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Please support our efforts to bring this important information to We The People. [5] Paul Siple was the senior U.S. War Department representative on the expedition. [10]:229241. Remote conjugate beta auroras can occur if the detonation is above 25 miles, whereas debris auroras appear only if the detonation altitude is in excess of some 200 miles. The second victim was less fortunate, as central vision did not improve beyond 20/60. #107 The Hottel Memo Finally Revealed IN FULL So Whats it Say?! For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and multiple aircraft. This blog is about conspiracies in the right order in which they happened and lies that people tell each other to cover up the conspiracies they create. It also damaged the Soviet satellite CosmosV. All of these satellites failed completely within several months of the Starfish detonation. Blue-green streamers and numerous pink striations formed, the latter lasting for 30 minutes. The Starfish Prime electromagnetic pulse also made those effects known to the public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii, about 1,445 kilometres (900mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights, setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a telephone company microwave link[11] (the detonation time was nine seconds after 11 p.m. in Hawaii). Corrections? Required fields are marked *. His opposition was motivated by fears that the flash from the nighttime high-altitude detonations might blind civilians who were living on nearby islands. What The U.S. Government Found, Then Covered Up, In Antarctica. 04 Mar 2023 17:30:08 Radioactive emission to the atmosphere aside from prompt neutrons, where known. We are trying our best to learn these secrets so that we can write about them and let you know what they are. Suddenly one of the engines seized and they began to lose altitude. [9] There is also evidence that the Starfish Prime radiation belt may have damaged the satellites Explorer 14, Explorer 15 and Relay 1. When the firmament was created all that existed was Elohim (YHWH), the waters, and light and darkness. The tail, wings and midsection of each aircraft were painted with bright orange stripes for enhanced visibility in case they went down on the ice. Among other losses, a PBM had been blown overboard off Currituck in a massive ocean storm prior to reaching the objective and disappeared in the high waves. The secret mission to Antarctica and what they found there is still a secret and still a cause for concern among a lot of people. The word raqiya comes from the root word raqa which can be found in several passages including Isaiah 40:19 The idol! "Bulldozer clears path during . The measured species is only iodine-131 if mentioned, otherwise it is all species. a workman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold, and casts for it silver chains. The word overlay is the verb root raqa. Richard E. Byrd and the 1925 MacMillan Arctic Expedition, Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett: First to Fly over the North Pole, Pan American Clippers: The Golden Age of Flying Boats,, Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, Few Red Tails Remain: Tuskegee Airman Dies at 96, A Look at the Damage from the Secret War in Laos. The other two Mariners were launched shortly afterward. [16] TelstarI lasted the longest of the satellites that were clearly damaged by the Starfish Prime radiation, with its complete failure occurring on February 21, 1963. [10]:247, According to the official report, at the time of the Kingfish detonation, "Johnston Island observers saw a yellow-white, luminous circle with intense purple streamers for the first minute. given the huge amount of military hardware involved. Wenaas, E.P., Jaycor Report RE-78-2044-057. November 1961", Hoerlin, Herman "United States High-Altitude Test Experiences: A Review Emphasizing the Impact on the Environment" Report LA-6405, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. It formed a division between the waters above and the waters below ( Genesis 1:7 ). Johnston Island had already been established as a launch site for United States high-altitude nuclear tests, rather than the other locations in the Pacific Proving Grounds. His 4th expedition to Antarctica. During the trials, there were intermittent areas of compacted snow capable of supporting aircraft weighing up to 100,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 90 psi, but low-strength areas prevented takeoffs and landings with aircraft weighing over 25,000 pounds with main tires inflated to 60 psi. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Admiral Ramseys preliminary orders of 26th August 1946 stated that, The Chief of Naval Operations only will deal with other governmental agencies and that. Byrds fourth expedition, called Operation Highjump, in the summer of 194647, was the most massive sea and air operation theretofore attempted in Antarctica. B. Northwind was critical to the mission since the thick ice could crack open a thin-skinned ship like a can opener. The objectives of this operation were: 1. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. It is estimated that at least 150,000 such envelopes were produced, though their final number may be considerably higher. Finally, the thesis highlights the recent influence of the United Nations over Antarctic affairs, and proposes that the governing Antarctic Treaty consultative parties should cooperate more with the United Nations to avoid confrontation over the impending minerals regime. The expedition was supported by a large naval force " Task Force 68 ", commanded by Rear Admiral Richard H. Cruzen. Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947, (also called Task Force 68 ), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. I found a old classified Soviet doc that talks about the beginning of humans, the precursor races, Atlantis, the Iron planet and what is the original purpose of Earths pyramids. Omissions? ), The final test of Operation Fishbowl was detonated at 2130 (9:30p.m. local Johnston Island time) on November 3, 1962 (the time and date was officially recorded as 0730 UTC, November 4, 1962). Is the Van Allen Belt part of it? And, operation "high jump" to try to get over a wall of ice. needless to say I hate myself for that!)) High Altitude Nuclear Explosions", "Longmire, Conrad L., "Fifty Odd Years of EMP", NBC Report, Fall/Winter, 2004. pp. New processing and elevating equipment introduced in the Deep Freeze 64 trials showed considerable promise of producing dense, uniform, high -strength, elevated areas of compacted snow. The United States completed six high-altitude nuclear tests in 1958, but the high-altitude tests of that year raised a number of questions. The PBM flight crews were all inexperienced volunteers, having only had a month to train for the mission. Defense Nuclear Agency. #109 The Reaction to My Deep Dive Into Luis Elizondos IG Complaint (8/30/22), Ep. Many authors propose that the Operation Highjump when Admiral Byrd had at his disposal the largest armada ever sent to Antarcticawas established to investigate a Nazi presence. Next, it details the history of claims and interests over Antarctic territory, with particular emphasis on United States activities. Captain George J. Dufek commanded the Eastern Group, with Pine Island carrying three PBM Mariners. . Now unfortunately we cannot trust everything Byrd said as he was a Freemason, but it has been reported that he lost plane after plane due to some invisible barrier. The Story: When the British failed to expel the Germans from Antarctica, the U.S. launched Operation Highjump in 1946 to destroy the German base. Operation Highjump: United States Navy operation organized by Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr Commenced August 26, 1946 Ended in late February 1947 Task Force included 4,700 men, 13 ships & 33 aircraft U.S. went to explore Antarctica many times & Gen. Bryd had this to say: . The same report also projects the effects of one or more present-day high altitude nuclear explosions upon the formation of artificial radiation belts and the probable resulting effects on satellites that were in orbit as of the year 2010.[5]. Getting the big Douglas birds to Antarctica presented a formidable challenge as, lacking the range to fly from a land base, they had to be launched from Philippine Sea. What about the scientist working on them? The PBMs and R4Ds would play a major role in the objectives. A second, unstated objective was to prove Navy capabilities to President Harry Truman, who sought reductions in Americas postwar military budget. Planning for Operation Fishbowl, as well as many other nuclear tests in the region, began rapidly in response to the sudden Soviet announcement on August 30, 1961 that they were ending a three-year moratorium on nuclear testing. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. If test is canceled or aborted, then the row data like date and location discloses the intended plans, where known. These particles travel in a spiral along the magnetic field lines in the Earth's magnetic field. The radioactive contamination on Johnston Island was determined to be a major problem, and it was necessary to decontaminate the entire area before the badly damaged launch pad could be rebuilt. It is reported in the open literature as simply being less than 20 kilotons. "[10]:241, The fourth attempt at the Bluegill test was launched on a Thor missile on October 25, 1962 (Johnston Island time). Fish Bowl Series. A plaque honoring the three killed crewmen was later erected at the McMurdo Station research base,[13] and Mount Lopez on Thurston Island was named in honor of killed airman Maxwell A. Lopez. The celebrations surrounding the end of World War II had barely ended when the Cold War commenced between the Western Allies and their Soviet former partner. Operation Highjump (1946-1947) - Discovery Of The Ice Wall. The Serapeums Banned, Hidden, and Censored Archives Curated and triple backed up archive of the information they dont want you to see. The R4Ds fuel, oil and other fluids were drained. The thesis points out past weaknesses in U.S.-Antarctic policy making, and recommends a broader role for the Department of Defense in such areas as safety and security. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. Sadly, this was not to be. ~Yahweh (God). Operation Fishbowl was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. How come Orion cant get through the Van Allen Belt, yet we were told Apollo had no problem doing so 40+ years ago? [1] And Elohim said, Let an expanse come to be in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. And Elohim made the expanse and separated the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse. Observers at Samoa saw a white flash, which faded to orange and disappeared in about 1 minute. Had the Task Group penetrated the pack without eyes it would have arrived too late in the season to establish a base; then conduct an aerophotographic exploration of a hidden continent. Historical time zone data obtained from the. Some may claim that the divided waters are the rain and the bodies of water on earth, but this is not true. In his report, Northwinds commander, Captain Charles W. Thomas, emphasized, Helicopter best piece of equipment ever carried on ice vessels. He further noted that In a well organized ice convoy, the commander needs to know what his ships will encounter within the next day.Hence helicopter reconnaissance within a radius of twenty five miles was essential.Battering a track through 650 miles of ice in eighteen days would not have been possible without helicopter reconnaissance. FLAT OUT TRUTH Terry R Eicher Operation Deep Freeze (1955-1956) - Discovery Of The Firmament. It was a one-way trip to Little America IV since they could not land on the carrier and would be left behind when the operation was completed. The report, entitled "Collateral Damage to Satellites from an EMP Attack," discusses in great detail the satellite damage caused by the Starfish Prime artificial radiation belts as well as other historical nuclear events that caused artificial radiation belts and their effects on many satellites that were then in orbit. By the time Operation Highjump was completed on March 1, a dozen helo flights had been made to the base. The low temperatures made the air denser and increased the helicopters efficiency. A total of 27 sounding rockets were launched from Johnston Island to obtain experimental data from the shot, with the first of the support rockets being launched 2 hours and 45 minutes before the launch of the Thor missile carrying the nuclear warhead. FREE New Book #9 The Bible for Awakening Truthers. Both individuals noted immediate visual disturbances, but neither was incapacitated."[9]. Ship-based . UFO Sightings Footage UK UFO Blog UFO & Aliens Images & Videos, Navy Pilot Films Sleek Silver UFO Flying Past Jet | They Are Here, The Simpsons Has More 2023 Predictions And It's Not Good, A Red UFO Can Clearly Be Seen In Moon Crater, White Cylindrical Shape UFO South Carolina 13th Feb 2023, 9,000 Year Old Skull With Microchip Inside It, Alien Greys In Ancient Mayan Stone Relief, FBI Confirms Interdimensional Entities Are Visiting Us. According to one of the first technical reports, "The visible phenomena due to the burst were widespread and quite intense; a very large area of the Pacific was illuminated by the auroral phenomena, from far south of the south magnetic conjugate area (Tongatapu) through the burst area to far north of the north conjugate area (French Frigate Shoals). Siple was the same Eagle Scout who accompanied Byrd on the previous Byrd Antarctic expeditions. Task Force 68 consisted of three separate naval groups, each with a specific mission. This tender made available the convenient use of PBM and helicopter aircraft. By H+1 the green had become dull gray, but the feature persisted for 3 hours. Finally a search plane spotted burned wreckage and men on the ground. Report ADA955411. Now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for Elohim had not sent rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground, but a mist went up from the earth and watered the entire surface of the ground. (Genesis 2:5-6). You might be a tad bit confused about the waters above the heavens, but the firmament is also called heaven and so is the sky. George 1 climbed to 1,000 feet to get above the snow and ice. Word translations into English in parentheses unless the name is a proper noun. It is time to wake up from the lies that the elites are trying to brainwash us with, its time to start thinking for ourselves and questioning what mainstream media and science tell us. For this mission he was supported by the US Navy, giving him plenty of ships, boats, aircraft, and personnel to accomplish his goal. He was a highly decorated service member achieving the Medal of Honor and had an unquenchable thirst for exploring the unknown. The nuclear age had just begun, and the real fears were that the Soviet Union would attack . In some cases it is not clear if the height is absolute or relative to ground, for example, Atmospheric, airdrop, balloon, gun, cruise missile, rocket, surface, tower, and barge are all disallowed by the. From August 1946 to February 1947, the United States Navy conducted a military exercise in Antarctica known as Operation Highjump. Admiral Byrd participated in one last mission to Antarctica, Operation Deep Freeze 1 (19551956), it was during this time that the United States set up permanent bases there. #103 The UAP Hearing: Highlights & Commentary May 25, 2022 (5/25/22), Ep. HIGHJUMP's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy report of the operation, were:[3]. A different version of these events has recently been #115 The CIA, UFOs and Material (9/30/22), Ep. All rights reserved. BIBLICAL EARTH BUZZ ALDRIN ADMITS THEY FAKED THE MOON LANDING (SPACE IS A LIE), CIA, Russia, NASA, US Army Docs: Motionless Flat Earth. Not too long after this started taking place did the expedition end, six months ahead of schedule mind you. It was reported that the yield and burst altitude were very close to those desired, but according to most official documents the exact nuclear yield remains classified.