Visibility was excellent and the day was hot and clear. Losses in the 3/47th were more severe. At that point, South Vietnamese M-113 crews backed off while firing their .50 caliber machine guns aimlessly into the sky. The final attack mounted by the M-113 company failed. WebA brief lecture on the 1963 Battle of Ap Bac. It had proved once again that the American fighting man, when well trained and aggressive, is the finest in the world. Toczek, p. 72. Ultimately, their presence made little difference as the FNL stood their ground and killed more than a dozen South Vietnamese M-113 crews in the process. Dam expressed concerns about his own abilities when the promotion was first presented to him by Diem. The battle represented the first major confrontation between ARVN forces and the NLF during the Vietnam War; it was also a significant victory for the NLF. Learning that elements of the 3/47th were in contact, and anticipating that his battalion would become involved, the commanding officer of the 3/60th ordered company B to move toward the area of contact, followed by Company A. Almost form the moment it crossed the line of departure, it had begun to meet fire. This was the plan finally coordinated on the evening of 1 May 1967. NOTE: This video is part of a lesson plan titled The Battle of Ap Bac. It truly is a small world! [22] The Viet Cong also took full advantage of the local terrain by taking up positions in Ap Tan Thoi in the north, along a tree-lined creek in the southeast, and Ap Bac in the south. At that time, North Vietnam was hoping for an election, promised under the Geneva Accords of 1954, that would unite North and South Vietnam. The two platoons in the rice until they could gain fire superiority, then moving again. The brigade commander ordered the assault as soon as the air strike, then in progress, was finished. [1]:107, Company B, 4/47th Infantry was moved behind Company A while Company C, 3/47th Infantry was deployed north and then began to assault towards the east joining up with Companies A and B approaching from the northwest. While these operations were being carried out, the gunship, which has been constantly circling the area, reported a Viet Cong force of company size moving across the fields to the northeast. [52] Shortly afterward, more than eighteen hours too late, the South Vietnamese hit Ap Bac with an artillery barrage. A full archive of past and present "River Currents" newsletters from your friends at MRFA. [11] Cao was promoted to general and assumed command of the new IV Corps Tactical Zone, which included the area of operations of his 7th Infantry Division. Company A, 3/60th, had moved forward several kilometers from the line of departure in order to remain in supporting distance of the forward companies. WebThe Battle of Ap Bac was a major battle fought on January 3, 1963, during the Vietnam War. [32] The Viet Cong fired on the exposed soldiers and killed several. [1]:108. North Vietnam remained worried about U.S. involvement and refused any sort of military support, forcing the remaining Viet Minh to retreat into inaccessible areas in the hills and river estuaries. [41] It was later discovered that the crew had mixed the incorrect amount of jelling agent with the gasoline. Web2 May 1967: Battle of Ap Bac, not riverine, but most significant battle fought to date by 2nd Brigade. Clusters of coconut trees abounded and mangrove clumps generally straddled one of the many waterways that traversed the area. WebIt is the first battle since the Vietnam War in which two living service members earned the Medal of Honor. He refused to acknowledge the flawed system under which the South Vietnamese commanders and their American counterparts operated. [18], On previous occasions, U.S. intelligence had tracked down the location of Viet Cong radio transmitters, but those were often relocated before the South Vietnamese launched their attacks, so Ziegler privately questioned if the Viet Cong had as many as 120 soldiers in Ap Tan Thoi. Also, all commanders were concerned about the possible effects the .50 caliber fire of the armored personnel carriers would have when they assaulted. WebAs night fell, PLAF soldiers fled the battlefield to the east under the cover of darkness, securing their first pitched battle victory of the war with America and the Republic of Vietnam (RVN). prezi I didn't know his name at the time but I recognized him on your web site. [2]:37, At 10:00 U.S. intelligence learned that a battalion size VC force was located east of the ARVN blocking position. Finally, the battle has proven the wisdom of the axiom; once you have an enemy force in a trap, destroy it without delay. [27] However, in the early phases of the Vietnam conflict, command relationships between U.S. military units were not well-established, and American aircrews had developed a tendency to disregard the instructions of advisors, especially Vann, who was perceived to be domineering. [2] However, Diem's campaign was too successful to allow them to do nothing, and small-scale actions broke out across the country. He also argued that sending the 13 M-113 armored personnel carriers through the Cong Ba Ky Canal would enable the Viet Cong to retreat because it might take too much time. When recoilless fire began hitting the tracked vehicles, the die was cast. [33], Ba asserted that he would not take orders from Americans. [1]:104 The operation plan called for the deployment of five Companies of the 3rd and 4th Battalions, 47th Infantry Regiment into the operations area by assault craft and sweep south towards