This has made the final shootouts for this class slightly confusing to say the least ! "Through," "thorough," and "trough" should all sound the same if they insist on being spelled with -ough. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Storage can be a problem, and an even more confusing problem is what type of products to purchase for your new baby. The numerous options for officers in USMC Blue Dress uniforms does make the process confusing. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. As their name suggests, these quotes are bound to confuse you initially. If youre the kind of person that enjoys having their minds played with on a scale from teased to blown, heres a list of 15 questions that will make you either bawl out laughing, perplex you, or maybe even keep you up at night. However, this rule can get a bit confusing when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner. But if silver is not a color, mirrors dont have a color either because they simply reflect the colors in front of them. If needed, read your work out loud to see if any sentences sound awkward or confusing. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. For someone who's new to Twitter, the site's main page can seem like a complicated and confusing place. It can sometimes be a little confusing when there are multiple troops fighting at once. There is an explanation as to why we say "pair of" when it comes to things like pants, glasses, scissors, and tweezers, but it's yet another unnecessary complication in this tumbleweed of a language. Sometimes it's confusing to figure it all out. For example, you walk into a bathroom and theres a sign that reads, Caution!!!! I'll grant you, it is confusing and there's a whole lot more about their relationship we don't know and probably never will know. There is a perfectly fine explanation for why this happened, but that doesn't make the cognitive dissonance any less real. Shopping for an air purifier can be a confusing and frustrating experience, simply because so many products make so many different claims. Applying eye makeup can be tricky, confusing, and downright aggravating. I [never] It is best to mention only a general idea of a wedding date instead of the actual date to prevent someone confusing the announcement with a wedding invitation. What would not existing feel like? Reporting on what you care about. One common mistake unsuccessful daters make, is confusing honesty with candor. But what I think is really obvious obviously isnt obvious. Michael Stipe, If you dont know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else. Yogi Berra, Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! Proverb, Change brings opportunities. That dance consisted of several chasse steps being done in sequence, Just to make it more confusing, one chasse is also called a triple-step, but since you do two of them in the basic form, the entire dance came to be called the Two-Step. confusing boldomatic search ozma sentences In the world of soda bottle collecting, the question of how old does a soda bottle have to be for it to be considered an antique is often confusing. Does he want that to happen to him? Choosing an alcoholism treatment program can be confusing. Many people find the language on crochet patterns to be rather confusing. Yes. With so many online services to choose from, finding a dating community can be a confusing decision. changes the entire sentence, while While on the surface, these questions may cause one to ponder, in actuality, they expose some of the flaws of the language when it comes to connecting with reality. Since this process is often confusing, each state provides free assistance to seniors trying to understand the different options and choose the best coverage for their specific needs. However, what they say is often confusing or doesnt make sense. However, women's surnames can be a bit more confusing. There are many rooms to explore, and it can get a bit confusing, but eventually you will figure it out. This can be an extremely stressful and confusing time, but may be a little easier to handle if you have a good understanding of the entire process. Funny Fortune Cookies: Wise and Funny Cookie Sayings, Work from Home Captions: Cute Sayings for Remote Workers, The Best Office Space Quotes to Remind Us Not to Take Work Too Seriously, Friendship Love Quotes: Sayings that Capture How Much You Care, Women in Sports Quotes: Inspirational Words of Wisdom from High-Achievers, Beautiful Things to Say to Your Wife: Quotes to Keep the Love Alive, Lost Love: Quotes to Help You Get Through a Breakup. These reports vary and some can be confusing and hard to understand. I never said she stole my money. Sam and Naomi's relationship gets confusing. List of funny questions that make no sense at all. 0. The vividness and distinction of Pascal's phrase, his singular faculty of inserting without any loss of dignity in the gravest and most impassioned meditation what may be almost called quips of thought and diction, the intense earnestness of meaning weighting but not confusing the style, all appear here. Adjustable mortgage rates can be confusing for inexperienced borrowers, making it easy for lenders who aren't reputable to take advantage of the situation. The figure out my date of conception puzzle can be confusing, especially for women who have irregular cycles. Doctors and other medical professionals want to make sure they receive the payment due to them, but at times the paperwork necessary for procedures and treatments related to a worker's compensation claim can get tedious and confusing. This fun sentence takes on seven different meanings depending on which word is emphasized: [I] never said she stole my money. WebMain Points. However, even this may seem a bit confusing. Enlist the help of a few friends, and as you play, watch for areas where things get confusing. You're telling me there was no way for us to avoid the debacle that is their/they're/there, lie/lye, and vane/vain/vein? WebMain Points. She had always resisted the petty tyranny of the kitchen, its perfect order and shiny regimen, the confusing array of spices. There was much tech talk that wasn't confusing but was overbearingly abundant at times. It can be useful but confusing if your dog mistakes other surrounding noise for the command. For new arrivals to the United States who are going through a divorce, immigration law can be confusing. If you think deep they may also make a lot of sense too. Image via Complex Original. Lastly, heres where punctuation gets really important: when it comes to your paycheck. The little child's elocution of the language was both confusing and endearing. Shopping for black dresses can be both satisfying and confusing. 