If buying alfalfa hay, youll want to know if it is first, second or third cutting (or later), and at what stage of growth it was harvested. Is it better to feed her grass hay higher in nonstructural carbohydrates (NSCs) or alfalfa lower in NSCs but higher in calories? A few short awns (1/2) are observed on TAM 204 (left) vs. TAM 401. 3). Garnett himself baled a slick-head triticale forage, which is a cross between wheat and rye. For either of these groups youll need to be feeding better than normal hay because you are wanting higher than normal levels of performance. The leaves of grass hay have more nutrients and are more digestible when the plant is immature and growing, and more fiber when the plant has reached full growth. Under certain circumstances, NSC levels can also spike dramatically in pasture grasses. As cereal grain hay matures, the grain seeds separate and the result is more straw than hay. 55 0 obj <>stream or moldy. I like to think of it as a salad, looks good, tastes good and good for you. She isnt overweight or underweight. Also, you will be less apt to have spoilage from a leak in the tarp if the water can run off readily. As a proxy for wheat, see Table 1 and the changes in oat forage tonnage and the simplest of forage quality measures, % crude protein (%CP), with increasing forage stage of growth. Nutrition information provided is on an "as fed" basis. Traditional feeds for horses include grass or alfalfa hay, corn, oats, a sweet feed of some type or commercially developed feed. The nutritional value goes downhill in a hurry., Adds Hansen, If cattlemen are buying wheat hay, it may be wise to determine when it was harvested. shows you the specific things to look at so you can tell which one you are buying! Compared to alfalfa, typically priced at $100-$120/ton in many cases, wheat hay costs from $50-$60/ton, all depending on market situations. The choice between alfalfa and oat hay depends on price per unit of energy or protein and the type of horse being fed. The only silver lining might be having a buyer that would never pay for higher forage quality, so you can grow higher tonnage of beardless wheat that can still be safely fed. Not that beef cattle or goats will do well on poor hay, they wont, its what seems to be a common (but erroneous) thought. Alfalfa Hay (also known as Legume Hay) averages 21.2% protein and 11% NSC (simple starches). (Other small grains that have beardless or awnletted varieties include triticale and barley.). Your horse is in good body condition; she is doing well on the grass/alfalfa-mix hay you are currently feeding. Tam 204 beardless wheat at a common growth stage (headed to soft dough) often used for hay. https://lubbock.tamu.edu/programs/crops/other-field-crops/forage/, https://sanangelo.tamu.edu/extension/agronomy/agronomy-publications/growth-stages-of-wheat/. Second cutting hay should be green, have fine stems and lots of leaves. They can grow as long as five inches in some varieties. WebAny of various annual cereal grasses of the genus (Triticum) of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially (T. aestivum), widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain. Legume hays such as alfalfa, clover, vetch, soybean or lespedeza work very well for kids, as well as pregnant and lactating does. I often hear people say they want to give their animals the best feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it has more protein and calcium. Subscribe to Equinews and get the latest equine nutrition and health news delivered to your inbox. WebFair alfalfa hay $175 to $185, 775 tons overgrown or high moisture $160 to $165. It also tends to have relatively coarse stems (supplying the fiber a horse needs for proper digestion) since it grows the fastest. Later cuttings tend to grow more slowly and the stems are finer and softer. There are a few reasons why, the sheep and farming practices. timothy orchard rabbits tortoise therabbithouse oat grasses animaux varieties raising tortoisespimp lapin bunny WebAlfalfa hay is an excellent source of energy, protein, calcium and some other nutrients for horses. The quality of the hay you feed will also depend on whether you are feeding mature beef cattle, young calves or dairy cows. 2. Selecting good hay for your flock is a skill youll want to get familiar with. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. WebAlfalfa hay is the classic here. Mainly this is overly mature hay (made very late) and moldy or dusty hay. 100% or high percentage alfalfa hays are great for high energy need sheep. Fig. Some years the alfalfa will do better, some years the grass or clover. We will feed hay that is a bit dusty, it usually is not a big deal. Your email address will not be published. A small amount of alfalfa, or a commercial protein supplement, can provide the needed protein, minerals and vitamins. Make sure your alfalfa hay is full of leaves. Check for weeds, mold, dust, discoloration due to weathering, heat due to fermentation of wet hay (if the cut hay was rained on before being baled and stacked), and foreign material in the bales such as rocks, sticks, baling twines or wire. In this article, we look at 11 alternatives to bread made from wheat. Regardless of storage time, you will need a way to keep it from getting wet or drawing moisture from the ground. alfalfa timothy wilber Some reports show that horses fed millet hay may show symptoms of lameness and joint swelling. Fig. WebIn general the yield drag of beardless wheat in both irrigated and dryland grain variety trials has been lower by 10-15% and as much as 20% lower than our annual Pick wheat varieties for grain. If a handful of hay bends easily in your hand, its fiber content is relatively low and it will be more digestible than if the stems snap like twigs. klamath hay beardless wheat grass falls teff larger The average crude protein for the various forages include alfalfa at 18%; wheat hay 8-9%; red clover 15%; sudangrass 10%; fescue 7.5%; milo stubble 6%; prairie hay 5.8%; and corn stover 5.2%. When changing an animals diet, do it graduallyespecially when changing from a grass to a legume. But with some planning, feeding hay during the winter months can be a simple and efficient alternative while waiting the return of springs lush pastures. In some areas, foxtail or German millet are used as horse forage. We use it as the grass component to any mixed hay we plant. Depending on the area of the country in which it is grown, oat hay can be low in protein and contain only marginal calcium, phosphorus and carotene." If this is the main source of forage in the diet, the horse will consume too much starch, leading to such problems as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and even laminitis.". Alfalfa has two to three times as much calcium as grass hays. Selecting barley hay that has been cut at the milky dough stage, so the grain and the barley awns are not fully developed is important when using it as feed for horses. Sheep tend to love alfalfa and will happily eat it. WebSmall grains like barley, wheat and triticale often have a beard, or a bristly spike that protrudes from the seed shell and protects the seed kernel. Alfalfa #2 When in doubt about the best, most cost-effective feed for your horses, always check with a horse nutritionist or veterinarian familiar with your area. A cost-effective way of feeding some horses. If goats are fed coarse hay, they may eat the leaves but not the stems. oat alfalfa wheat straw 21food As a general rule of thumb, grass hay is best for horsesalfalfa or other legume hay can be an excellent feed to mix with grass hay for animals that need more protein. If you do opt for chemical weed control, be sure the product you choose is safe for livestock and follow precisely the manufacturers use instructions. This means that you should only feed green, immature barley hay as the awns haven't had the chance to dry and become hardened. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. Haybet hay barley. They can grow as long as five inches in some varieties. Three string, 100lb bales. Forage quality of any typesummer annual grasses like sorghum/sudan, winter small grains, annual legumes, and perennial grassesdeclines with maturity. Mike Garnett produces and custom harvests wheat hay and other small grain forages, along with alfalfa and a variety of grazer-type hays. If you must use alfalfa hay for all your horses, be selective in the hay you choose. Read the article on Red Clover at MU Extension for more details on the potential of red clover hay for your sheep. In northern parts of the United States, timothy is widely grown because it tolerates cold weather and grows early in spring. Because beardless wheat is customarily viewed as something that you can let head out to a more advanced stage of maturity,growers and feeders are unwittingly accepting lower forage quality. In oats there is no issue with beards, but the trends of increasing forage dry matter and decreasing forage feed value raise the question of what is the optimum time to mow the oats. Fig. According to Dr. Getty, "Oat hay is an excellent feed for horses. Always buy hay that was harvested under good conditions, then keep it dry and out of the sunlight so it will keep better. range seen this spring and summer, more