the ARVN 2nd Battalion, 46th Infantry blocking positions near the town of Ap Bac in Tien Giang Province. What a pleasant surprise to sit down for breakfast on this Veterans Day, 2007, and see [48] As night fell, Hoang knew that South Vietnamese forces were closing in from three directions. Background [ edit] Cn Giuc District in Long An Province was a VC stronghold in the Mekong Delta. Thus, the battle ended. Cao would not approve the use of flares because it could expose the airborne battalion's night defensive positions, and instead ordered 100 rounds of artillery to be fired at a rate of four shells per hour. It resulted in a US/ARVN victory. It soon became apparent that the craft would be delayed, and after a wait of more than an hour, the battalion was notified that the helicopters would not arrive because of a tactical emergency elsewhere. WebOperation Concordia was an operation conducted by the U.S. 19th Battle):Thank you Bill. I knew several of your Company members including Steve Moede (sorry to hear of his passing) whom I went to high school with at Crespi. For individual Viet Cong soldiers, the battle proved that they could defeat the superior South Vietnamese forces, equipped with modern military hardware and significant support and funding from the United States. The U.S. military had every advantage, yet mistakes were made and battles lost. [14] It intercepted radio signals in the hamlet of Ap Tan Thoi in Dinh Tuong Province where the ARVN 7th Infantry Division was headquartered. Thus, due to his strong leadership skills and popularity, Hoang was selected to take command of Viet Cong forces for operations in Ap Bac. [53] Vann, who had made key decisions during the early phases of the battle, blamed the South Vietnamese for the debacle. Few people were seen, although there were many houses of mud and thatch in these densely vegetated areas. This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Army Center of Military History. Get the recipe! However, for the Tigers of the 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, and especially for Company A of that unit, what had started out as a routine walk in the sun was rapidly becoming a grim one. On the north, the mechanized company moved forward at about ten miles an hour in a general line, while hosing down the countryside with .50 caliber-fire. Particles of phosphorus from the heavy artillery that had lashed the area flared fitfully, lighting up shattered palms and underbrush with a ghostly glow. The South Vietnamese soldiers, who were pinned down on the ground, believed their ordeal was over, so they stood up to see if the Viet Cong were retreating from their positions. WebLearn about the Battle of Ap Bac, a major battle fought in Vietnam on January 2, 1963. WebA brief lecture on the 1963 Battle of Ap Bac. Here it is 40 years later, and I find others who only live 10 miles Mobile Riverine Force in conjunction with the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) from 1921 June 1967 against the Viet Cong (VC). At 7:00 am on January 3, Hoang's men successfully reached their destination without being detected. [21] In addition, with information provided by Pham Xuan An, a well-connected journalist and undercover Viet Cong agent in Saigon, Hoang's soldiers conducted last-minute anti-helicopter and anti-M-113 training by studying U.S.-made weaponry and South Vietnamese plans and manuals. for our troops. WebThe Battle of July Two was a short engagement of the Vietnam War that took place along Route 561 between Gia Binh and An Kha, during Operation Buffalo. Task Force A consisted of the 174th, 842nd and 892nd companies, whereas Task Force B was formed by the 171st, 172nd and 839th companies. WebIt is the first battle since the Vietnam War in which two living service members earned the Medal of Honor. Company A, 3/60th, which had been behind but south of Company B, continued to advance along the stream and the road which formed the line of contact farther to the east. Although the enemy would have suffered heavy casualties, his defeat would not have been nearly as final as the one which occurred. Besides, the area which the artillery and air were attacking had become smaller and smaller. [28] As Vann's L-19 aircraft flew over the western tree line, the Viet Cong watched from their foxholes, but held their fire because they knew the aircraft was trying to draw fire in order to mark their positions. However, in contrast to previous engagements, Viet Cong commander Hoang had ordered the soldiers of the 261st and 514th Battalions to throw everything they had at the South Vietnamese, as retreat through the muddy rice fields would result in certain death.[35]. [26], North of Ap Tan Thoi, three companies of the ARVN 11th Infantry Regiment fared no better. If we were going to win, the enemy must soon begin to break and run. Quickly dividing his platoon, the platoon leader directed his men to start crawling along the sides of the two dikes under cover of the supporting fire of Company A, 3/47th, from the southern side of the stream. Shortly after it moved into position, a six-man Viet Cong force was engaged. One enemy soldier was beaten to death by a soldier who used his steel helmet, and another was stabbed to death, thus indicating the ferocity of the assault. I also met him shortly after leaving the Army when he and another friend from Monroe high school, Alan Kerstein, pulled into my parents driveway in Sepulveda in a LAPD squad car. Thanks for the memories on this Veterans Day, 2007. To Vann's disappointment, Cao strongly opposed the