MS its late but not completely out of race. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . It never translated to consumer sales for Apple computers. And I was told I didn't know what I was talking about when I have repeatedly said this for the past two years. Nadella grew up in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad and studied electrical engineering at Mangalore University (B.Sc., 1988). It's frustrating to see for a company I was quite overzealous about at a time. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. A heck of a way to treat your customers. I still see people in the subway with their iPhone 4. Hell, I do too. And he did come in at the end of it. Theres obvious resistance from customers who prefer the control of "owning" local installations even when their software goes hopelessly out of date and becomes a security nightmare. Congratulations, Satya Nadella. Too late, Satya. I always get good responses on my Idol. Updates? He has steered the company away from a. it could run Windows 10 on ARM CPU's and run win 32 x86 Desktop PC programs MS UWP Apps and Regular apps from the Windows 10 PC Microsoft store. You stop doing useful things if you don't learn. LOL, the only thing worth copying from a Lumia was the camera technology. I know several people who bought Windows phones simply because they were Nokia's - now they've all been forced to move to Android and looking at their Facebook statuses it's clear that while they get along fine with Android they REALLY miss their windows devices. They dabbled in PCs for a few years, but then got out. A loyal user since Win 3.1I dispair. He only cares about the income statement today and his bonuses. That is ultimate device without compromise, with Windows uniqueness, and without any app gap limitations. When Android phonesand Iphones allow docking to a screen and a keyboard on those devices Microsoft Office might not be the first choice either anymore.Edge browser will not be the first choice on an Android phone or an Iphone either. I've been on windows phones for five years and they have been reliable workhorses that never had problems. The Universal Windows App system would be a great method for providing that frredom of choice if security is your primary concern then choose less apps and greater security choices. The people who run HDM were the same people within NOKIA and tried to push the company to make those X platform android devices. Slow down development on android and iOS, push out universal store apps first then their ios and android counterparts. 1. Or their own apps in the Windows Store. I've recently been on Android and had to go through the growing pains of my mom switching to iOS. Users wanted small things like transparent icons for Skype, office apps landscape mode for start screen. Thats where therolling-up-the-sleeves partbegins. Hence a future where no Microsoft office is relevant or needed as other companies makes such solutions for huge eco-systems as IOS or Android? In a new interview with CNN Business, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella defended the company's $480 million contract with the U.S. Army following employee backlash. You're dreaming. Yeah, this will hurt them. Google and Apple worked out a long time ago that Mobile is VERY important. I am currently in the process of selling my 3 Windows Phones, XBox One, Surface Laptop and Band and I will be switching over to another OS and believe you me I will NOT be downloadiing any apps or software that is associated with Microsoft and I hope many many others follow suite. Corrections? They stupidly justified every move of Microsoft instead of criticizing it. if a peice of hardware does not sell well a Microsoft ceo can stop production & sales of that hardware. Employees begin to question management commitment, and indirectly their own future. In Europe Nokia was doing much better than in the US. Not much progress for all your efforts! The temptation so far for the managers at Nadella Satya is to focus on the domestic market only. Mobile is the future, and not just for consumers. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. And silence for 2 years from MS, resulting in speculation everywhere, like the guy who wrote this article here. TRYING VERY HARD? Now change the proud tradition, established by your founder Bill. Europe has 750 000 000 people, that's a bigger market than US. I haven't seen any apologists here today. Profits in the short term will improve, but viability of their technology will be replaced as customers seek other alternatives. This is BS and not even an apology. This lack of experience could be a detriment as Microsoft seeks to compete more directly with Apple and Google. Or a watch. On my Surface Pro 3, I like Stagelight by open labs. hprbl/ the reason i stick with windows 10 only because of photoshop. Changemakers: Satya Nadella | London Business School It seems you have the guts to take on things others don't. I'm not really a Satya apologist, but I dont blame him for what happened to Windows Phone. AR is already a fail: look what they did with HoloLens, it's 2 yars now. Joe tried to talk about