wheat is harvested for grain, whether cattle were grazed on it or not. The choice between alfalfa and oat hay depends on price per unit of energy or protein and the type of horse being fed. ANSWER. There is always some risk of nitrate poisoning, however, if cereal grain hays are harvested after a spurt of growth following a drought period. Sheep tend to love alfalfa and will happily eat it. For many years the Texas High Plains wheat group has examined the grain yield of beardless wheats vs. conventional bearded wheat. For best quality, make sure it was hayed no later than the flag leaf.. Most of these alternatives are entirely gluten-free, and many are also low-carb. Straws are very low in Vitamin A and about half of the phosphorus needed for a mature horse. Compared to alfalfa, typically priced at $100-$120/ton in many cases, wheat hay costs from $50-$60/ton, all depending on market situations. An equine nutritionist offers advice on the best hay to feed a horse who is at risk of developing laminitis. 200 tons big bale wheat straw $105 fob stack. Dont go with beef cattle hay or goat hay. Or animals simply are not growing as much. The choice between alfalfa and oat hay depends on price per unit of energy or protein and the type of horse being fed. This can disrupt the microbes that help the animals digest their feed. Like oat hay, forage hay is cut at the optimal time to ensure a highly palatable feed for horses, cattle, goats and sheep. Webhay because the hay is a bit harder to manage than alfalfa. Do weather conditions affect the risk of colic? In other outlets I have discussed the grain yield drag that typically occurs with beardless wheats in grain production. Currently I feed equal amounts of both and no grain. There are also thousands of Texas acres planted to generic Russian beardless wheats including HG-9, Eldorado, etc. Number 8860726. Varieties that dont have a beard are referred to as awnless or beardless varieties. 1). Ca:P Ratio - 1.3:1. Three string, 100lb bales. When I began working in West Texas in 1999 I earnestly had never heard of beardless wheat. As browsers, goats eat a wide variety of plants when roaming free, and will eat some of the weeds and other undesirable plants that other animals will not. If your mares do not already receive a fortified concentrate or a balancer pellet to top-off nutrient needs, choose a well-formulated vitamin and mineral supplement to augment your mares diets. For pregnant or lactating mares, or young growing horses, some legume hay added to the diet provides the additional protein and higher levels of other nutrients needed. If you have a source of well made timothy hay, consider yourself to be pretty lucky and buy some for your flock! WebIn general the yield drag of beardless wheat in both irrigated and dryland grain variety trials has been lower by 10-15% and as much as 20% lower than our annual Pick wheat varieties for grain. But all hay tends to weather because the sun bleaches the outside of the bales. Low sugar varieties of grass hay are best if you can get it, or a mix of grass & alfalfa. Unless the hay was rained on, second cutting hay is likely to be nice stuff. 3. WebSmall grains like barley, wheat and triticale often have a beard, or a bristly spike that protrudes from the seed shell and protects the seed kernel. Beardless WW, trit, barley. EquiMed does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Shutterstock. Looking around online or at the hay sale, you see multiple options. If you are seeing a fully developed seed head sticking up from the stalk, that plant was too mature when it was cut for hay. A hay shed is ideal because you can build up the floor with gravel for good drainage so the entire haystack is kept dry. Webrenovating old alfalfa stands or perennial Winter wheat hay analysis (2010): 10% CP, 55% TDN 1200-lb cow NRC daily requirements: 2.2 lbs CP and 13 lbs TDN Winter: Rye?, beardless wheat, triticale, spelt. Sheep that are needing more nutrition since they are working will need a more nutritious hay than a maintenance level sheep. Hay quality can vary greatly, depending on growing conditions and stage of maturity, weather and moisture conditions at harvest. Nutrition. A: From what you have told me, I wouldnt change a thing. Just because she has a pattern?of fat distribution typical of certain laminitis-prone breeds (Arabians, Morgans and Quarter Horse types, for example) does not mean she is in imminent danger of developing the disease, especially given that other risk factors are low: You are feeding no grain and did not even mention pasture access. EquiMed Staff - 04/11/2018 Placing a round bale in the pasture with the mares is no guarantee that your mares will choose the hay over whatever pasture is remaining. Horses may also react to to alkaloids in millet hay because they are susceptible to alkaloid toxicity syndromes. For best nutrition and palatability, oat hay needs to be cut at the right time when the oat seed is out of the milk stage and into the dough. Late made first cutting hay is likely to be of poor quality, true. 2), TAM 204, and Razor from AgriPro/Syngenta. To ensure you're getting proper nutrition, choose wheat-free bread and cereal products that are made with whole grains, such as buckwheat, quinoa, millet, amaranth and flax, says Holtzer. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Some years, good quality forage may be too expensive or unavailable. J. Keeler Johnson. 2. The choice between alfalfa and oat hay depends on price per unit of energy or protein and the type of horse being fed. Beardless TAM 401 wheat with early grain development. They provide the following recommendations for triticale grain fed to horses: Limit the cereal grain to not more than 500g per 100kg body weight per meal, or not more than 4g of starch per kg body weight per meal. It is less likely, since timothy matures a bit later in the spring than other hay grasses. Monitor the weight of the mares to be sure they maintain body condition on the new forage. However, some types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows. Click for a hub of Extension resources related to the current COVID-19 situation. Offer a salt block and water at all times to round out the diet. The cattle love it. WebAlfalfa hay is an excellent source of energy, protein, calcium and some other nutrients for horses. The hay needs to be decent but nothing spectacular. These cuttings are too rich (too many nutrients per pound, with very little fiber) for most horses, unless you are just adding a little bit of it to the diet of a young orphan foal or an older horse that has poor teeth and cannot chew stemmy hay. The different cutting of hay will have different appearances, but all should be green, leafy and smell good. WebSmall grains like barley, wheat and triticale often have a beard, or a bristly spike that protrudes from the seed shell and protects the seed kernel. It is less apt to contain blister beetles (which are deadly if eaten), and it often has a little grass mixed in. Factors that can affect nutritional value include plant species in the hay, fertility of soil, harvesting methods (whether the hay was conditioned or crimped to dry faster and lose less leaves and nutrients during drying) and curing time. Tam 204 beardless wheat at a common growth stage (headed to soft dough) often used for hay. For lambs, since they are growing, their hay needs to be high in nutrition as well as palatability. The flakes should separate easily from the bale and not be stuck together. Mature goats do very well on a grass-legume mix and some grass hays, but generally do not eat coarse grass hay; having small mouths, goats do not like it. Copyright 2023 Kentucky Equine Research. Those are terms people put on hay that is lower quality. Give it a try and see how your gals like it. Do you see what my concern is? Some types of mold may cause colic or can cause a pregnant mare to abort. Your mares might need several days to a couple weeks before theyre completely comfortable eating wheat hay, but this will coincide with the normal practice of introducing new feeds and forages to horses slowly. Webhay because the hay is a bit harder to manage than alfalfa. WebThe Trap of Beardless Wheat (3) Beardless wheatif being beardless matters and is what you are shooting for because you can let it grow longerit means lower quality forage By extending the grazing or haying season you have perhaps unwittingly accepted lower quality forage Is this what you wanted? Rye bread. Unless you are buying directly out of the field after baling, try to buy hay that has been protected from weather by a tarp or hay shed. The catch with timothy is that not a lot of people are growing it anymore, so it is harder to find. Look at texture, maturity, color and leafiness. Subsequently, horses will select the grain-heads and consume less of the fiber portion of the forage. How much hay will your flock need this year? Growing cereals for hay In some regions, it is hard to find good grass hay. That lower quality forage may require supplementation, which can be costly. Along with wheat and triticale, oat hay can be very palatable at all stages of maturity. According to Dr. Getty, "Oat hay is an excellent feed for horses. (& how to tell when you need to). More mature oat hay has