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Output is a whole nother cat. I have burned Ailanthus for several years. While some types of, Read More 11 Types Of Wood You Shouldnt BurnContinue, The willow tree is found in many parts of the world including Europe, Asia, and North America. Do you think that it is worthwhile to cut and split this to burn next year? Much like poplar firewood varieties, the wood from the Russian olive in most cases is easy to split. Ill cut a limb, and if its yellow inside its hedge. Uncured wood is also inefficient as the fire wastes energy, evaporating moisture instead of heating the room. Being a transplant from So. rating for mountain mahogany. While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. WHAT KIND OF LOCUST IS IT AND WILL IT BE A GOOD FIREWOOD IN A COUPLE OF MONTH..THANKS I really dont get the obsession with BTU by speicies. Are they actually different species? My stock is quite soft and light weight. Makes a mean pizza and can sear steak like nobodys business. growth mindset activities for high school pdf I like ash because you can cut it and burn it the same day and it splits easily. Coals are to fire as fuel, to keep it going and provide lasting heat. I do have a questiondo they test the btu factor at sea level or in an elevation, i have found that many of the old myths to be untrue as far as burn time and heat factor, ash rate in many different varieties of wood in elevation above 2500 to 5000, been doing this for awhile, just wondering if anyone else has found this to be true? You could post in the forum and maybe have a better chance of a response. It will burn longer than softwoods and will be just as effective as hardwoods. Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire. Its close to soft maple on the btu chart plus I dont need to go anywhere or handle it too many times. I like to drag it out into the open on a log chain with the tractor. With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. BTUs or British Thermal Units are a measure of the amount of heat energy available in any given substance. It does burn a little fast but it throws out the heat. THE EARLY SNOW STORM DAMAGED A LOT OF TREES HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY NY. Stack the wood in a dry, protected area. The woods grain may be straight, wavy, curly, wild, or interlocked. It burns so well I mix it with red elm, mulberry, or ash. Firewood is easier to split while it is still green. They are 6-8 in diameter at the base and ~15 long. seriously other than the odd russian olive its rare to find a tree someone will let yah cut down around here that aint cottonwood though occasionally someone wants a maple or something . Thanks, Barry , I think tulip poplar would be similar to cottonwood since they are both in the poplar family . Hot fires and cold beer!!!! I have been looking for the B.T.U. Richard, However, keep in mind that ashes should have cooled for several days, and its easiest to do it during winter snows or before a rain. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. It is surpassed by 13 other varieties that have as much as 37% more BTUs per cord! Its a good starter wood . https://firewoodresource.com/firewood-btu-ratings/ try this RLB. The branches are straight-grained and pop apart easily. Wood needs to typically produce healthy goals to allow the fire to stay hot and restart in the morning. I have been using a cast iron Encore for 5 years without issue. land. Olive gives food a subtle flavor thats fruity and slightly sweet. Is non posionous sumac ok to burn in a fire place. Do they make good firewood? I live in an area surrounded by Russian Olive trees. These firewood BTU charts compare the heat energy ratings and weight of common firewood species. Just split 3 cords of white oak and 2 cords of red oak to season for next year. Ive burned a lot of it in the last 35 years. This is also the order I would rate them. In the fireplace, it is consumed due to the extreme heat of the wood, and the wood burns just as if it has been dead for several years. Resinous wood has more BTU per pound because the resins have more BTU per pound than wood fiber has, Live Oak,Chinquapin,and Dogwood are eastern species,not Western.Live Oak is limited to Southeastern States. In this area, several limbs come together into one knotted mess. Thanks. I have done a lot of research over the last few months on the best wood here in the mid-south (west Tennessee). Another opinion added to the interwebs Cheers, Happy Burning. I am planting osage orange, black walnut, sassafrass, and black locust. But smoke is very dangerous, known carcinogen. Olive wood is a great hardwood, it burns much like pecan or oak. Ten pieces of green 20 yellow birch or hard maple last for roughly eight hours and throw tons of heat. When the temp gets to about 450 I damp down the output and the input and it rarely increases by more than about 25 burning very dry oak or juniper. Burning green wood is bad for any number of reasons, but especially so when the wood has a high sap content. How to Grow Rosemary From Cuttings