how they "tried so hard" to get developers. For example, it was corporate spend that kept Microsofts OEM revenues from falling heavily in its most recent quarter. abandon consumer market is a bad choose Heres a thought, why not sell Windowsphone to HDM or whoever bought Nokia. Published by HBR Publications. I wouldn't expect immediategrowth and a great spurt of Windows fans coming back, but if they made a device (whether it looked like a phone or not), showed actual commitment behind it, and marketed the death out of it by showcasing its many features via various media mediums, change is possible. It is also clear that WinPhone/WinMob was a cluster-f from the day iOS was launched and WinMob 6.5 was terrible by comparison. It is that simple. Sure, there's the Holodeck, but that's a plot device and not an actual envisioning of "how stuff gets done." I can't imagine Nadella doesn't realise this will happen he's the CEO after all. Rest 80% of the strategic targets are not achieved because of incomprehensive planning, limited resource allocation, and poor execution. - Threats of New Entrants because of Reducing Costs and Increasing Efficiencies As Nadella Satya can leverage low cost of reaching customers using social media and e-commerce, so can the competitors both local and international competitors. I searched (and still do and I don't know why) every day looking for the next MS mobile phone such a waste of time. And, given that Stephen Elop was tipped as a leading CEO candidate, some could be unhappy that their guy did not win. Considering phones are what will power VR/AR, especially as they get more and more powerful, the desktop is not where mixed reality will reside in the long term, so Microsoft has set itself up for failure there as well. It's tough to grow anything without seeds. Apple gets it, Google gets it, Adobe gets it, and Amazon gets it; but Microsoft misses it. Seriously, Nadella is an example of the Peter Principle and MS needs new leadership that can harness the enthusiasm of their devs and customers to re-introduce Win phones and improve their offerings & quality across the board. all history now. IT employees working from home lazy and slacking? Microsoft CEO Satya It's around 500 million now. But the then take a heavy sweaty dump on not only the last of the loyal customer base, but ALSO the OEMs, proves that Nadella is basically going to be the end of MS as we know it and in a bad way. Satya Nadella Takes Leadership Lessons From Philosopher - Insider ". Nadella IS committed to Windows Mobile - er - Windows ON mobile. Now how will Microsoft stay relevant when the majority of the users dock their powerful Iphones or Android phones to a docking station and uses big scrrens and use Office software made by Apple or Goodle android. Sure Cortana is available on the PC, but where is the Cortana IoT integration? Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. If Nokia X, Astoria and iOS Bridge would have the attention they deserverd, today we would see OEMs selling Microsoft's mobile OS capable of running Bank applications, Airline ticket applications, Snapchat, Youtube, etc. Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. Windowsphone was not about phone. yeah people just don't understand the problem won't solve by simply having android apps to run on Windows 10. Now, even tho I like Windows 10 (desktop), i'm done. Microsoft failed badly in the early stages of marketing and screwed its most loyal users. OEM's wisely took the choice of the free OS over a paid one. WP7 kept all features from WM6.5? It's about new management practices and . No doubt they are winding down Surface. Admitting apparently isn't keeping him from doing over and over again. No such action has been taken so I call BS on MS. Thats not an enviable job. He placed an intentionally greater emphasis on empathy, individual empowerment, positivity, and growth. If the Kin would've been a success, things might have turned out differently. Microsoft Case Study.docx - Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Plus, Win32 apps are running in emulation. Regards I will use my X3 until it's dead. That may not be the case. Mobiles are now the gateway product to tech not enterprise systems. I left Windows Phone with the cancellation of the McLaren for Android. I think this is one of the best options MS has if it wants to come back in the mobile space. How much have you or your company invested in Microsoft "mobile" over the last 5 years? And then they decide to abandon it because they never had the vision of a competeing third ecosystem. For all his many faults, at least Balmer had some inkling of the need to maintain a foothold in the consumer space, even though he did it WRONG by trying to BUY marketshare via the Nokia purchase as opposed to building a MS-owned vertical manufacturing base. Calm down the "unlock shareholder value" crowd. I lost "faith" in Microsoft when they killed the Band. WebOS was a great OS on very underpowered hardware. You arejust wrong. The faster release tempo is a good thing for consumers, but makes IT pros nervous. Testing RFID blocking cards: Do they work? Third category is pure professionals. Courtesy of the Nadella family As we talked, I learned that Satya's deeply empathetic nature owes much to his eldest . The problem is that Microsoft earn money on servers and support for Windows 10 pc. Speaking at the Nov. 18 MIT AI and Work of the Future Congress, the Microsoft CEO envisioned a near future where jobs are "enriched by productivity.". A fan and loyalist since the first Samsung Focus, I'm not sure what to think of any potential refresh. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. "We didn't get . Then what? Not to mention, updates for Win 10 & applications are poorly done and tested, which makes them a dice roll every time, as you cross your fingers that nothing breaks on your systems. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to serious road blocks in future growth as information in silos can result can lead to missed opportunities in market place. The dual SIM system is great for when I travel it allows me to separate which contact I call on which SIM. Let native APK to run on Windows Mobile and Windows desktop. I understand your frustration but I do not agree to your comment people will not return. So it wasn't completely stupid as long as it was the only way to stay in the race until you figure out something better. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. The influx of new customers has also led to evolution of consumer preferences and tastes. - Increasing bargaining power of buyers Over the years the bargaining power of customers of Nadella Satya has increased significantly that is putting downward pressure on prices. If this trend keeps up, there will be little to no need for our consultants to even know Microsoft products. So, you know, keep the Surface division growing at triple digit percentages for the next few years. But as I think, it's not too late, there is still chance of Plan C, which is to fork Android (AOSP) from scratch and have consumers, carriers and OEMS happy because there is no app gap anymore. As is, whatever they do, they will do without OEM support at first, which could be tricky. But then Microsoft figured - it's just a couple of hundred bucks down the crapper, I mean, you've already stood by me through so much. And Apple is amazing but I can't sell my soul to them. I only use Cortana as a quick launch for application on my PC. What really hurt Windows Phone was empty promises that they lost interest on keeping. (I know that is sarcastic, but there is a bit of truth therein) There was no commitment to follow through. It's a shame. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. It's just business. Nadella rose steadily through the ranks of Microsoft management. Android simply cannot compete on the core functionality and integration of multiple accounts. But I do think I have a pretty good handle on the challenges hes facing right now. I thought Game Of Thrones for all its fiction should have taught the lesson better.. Almost always on their mobile - probably 99% of calls other than to other companies are made to, and received from mobiles. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares his thoughts on work from home culture. Exactly! I think one of the issues is secrecy. They've prob hushed up in light of this article lol. Also, I was a Band user and a Surface 2 RT user MS has lost my trust as the only things that are actually still supported are my laptop and my Xbox (though they don't really do anything with the Kinect anymore). - Robust Domestic Market that Nadella Satya Operates in - The domestic market in which Nadella Satya is operating is both a source of strength and roadblock to the growth and innovation of the company. He made mistakes. I still kinda hoped from afar all these years. I don't see a long term future even for windows if this idea fails. I was a young father of a little girl when I left and she's almost ready for kindergarten. Because Gates has moved to Android and Belfiore to an iOS they will soon see what the benefits and disadvantages are. Unfortunately, its the personal equivalent of a longstanding corporate flaw at Microsoft, which (sometimes) enthusiastically launches products before theyre ready, then loses interest or dramatically shifts gears a few years later. Please used all the technology you bought from Nokia.. The world may not need a third ecosystem, but Microsoft needed to be that third ecosystem. When I read #HitRefresh it means kick the most loyal catagory of Windows Fans in the teeth in the mobile catagory. Microsoft must rethink its business looking for a leadership with strength in marketing to achieve strategic agreements that allow the company to recover its level of competition. But he had passion and he truly seemed to care about Microsoft. The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. I really do enjoy windows 10 as the best OS for computers. Apps are still an issue on windows. It was more important to shake the long building reputation that MS is a company of startup technology which never gets finished to a point where end users, developers, and OEM partners can achieve a reasonable ROI for their time, and money investments, than to shake the stigma of a slow progressing ecosystem. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talks the economy, hybrid work, diversity Seriously? I also felt pretty betrayed owning am Xbox One original. My, how time flies. It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. It doesn't make any sense to support something useless anymore. I hope they also realise forcing edge onto people who don't want it is wrong too. I have no doubt Microsoft will be successful long-term, but Nadella is morphing the Microsoft DNA completely away from consumer-facing products & services, and probably also away from front-end Enterprise products & services, concentrating strictly on cloud-base services and back-end infrastructure at the internet level. Poor integration of Nokias tens of thousands of workers. It's far easier to hold on to customers than it is to acquire them. It seems the company is desperately looking to draw the attention of the audience without a defined plan of action. Putting the best features of Windows on other eco systems isn't magically going to bring people over to MS. Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? The Nokia acquisition has the potential to bring in some hardware genius and sales that could scale up to 100 million devices a year in fairly short order. Yet another dumb Nutella decision. I still use my Xbox for games primarily and entertainment at home (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. As TechCrunch reported: Critically, Windows OEM revenue for the period only declined 3 percent, a figure that was cushioned by 12 percent more OEM revenue to commercial customers. Satya Nadella will never read WC thread but, a "global survey of PO'd users" might get picked up by the Press? He is the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 as CEO and John W. Thompson in 2021 as chairman. Glad I'm not one of them because after year one he needed to be fired or put back in charge of the cloud department and someone else put in charge! Again and again, I ran into the same brick wall -- the developers had no confidence that Microsoft would continue to support the platform. Nadella said it's cloud first. Microsoft WILL not gain from making their Windows 10 for desktops free as they need that business right now. Finally, he admitted that he made a FUBAR! Great! Have a full and frank exchange of ideas in the board room. So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. Too late. Nadella will have to welcome droves of people into a culture that he will be only freshly in charge of. They have only just started releasing a modem the market (apple) likes. CEO Satya Nadella prepares Microsoft for an epic bounce-back When Nadella was named CEO of Microsoft on Feb. 4, 2014, Microsoft's market cap was about $311 billion, the cloud was a poorly understood and peripheral element in corporate strategy and the company was widely regarded as a once-great institution whose best days were in the rear-view mirror. They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. I have stayed with Windows phone since the first version came out and now suddenly knowing that MS is abondoning this platform has caused me anguished and lose faith completely in MS. Will get ready to get an android phone (as I am never an apple fan) and also will migrate MS related apps to other platform too. No they didn't Learn from mistakes and grow with concepts not with words.First and most important, build products/services for each and every person. Would be nice if the people that bought 950 or 950 XLs could get some kind of compensation or at least an apology. This is the way to go. Why would I ever take the chance on a new Microsoft product when they could dump it like they have before. Microsoft tries to play fair and their competitors equivalently dirty. To assume, you can abandon a cause multiple times, burning not only consumers, but your OEMs and try to shift to conversation to the "future", means you are still out of touch. After moving to the United States, he completed (1990) a masters degree in computer science at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and went to work at Sun Microsystems, Inc., as a member of its technology staff. It is actually fairly small, though still offers chances to earn few billions for the operating system company, so it is not something that should be ignored by a big company, just if you ask whether it is normal that other things were priority, yes it is. All he did was avoid answers, while offering some nebulous comments that left loyal customers baffled. I could use Cortana to set reminders, appointments, whatever on either my phone or PC, and my PC or phonewould remind me. My L950 is still kicking. There is was one path forward as I see it. Microsoft is now worth more than $2.26 trillion. Cheers to all! Nadella Satya has tried to diversify first using different brands and then by adding various features based on customer preferences. When I switched to the LG G6 I decided to give Google's services a try and let's be honest other than office Google's offerings are better than Microsoft's especially on an android phone.