thick tougher stalks that some horses will not eat. Alfalfa Hay is also higher in Calcium, with about 3 times as much as Grass Hay. If you can find mixed hay in your area, give it a try. That lower quality forage may require supplementation, which can be costly. Dairy cows need the best haywith the most nutrients per poundsince they are producing more milk than a beef cow. The digestibility, palatability and nutrient values are highest when the plant is youngwith more leaves and less stems. Its soft stem is really good for young calves, he says. Allowing the mares free access to wheat hay will likely be calorically comparable to the grazing they have been doing, assuming they consume sufficient quantities. 1. Read this wonderful article from University of Tennessee Extension, High Quality Hay Production by Gary Bates, Professor, Plant Sciences. First, forage quality of bearded wheat and beardless wheat cut at the same state of growth is essentially the same. They do best with fine, soft hay thats cut before bloom stage; it not only contains more nutrients, but is also much easier to eat. Now they need great hay to keep up with the demands of milking and to keep themselves in good condition. Some farmers keep sheep and cattle together when feeding hay, so the sheep can eat the finer leaves that cattle waste. If feeding cereal grain hay (cut while still green and growing, rather than at maturity, as straw), have it checked for nitrate levels to avoid nitrate poisoning. Either pick it up or drag the pasture to spread the manure so it will decompose more quickly. For the lower price, producers can receive a good forage that can provide vital nutrients. In some parts of the country fescue, reed canary grass, ryegrass and Sudan grass are common. (Photo courtesy Dr. Emi Kimura, Vernon, TX). We choose to keep ewe lambs growing well and breed for the first lambing at one year of age. Rye grass hay does work well for some horses. Copyright 2023. Moldy hay is a waste of your money. 2. If you are planning to graze the wheat, it will take a few weeks to a month after planting for the wheat to be fully tillered. I often hear people say they want to give their animals the best feed, and they assume alfalfa is best because it has more protein and calcium. Asking for dairy hay, if you are in a dairy cattle area, will work as well. Always select good quality, clean straw when buying it for feed. 3. If you slack off on their nutrition, this wont happen. 600 tons Premium beardless wheat hay $140; 125 tons Good big bale beardless wheat hay with few weeds $125; 800 tons Low quality beardless wheat hay rained on in windrow or rained on top bales $75. Coarse, thick-stemmed hay (overly mature) has more fiber and less nutrition than immature, leafy hay with finer stems. Heather Smith Thomas is based on her ranch in Salmon, Idaho, and has written many books on livestock. In many geographic regions that get only two or three cuttings of alfalfa per season, first-cutting alfalfa might be the preferred hay for horses. Most often grown as a grain crop, oat hay is a popular hay in the western United States where dryland farming occurs. This ensures a high quality product still showing some color with good carbohydrate content and sweetness in the stem. Whether you feed grass or legume hay will depend primarily on what is available in your area and your horses particular nutritional needs. by Dr. Calvin Trostle, Professor & Extension Agronomist, Discussion of forage quality it is fairly common, and the emphasis placed on forage quality among forage growers and livestock feeders ranges from none to strong consideration. Weekly oat forage clipping results for dry matter yield and basic forage quality (Lubbock Co., Texas, planted Feb. 15). 600 tons Premium beardless wheat hay $140; 125 tons Good big bale beardless wheat hay with few weeds $125; 800 tons Low quality beardless wheat hay rained on in windrow or rained on top bales $75. Robotika/Flickr. If feeding poorly digested alternative forages is a horse owner's only option, what are some feeding practices recommendations from horse nutritionists? That help the animals digest their feed poundsince they are growing, their hay needs to be nice.... The alfalfa will do better, some types of mold may cause colic or can cause a pregnant to. Some for your flock is a bit harder to manage than alfalfa is overly hay... Better than normal hay because they are working will need a way keep! A business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with.... Heard of beardless wheats including HG-9, Eldorado, etc is it better feed... 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