Propagate Rosemary, Mexican Mock Orange: Everything About TheChoisya Ternata, Magnolia Shrub: Everything About The Magnolia Bush, Crape Myrtle Shrub: Everything About The Crape Myrtle Tree, Lilac Shrub: Everything About The Lilac Bush. This comparison has live oak at 36.6 and Eucalyptus at 34.5 BTUS Eucalyptus is a very broad term does this refere to the gum species that grow in California ? Mild food is best as it doesnt overwhelm the subtle smoky taste. Does anyone have any experience with gum? Thanks! Most of the smaller ones, 6 inch and under trunk size, have a beautiful purple and white heart wood, especially in the smaller branches. You will need to use a combination of other woods to get your fire going, to begin with as Russian olive does not catch fire easily. A cord is 128 cubic feet but in any stack of wood there will be air space between the pieces. I get up in the morning and heat our little berm home from 66-67 to 71-74 degrees with cottonwood and red elm in an hour and a half with cottonwood providing the bulk of the heat. The gnarled, twisted nature of this wood makes creating a tidy stack of wood difficult. I love this site. I have a few standing dead pin oaks. This means that the wood has had no time to dry out. The better your firewood has been seasoned, the better it will burn. Its wood is excellent for woodworking projects or turning. Its a very interesting subject you bring up Audrie that I would also like to hear comments about. Personally, the best wood in the world is whatever I can get my hands on. Wood combustion occurs in three consecutive, overlapping stages. should be cut and split and dry out for two years before burning. correlates closely with relative weight (and deciduous. FYI, this insert has glass doors and a chain-link curtain inside them. It might be interesting if someone else also burns that stuff and has a good supply of different types of wood to compare with. A couple of small pieces placed correctly provides a flame that lasts long enough to start the main fire. Im curious about people melting cast iron stoves and fires getting too hot. It is also excellent firewood for your fireplace or outside firepit. Common Name BTU Months to Dry Osage Orange (Hedge) 30 12 Oak, Gamble 28 36 Olive 26.7 24 Almond 26.7 24 Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood) 26.4 24 Persimmon, American 25.8 36 Mesquite25.5 24 Hickory, Shagbark25.3 24 Tanoak25.1 12 Dogwood. Your web site is very informative. Pros And Cond Of Using Russian Olive as Firewood. I cant tell the actual temp because it made the temp gauge go past the max 600 degree mark then go back around to the 200 degree mark . But have found fore killed spruce / pine that had topsburned off in forest fire but roots kept sending sap to tree gives best heat ! Douglas fir is Pseudotsuga, menzizii for the man who identified it. One of the premiere cooking, smoking and pizza oven woods. I believe that pecan should be very high in BTUs and close to the other hickories, only because its in the family. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. It gets super hot and leaves a hot bed of coals. Thorny, tough wood makes splitting difficult. Have burned fir and cedar from the property, but so far have stayed away from the pine. Had it rebuilt for speed and efficiency but yet to use it. It is a hardwood that can produce a lot of heat for a long time. White alder was favored by the local tribes for pit roasting salmon. Has anyone heard of this problem? --. Cut off the limbs with your chainsaw. As previously stated by others, forget ANY cottonwood, only one or two sticks at a time for Manzanita as it is super hot. Weve been lucky the past years to find eucalyptus but have been offered almond this season. Something not mentioned yet that I bring from my Georgia heritage is Fat Lighter. I prefer the hot, sweet-smelling woods. White oak is fairly rot resistant. Read to find out. I havent been able to compare it to madrone, or the oaks (like Oregon white, black oak, etc.). Unseasoned wood will still have some water content and will result in a slower burn, thus quicker creosote build-up. Northern Cal checking in, renovated an old homestead 5 years ago and have been clearing doug fir and california bay laurel for fire safety zone around the house. You best be looking over your shoulder as you drive home with your coal! To get the most heat production out of . In Kansas we used a wood called hedge. That means extra work scooping it up and tossing it or scattering it over the garden. with the exception of oak (usualy scrub oak), all the firewood vendors here have is Eucalyptus (no rating), Avacado (no rating), Almond (no rating) and mixed hardwood. Your email address will not be published. Hi! central KS and have been burning Osage Orange for 27 yrs in a Majestic insert fireplace with a blower. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Here is a site for California wood ratings http://www.consumerenergycenter.org/home/heating_cooling/firewood.html Surprisingly, I found almond and eucalypt rated close to the same. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. So, Im of the opinion that there is no best firewood it really depends on your application and how you value the qualitative aspects of each speicies. Im in North Texas and I have a half acre I can devote to renewable firewood. A lot of them were planted during the dust bowl times to prevent wind erosion. Alex is a writer with a huge passion for the outdoors. My wife even melted a stove once while I was at work when we were younger. As olive wood burns in the fire, it radiates a pleasant fragrance. Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. The maple burns very well though w good hot hard coals that will last the night if I get too lazy to feed the fire at 3am. cure time is at least 2 years covered,found a rating of 16 mil btus per cord but it was rated as poor firewood. I also recently got some red maple that makes a good fireplace flame, if not a lot of heat. This shrub's silvery foliage, showy flowers, and colorful berries made it popular in landscaping, though it was also planted extensively for a period of time in natural areas to provide erosion control, wind breaks, and wildlife food. 2) I would guess trembling/quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and largetooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) to have similar qualities, but I have never seen largetooth aspen mentioned in any charts. I have a hard time keeping up with the outdoor furnace if I use seasoned wood. Some wood gives off a lot of sparks in the fireplace. The speices discussion boils down to one quantitative parameter, I.e. Please re-try attaching pics, they didnt come through. my experiences with Russian olive is that it is rather easy to work with and finishes very nicely. It is easy to split and burns great. A few other elders like black locust . I consider myself as an expert in firewood as I have heated my home with wood for 30 years. FREE shipping Add to Favorites ALL Natural Russian Olive wood bowl 10 inches Round X 3-5 inches High X 2" Deep . All of the wood has been cured at least 3 years, but in our damp winters the wood picks up moisture from the air so produces less heat by late winter. Anyone know the best way to seal it? Im still retrieving all the down stuff and will continue for a couple years, at least. True story. Whatever temperatures you face, olive will keep you warm. Im in Northwest Washington; originally from Southwest PA. We have lots of cedar, fir, hemlock, silver maple, oak, and madrona. Apple is another good secret. I built a wood topped banjo with it and have loved the wood ever sense but it is a thorn bush and you will loose a lot of blood getting the wood and i lost a pickup tire to the 2inch thorns. Isnt it just as simple as the more lbs of wood that your shove in the hole, the more heat you get? So you are probably not going to find much information about it as far as btu or about its wood in general since it is not a common source of firewood outside of Asia. Fascinating site! I do know the tree I burned had a bad aroma . Season the wood to remove any moisture for one year before burning it. Looked through posts and didnt see if there was any mention of the BTUs of a Norway Maple. PRACTICALLY EVERY RANCH FENCE HERE AND NEW MEXICO IS MADE FROM IT, ITS EASILY SPLIT AND IT RESISTS ROTTING. Store firewood somewhere constantly dry and airy. But in many cases softwoods actually have more BTU per pound than hardwoods. Olive wood is a mixed bag when its time to start splitting. My favorite wood to burn, has always been standing dead elm. Lit my first fire of the season. Russian olive produces very few sparks as it burns, so you can light the fire and relax. Some would argue that its even impossible without a hydraulic splitter. (red) just now brought back a load of beech. My Ontario woodlot is in the Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence Forest Region, which includes conifers white and red pines, hemlock, eastern white cedar, white spruce and balsam fir; and decidu0us sugar, red and silver maples, red and white oak, beech, bitternut and shagbark hickory, white and black ash, yellow and white birch, trembling and largetooth aspen, basswood, butternut, black cherry, ironwood, blue beech, occasional cottonwoods and surviving white elms (and others I probably left out). Some find their odor offensive, while leaves and fruits are messy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creosote The draw back is it is very hard to split . I grew up in central Illinois and we had a lot of hedge rows that were being cut. I am planting some of the Eastern varieties out here that we had in PA. a few corrections: 1. not quite right, to characterize, as very small tree, as the tree quite regularly grows to 40 and beyond, with trunk diameters up to 4dia.. 2. the wood DOES have a distinctive/nasty odour, in machining (for me? Caution, cutting dead hedge will eat your saw chain in a heart beat, it becomes so hard and stringy. I will definitely cut more hickory, beech and oak . This guide looks at whether its worth tossing in the fire so that you dont waste time splitting it for no reason.