6 sentences that literally make no sense but are still correct. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you have not worked on fractions, stick with whole numbers, such as dollars or five dollars to avoid confusing your child. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. When you have children or family members that wear the same size, laundering and putting away family look-alike pajamas could get confusing. Furiously sleep ideas green colorless. The question of "When does conception occur" can be quite confusing. There are a ton of rules to speaking and writing in English, but sometimes it's the exception to those rules that are even more annoying. Different descriptions are also given to various colored stones from one lab to another, making the identification process more confusing. Speak in short or incomplete sentences; Speak in sentences that don't make sense; Substitute one word for another or one sound for another; Speak unrecognizable Documentation is usually filled with confusing rules, terms, descriptions, and provisions. If you ever want to test someones wit, these are the perfect kind of questions to go with. (vice versa) 2. 1. WebThe best sentence that makes no sense? Since the vast variety can be confusing to anyone, it's helpful to have a list of popular, effective choices to refer to. Nobody is perfect. H ret/skgget i postkassen translates to hair/beard in the mailbox and is used for or by men when they want to say they have a tricky problem and/or theyre about to be uncovered. As you shop for wedding bands, you'll see a lot of terms tossed about, and it can be confusing to keep them all straight. After awhile, I just felt, the best sentence that makes no sense, is the sentence asking for for the best sentence that Brush up on these comma rules everyone should know. The cat is a annoying, scary that is dead inside. While necktie instructions may seem confusing the first time you knot a tie, they become increasingly easier to follow and understand. If you think thats confusing, think about the word one second again. Love, how can I define it? Gao Xingjian, Many promising reconciliations have broken down because, while both parties came prepared to forgive, neither party came prepared to be forgiven. Charles Williams, When youre in love make sure you really are in love and not just in love with the idea of being in love. Anonymous, Respect the past in the full measure of its desserts, but do not make the mistake of confusing it with the present nor seek in it the ideals of the future. Jos Ingenieros, Being considered beautiful at a young age sends confusing signals. as an activity, is treated over again (Book x.) After the invention of the type of first simple prototype toaster, the history of the toaster becomes a bit confusing and it is somewhat unclear who invented the toaster as you know it today. I don't know how to control them or to make decisions when they're always there just confusing me. A ship-shipping ship ships shipping-ships Whoever made ship a noun, adjective, and a verb should be thrown off the ship. The same goes for excessive capitalization. Shopping for women's sports bras can be a bit confusing. The network search page itself is also given the thumbs down by users and reviewers who think that the plethora of ads integrated into the page design is off putting and confusing. 7. "Worse" sounds different than all the other words that end in -orse, and there's simply no reason for that. Percentiles are the main feature of a height and weight growth chart for infants and may be confusing to new parents. The number 40 is written "forty," but 4 is written "four.". Please, someone explain that to them. That avocado tree is so glittery! As teens navigate the confusing world of growing up, clothing continues to evolve with the times. Also, some people may find the game confusing because the journal becomes filled with dozens of pages that cannot be organized or updated to let you know when a quest/task is completed. And if I am me, why am I not you? 1. There is a common adage in science that the more you study a phenomenon, the more confusing it becomes. Without that comma after Tiffany, itd read, Id like to thank my parents, Tiffany and God. Are Tiffany and God your parents? Simple procedures that people who use computers frequently will find second nature, such as uploading photographs, may seem confusing and alien to someone new to this way of working with a computer. To a player switching from guitar or a beginning player, this can be confusing. Gameplay is sometimes confusing when there are multiple characters battling at once. We recommend our users to update the browser. WebChange brings opportunities. Here are eight other examples of how confusing life would be without proper punctuation. On first glimpse, Metal Tabs can seem like a confusing site. Some customers claim that payment terms may be confusing. It actually refers to 500 pounds, as in money. It's not like with "flammable" and "inflammable," where both words mean the same thing. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. Here are some interesting questions that will make you question the nature of reality. It didn't make much sense and was confusing. English is a funny language that you can use in so many ways to create questions that make no sense. Simply press one of the generation buttons below. It seems that the question of whether someone is interested or not can be as confusing to the gay community as to the straight one. In fact, it's pretty confusing for first-time SAS shoe shoppers who are used to purchasing other footwear and clothing items online. A dictionary doesnt need to be defined in the dictionary. Some of the Union regiments wore gray on the battlefield and to make things more confusing, some of the Confederates wore blue. Wearing a topless swimsuit can be very confusing for the first time, both about how it feels and how it should be worn. But sometimes it can get the wrong message across. Before you tell me that "twenty" and "thirty" aren't written the same as "two" and "three," let me remind you that "sixty," "seventy," "eighty," and "ninety" exist. Fashion can be easily confusing and quick to change. This can be quite confusing when you are shopping for an auto. It can be difficult or confusing to go back a step to check your work. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. You should also make sure that everyone else in the family uses those words to avoid confusing your toddler. There's nothing more confusing than getting an invitation that leaves out crucial information such as date, time or location. If all of these setup options are confusing, there's nothing wrong with choosing the default options until you're more comfortable with how your blog works. or abbrv. The Smiths means the Smith is, which, again, doesnt make any sense. It's not an animal thing, because the plural of "fox" is "foxes" and not "foxen.". They're the only two animal names that are spelled like that! To make matters more confusing, a person can have autistic type tendencies without meeting the criteria for a formal diagnosis. These are often unmonitored and can become quite confusing because people have a tendency to type responses without taking the time to listen to each other first. Luke Ward. Having so many different diagramming systems was confusing, however. While almost everything in a teen's life seems confusing and complicated, the church believes that of the gospel message doesn't have to be. Buying any home can be confusing if you don't have any experience in purchasing real estate. Copyright Laws and the Internet are confusing to most freelance writers, especially for those who do not hold a law degree. If you are you and I am me, then why are you not me and me not you? If you are you, then why are Even more confusing is when the same name is used for two different dances; for example, there are many variations of the wedding favorite "the Electric Slide.". It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Robin Hobb's three series of books set in the Six Duchies and Bingtown presents probably the most confusing picture of dragonkind ever in fantasy literature. A Gemini profile can be confusing since it's full of contradictory traits and seems to be about two completely opposite people. That can't be right because we also say a "pair of underpants" and there are no legs there. To get the wrong end of the stick. Youre not the same you as you were a second ago. Visitors can use a dream interpretation worksheet to find meaning in confusing dreams. Show Your Love: 20 3rd-Year Anniversary Gift Ideas for Your Wife. The cat is a annoying, scary that is dead inside. Some people love it, some people hate it, but the Oxford commadoes make a difference. That definition pretty much says it all, but it may still be confusing to people who are unfamiliar with what goes on "under the hood" of the world wide web. How are the yous from all your lived seconds connected? Members of Coronado's expedition explored the Moqui country and reached the Grand Canyon, and after this a succession of remarkable and heroic explorations followed through the century; which however accomplished little forgeography,further confusing and embellishing rather than clearing up its mysteries. To make it even more confusing, some school districts have both middle schools and junior high schools in an attempt to ease overcrowding at other schools. Making the switch from conventional lawn care methods to organic lawn care methods can be intimidating and confusing for some people, so a comprehensive lawn care magazine can simplify the process greatly. A twisted family legacy and confusing bloodlines made for meaty soap opera telling when Jill learned that she might be the long-lost child of long-time nemesis Katherine Chancellor. Knowing what to look for when buying a digital camera can be confusing. You know its a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor! Anonymous, I know you believe you understand what I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant! Robert McCloskey, To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true. Aristotle, This may sound a little West Texan to you, but I like it. Organic gardening for beginners can be a little confusing, but in no time at all you will be eating fresh salads and vegetables that you grew yourself. Sign up for our weekly newsletters and get: By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions They may be cryptic and confusing but they may be prophetic as well. The issue of government ratings on insurance companies can be confusing for consumers and potentially controversial in some instances. Knowing exactly where to draw the line can be difficult in today's society, where danger seems to be lurking around every corner, can be confusing. Watching Desperate Housewives for the first time can be confusing for new fans. On that same note, your family shouldnt be referred to as the Smiths unless you move the apostrophe to the end of the name (Smiths) to indicate that the entire family is in possession of something. If you remove the why, the question answers itself. Everything would just be easier if words just looked like they sound, darn it. There are many rules in the language that makes no sense, and more exceptions to those rules that make even less sense. Some sentences are tricky to pronounce, and others sound absurd but are grammatically correct. Some sentences are short, and some are too long. Here are confusing English sentences that will leave us scratching our heads. 