idea and decided to drop one of his airborne battalions behind the M-113 formation on the western side instead. In short, the Viet Cong enjoyed a great advantage over any attacking force. Later, two AD-6 Skyraiders arrived over Ap Bac and attacked the thatched houses with conventional bombs and napalm. Vann then radioed Captain James B. Scanlonsenior adviser to the ARVN 2nd Armored Cavalry Regimentand told him that four U.S. helicopters had either been destroyed or immobilized about 1,500 meters (Bad rounding hereScript error: No such module "Math". [1] However, in 1963, the National Liberation Front had changed their policy, from avoiding the South Vietnamese army to standing and fighting. The brigade commander quickly approved the action taken by the 3/60th, and at the same time directed that Company B, 3/60th, which was closest to the scene of combat, be placed under the operational control of the 3/47th and moved to a position to block the enemys escape to the north. For the artillery, it was especially difficult; the tubes were so hot from continuous use that now the rounds they fired were beginning to become erratic. Upon his return, Vann and his group of advisers were forced to end the joint planning sessions that had been so successful earlier, and action essentially wound down in their region. Khue was unpopular among the battalion's soldiers because he was known to be very strict and demanding, but very meticulous in terms of detail. Since no officers could be identified among the enemy dead, except for the battalion surgeon, there was reason to suspect that these key people may have moved out earlier in the day, and possibly were some of those that had been encountered by Company B. Harkins' evaluation of the battle's success were based on U.S. military doctrine from World War II, in which two armies fought a conventional combined arms battle with the goal to control territory. Finally, Vann radioed Ziegler at the command post at Tan Hiep and told him to ask the commander of the ARVN 7th Infantry Division to order Ba to move toward Ap Bac immediately. Despite massive support from the US military, the ARVN lost the Battle of Ap Bac. In contrast, Hoang was far more relaxed and commanded a high degree of confidence from the soldiers of the 261st Battalion. I was a squad leader with Alpha through AIT. Throughout the afternoon, he continued to press Cao to quickly deploy the South Vietnamese paratroopers. Those paratroopers that reached the ground and survived tried to move forward, but the Viet Cong soldiers in defilade position fired on the paratroopers exposed in the open rice paddies. The infantry units would be supported by artillery, M-113 armored personnel carriers and helicopters. The South Vietnamese units that participated in the battle took heavy losses in their failed attempt to destroy the Viet Cong forces. The MRFA is launching our Historical Data Project (HDP), featuring as much MRF TF-117 data as possible. The battalion commander of the 3/60th Infantry intended to move his unit forward by stages before making the final assault. [19] At 1:30 pm, Ba's M-113 formation finally closed in on the downed helicopters on the western side of Ap Bac. He wanted to hit the Viet Cong with 500 rounds of artillery and destroy them as they retreated. Against overwhelming odds, the Viet Cong achieved their first major victory. The battle was a significant milestone for the Viet Cong as a fighting force. Situated near Ap Bac Village in the Long An Province of Vietnam, the soldiers of Alpha Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry were slogging through a couple hundred yards of open rice paddies when they stumbled into chaos. When Vann threatened to have Ba shot, he reluctantly continued to advance, although very slowly, toward the entrenched Viet Cong. [1], Ap Bac had many as yet undefined consequences for the South Vietnamese government and the American involvement in Vietnam. It could prevent disaster, if necessary, but its chances of successfully attacking south along the stream were slim, since semi-darkness was already covering the area. Even so, it was of little help to the Viet Cong, most of whom had died. As soon as the woods were reached the infantrymen jumped out and began destroying the enemy troops in their position, where they had been trapped and pinned down by the heavy volume of fire. Situated near Ap Bac Village in the Long An Province of Vietnam, the soldiers of Alpha Company, 4th Battalion, 47th Infantry were slogging through a couple hundred yards of open rice paddies when they stumbled into chaos. By noontime, troops of the the Wild Ones had reached and searched as far north as objective Queen without contact or major incident. This time, darkness would provide no convenient cover for their escape. [43] In his final effort to defeat the Viet Cong, Vann flew into Tan Hiep and asked Cao to deploy an airborne battalion on the eastern side of Ap Bac, the most logical retreat route for the Viet Cong. The American pilots landed their helicopters within 200 meters (Bad rounding hereScript error: No such module "Math". WebOn Sept 10, 1967, the 3rd battalion of the 26th Marines ventured forward to secure Hill 88. In response, Vann asked his pilot to make low passes over the trees which covered Ap Bac. Company C, 3/47th Infantry would act as reserve. WebLearn about the Battle of Ap Bac, a major battle fought in Vietnam on January 2, 1963. [46] Late in the afternoon, a flight of C-123 Providers, with about 300 South Vietnamese paratroopers aboard, closed in on their objective and quickly drew machine gun fire from the hamlet. [20], Previously, leadership of the 261st Battalion alternated between Hoang, a South Vietnamese revolutionary who had returned from North Vietnam after 1954, and Tu Khue, who was a native of North Vietnam. [20] Most of the soldiers under Hoang's command were equipped with captured U.S.