misses the first audition, Mrs. Wilkinson comes to Billys home and confronts Jackie and Tony wrt their lack of support for Billys desire to dance. The screen enlarges again which makes Billy seem and look much smaller. When it was shown at the Cannes Film Festival. When Billy left for ballet school and said goodbye to Michael, he kissed Michael on the cheek. 15. Art and sexuality seem to have a strong connection throughout the film, and it is no accident that, per Debbies testimony, Mrs Wilkinson uses dance to cope with prolonged sexual frustration in her marriage. No gore is shown, and there is no thrill factor to the violence in this film. Just as Billys rite of passage is complete by that point in the film, so too is his. The last scene is again taken by a medium shot allowing full capture of the hug but also furthering the emotional aspect of the final take. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Meanwhile, Billy's grandmother looks at another grave as Billy calls her over. Many professional athletes have been sent to ballet class to improve their balance, agility and flexibility. When Billys father tried to stop the older son from the early morning foray to destroy company property, which of the Six Pillars of Character was the father following? Colour contrast is especially clear in these cases. Billy doesnt love boxing and isnt very good either. "Those were my dad's gloves, you'd better take better care of them," says Jackie, leaving the room. All of producer Jon Finn's family on his mother's side worked in the pits in the region where the filming was done. For instance, as discussed above, the connotations and presence of the mining strike posters convey the political tension. Feminist movements were focusing on the role that gender plays in society, and how certain gendered norms such as what men and women should wear, do or pursue were restrictive to many people. All three were a financial success. By what name was Billy Elliot (2000) officially released in India in Hindi? The only movie that year to be Oscar nominated for Best Director, but not Best Picture. 5. The government, sitting on more than six months of coal reserves, with an economy that increasingly used gas and oil rather than coal, and with an ideological bent to crush the unions, aggressively mobilized the police against the strikers. When everyone from boxing has left, Billy inserts himself into the ballet class, taking a place at the barre with all the young girls in tutus. When he tells her that he cannot, as he is signed up for boxing, Sandra's daughter, Debbie, protests, "But you're crap at boxin'!" ANALYSIS: Billy is struggling to make music on the piano, showing his early desires for self-expression. This is continued throughout much of the film. QUESTION: How is POV/Narrative Device expressed in film vs. novels? Discovering and understanding what the antagonists object of desire is: Shortly after Billys father (Jackie Elliot) discovers that Billy has been dancing instead of going to boxing, they have an argument over a meal. To learn about the top quotes that youll want to remember, just scroll down! A striker moons the police. The British coal industry at the time was very poorly organized and inefficient. He takes her hand and leads her back to the house. When analysing this film for the common module, it is critical that you link all your discussion back to notions of human experience, and to the formal features of the text. The trivia items below may give away important plot points. WebThe scene suggests that the simplicity and joyfulness of the shared dancing is an experience Billy has missed since the death of his mother. He opens a door to bring the tray of food to someone in bed, but is disappointed to find that the bed is empty when he opens the door. A dolly shot can also be used to create surprising or comedic images. At school, Michael and Billy do a run for gym class, and Michael leads him to a hiding spot so they can get out of the run. He misses his mother, looks up to his brother and father, takes care of his nana. Another interesting example is also provided however, in a short but important scene of the film. At the next rehearsal Mrs. Wilkinson is angry because Billy hasnt been practicing. There were other, less polluting and cheaper sources of fuel developing in the North Sea (oil and gas). What do you think of this behavior? After he's left, Billy puts his mattress back on the bed. Can you describe the relationship, what the boundaries are, and how they have been set? Note: Flower symbolism in visual arts has a long and varied history, but in Western traditions it has often been associated with fertility, life and sexuality. However, these relationships are not simply matters of domination or rebellion. SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING Breaking Out; Families in Crisis; Father/Son; Courage; Grieving; Friendship; Parenting; Grandparents; GLBTQ; Education; MORAL-ETHICAL EMPHASIS Caring; Responsibility; Respect; Trustworthiness. Robert McKee is a great source for this.. [I]t enhances the telling to style the whole story from the protagonists Point of Viewto discipline yourself to the protagonist, make him [or her] the center of your imaginative universe, and bring the whole story, event by event, to the protagonist. These authorities are more faceless, perhaps even more sinister (particularly in the case of the government), and as such they may be considered the real antagonistic forces of the film. What was it? Which was the son ignoring? The fathers insistence that Billy box rather than take ballet restricted the growth and development of his child. Some parents may object to anything other than a negative portrayal of homosexuality. 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