1. This can get confusing, especially if you aren't familiar with the way weight is determined. Answer: Normal, because people usually have half their fingers on one hand. So actually, you dont love the 90s, you love the 90s. It will not make sense. Yes. Friendly mortgage professionals can make the otherwise confusing and daunting process of buying a home much less tedious. We say "double u double u double u" when it would be quicker and easier to say "world wide web.". Its confusing. Walter Hill, Well, love is confusing at all ages, but especially when youre 17. Piper Perabo, The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing not healing, not curing that is a friend who cares. Henri Nouwen, They say marriages are made in Heaven. My training in child and adolescent psychiatry proved no less confusing, however. These questions intentionally manipulate the mind of another person. These are unreasonable remarks making profound confusing of the right and wrong and completely distorting the objective reality. Once a student learns a tangible example of a concept, the mathematical symbols in his workbooks may seem far less distant and confusing. Is there any other language in the world that does this? Both teams were wearing the same colours, which made things, 7. As you can see, the only complexity comes from the variety of choices, not from any confusing terms within individual account types. She earned a BA in English from the University of Connecticut, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), common grammar mistakes that make smart people look bad, the Oxford comma and why people cant agree on whether to use it, grammar mistakes that editors hate the most, how to correctly pluralize a word ending in S, the most confusing rules in the grammar world, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Make it make sense. WebIts stupid quotes that make no sense (16)31 () Ignorance can be temporary, but it is not permanent stupidPermanent I adore spontaneity, as long as its carefully planned. Three wise men can convince me of a virgin birth. It would take some getting used to, but I think we'd all be happier. There must be at Then again, its possible that the person who wrote that was actually angry, but the excess exclamation points are a bit much. FedEx is a very large Fortune 500 company with employment opportunities in many different divisions and areas, so the employment application process for FedEx can be confusing. I kept my maiden name because of my businessit's less confusing. 8. Can Not is not the negative of can. The kitten is a cool, adorable that are dead inside. To make sense of this question, youd have to redefine what see means. People with this may use the wrong words or make up words. Counseling is recommended to help children process and understand confusing and difficult events and feelings. For genealogists, discharge papers can represent a gold mine of information, but searching for these records can get confusing. 8. The Greeks supposed it to be the capital of Media, confusing the Manda, of whom Astyages was king, with the Mada or Medes of Media Atropatene, and ascribed its foundation to Deioces (the Daiukku of the cuneiform inscriptions), who is said to have surrounded his palace in it with seven concentric walls of different colours. Add a semicolon, save a relationship. Today, especially because you'll have many different classes with different teachers, it can be a little more confusing. "Famous" means that something is widely known, while "infamous" means that something is notoriously evil. Why would they be different??? With so many choices available, it's sometimes confusing to choose a fragrance oil, even when you narrow your search down to those made in the USA. There isnt any trick answer or missing context. While it may sound a little confusing picking up the right Bluetooth headset, it's not as complicated as you may think. Yes! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! The nomenclature of the numerous ranges in this part of the Kuen-lun is extremely confusing, owing to different travellers having applied the same name to different ranges and to different travellers have applied different names to what is probably often identically the same range. Well, are you still confused? And lets be honest, thats the one and only time wed all like to be victims of a punctuation mistake. You think people only like you because of your beauty. Priscilla Presley, As a teenager and even still now being 21, its always love questions its always so confusing. Ashlee Simpson, Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible to see the other whole against the sky. Rainer Maria Rilke. It can be confusing when it comes time to shop for food, and you may be tempted to switch from one to another. there was never meant to be clarity. Charles Bukowski We are born atheists and we remain so until Understanding Roth IRA account rules is difficult and confusing, and the information above is just an overview of the complete set of regulations regarding Roth IRAs. No apostrophe is necessary if you are plainly stating the familys name. It can get confusing because these foods are good for you. Are you really? You might find the different policies confusing. Experts sometimes call this word salad. Problems with understanding. The qualifications and paperwork can be confusing. buffalo: a What made the debate even more confusing -and interesting- is that both sides had legitimate points of view, and that the need for some sort of reform was evident to each party. Don't go confusing 'it's a fact' with 'stands to reason.'. Finding easy crocheting patterns for beginners can often be confusing. Not only is this very confusing, but if your friends are more ruggedly handsome than you, people viewing your ad may be attracted to the fellow standing next to you instead! Youve apologized and expressed your love for them. Since many people buy Soo Chow jade, confusing it with jade, they often attribute jade symbolism to the jewelry. "Flammable" and "inflammable" mean the same thing, and it's a crime against common sense. Burroughs's book, while thorough, is not laid out with the modern reader in mind, and can be confusing and overly technical. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)right to your inbox. WebThis means that they dont have any trouble with the physical act of speaking. It is known in different places under different names, and the same name being also often given to one or more of the coast ranges the nomenclature of the mountains is confusing (see the map). Other babies may exhibit confusing patterns such as crying unexpectedly after being held or displaying odd, dazed expressions. Adorable that are dead inside is not a color, mirrors dont have a color, mirrors have... When does conception occur '' can be confusing not the same you as you play watch! Me of a concept, the site 's main page can seem like a confusing site opposite people you also. '' can be a little confusing when you are n't familiar confusing sentences that make no sense the way weight is determined a. 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