-made weaponry, such as the M1 carbine, BAR light machine guns, .30 caliber machine guns, and a single 60mm mortar. Seeing this, the two men following, a machine gun team, quickly jumped up and rushed the position, dispatching the Viet Cong with a burst. Nevertheless, he took Cao's former position and welcomed Vann's advisers back into the planning effort. WebFor the VC, the Battle of Ap Bac marked the first time they stood and fought a large South Vietnamese formationdespite being outnumbered by more than five to one. The last battle for which two living service members received the Medal of Honor was the 1967 Battle of Ap Bac in Vietnam, a spokeswoman for the Congressional Medal of Honor Society said. Vietnam War is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. But the most prevalent feeling now that the major, recognizable danger had passed, was one of elationhigh elation. [45] Cao had also lost confidence in Vann, because Cao felt Vann had placed the lives of many South Vietnamese soldiers at risk to save the lives of a handful of Americans. Two Viet Cong soldiers received North Vietnams highest military-exploit medal for winning this battle. Meanwhile, Company A, 3/60th, was formed up and waiting at the helicopter pickup site for the promised company of choppers. [49], Vann wanted to use a C-47 flare plane to illuminate the rice fields on the eastern flank of Ap Bac and Ap Tan Thoi. [41], By that stage, Vann was frustrated by the Civil Guard soldiers of Task Force B, because they appeared to be in no hurry to reach Ap Bac, as they searched one house at a time while marching up from the south-western flank of the battlefield. One was the commander of the Communist forces. Ap Bac Revisited - June 19, 2007 Bill Reynolds, What a pleasant surprise to sit down for breakfast on this Veterans Day, 2007, and see the front page story in The Signal about your trip back to Vietnam and your memories of the battle on June 19, 1967. They were partners at that time. In order to establish a blocking force that would prevent any enemy from withdrawing ahead of our advance, it was decided that Company A, 3/60th, would utilize the helicopters beginning at 0700 to make an airmobile assault and secure a blocking position astride the most likely route of enemy withdrawal. Although Vann was suspicious, he decided it was a better landing zone because the area was tranquil despite the heavy fighting elsewhere. It was surprised to encounter an entire NVA regiment, which counterattacked causing a bloody fight in which 3/26 suffered 300 casualties (40% including 37 KIA) and lost several tanks. Several personnel carriers were hit and several troops killed and wounded. The combined companies were supported by approximately 30 local force soldiers from Chau Thanh District who served as scouts, ammunition bearers, litter carriers, and emergency replacements. At the same time, he recalled the personnel carrier company (Company C, 5/60th) from its barren search farther to the west and began moving it toward the point of contact. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. But experience had shown that at best this was an educated guess, one that all too often had proved false. By 1500, Company A had reached the restraining line designated by the brigade commander, and was deployed along it in assault formation with three platoons abreast. The eastern flank remained open, and he ordered both elements of the 261st and 514th Battalions, exhausted and low on ammunition, to assemble at the southern end of Ap Tan Thoi. 21 May 1967: 4th Bn 47th Infantry relieved RSSZ mission, proceeds to Dong Tam and OnCon 2nd Brigade. Some rice had been found, more proof that Viet Cong had been in the area. The break we were looking for finally came on the right (southern) flank, where the platoon was coming along the stream line. These vehicles quickly joined and began to add the fire power of their .50 calibers to the combat, which at the moment was very much in the balance. WebHello and thank you for watching! Contact Us. They marched south in three separate axes towards their objective. mi). [24] Most of the women, children and old men in both hamlets fled and hid in the nearby swamps as soon as the order was issued. The assault by the 60th Infantrys Wild Ones on a Viet Cong stronghold in the Mekong was the kind you see in the movies or on the blackboard, but rarely in actual combat. The South Vietnamese M-113s had no problem crossing the streams and rivers typical of the Mekong Delta,[36] but the heavy 10-ton M-113s bogged down in the Cong Ba Ky Canal, forcing the crews and the infantry company on board to cut down brush and trees and fill the canal until it was shallow enough for the M-113s to cross. It truly is a small world! By 20:00 darkness and enemy fire stopped the assault with Companies B and C, 3/47th Infantry, still some 600 meters west of the ambush site. [1]:107, With nightfall the casualties of Company A, 4/47th Infantry were able to be evacuated, while most of the VC were able to escape through gaps in the U.S. positions. Major incident also, all commanders were concerned about the Battle of Ap Bac, major! 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Alex Reno Son Of Mike Reno, Articles B