Why God Decreed Extermination for the Canaanites Publication download options Jehovah has judged, English: Jehoiachin Most Christians are familiar with the word Jehovah. << Isaiah 5 >> King James Version 26And he [Yahweh] will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them [jewish people] from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly. jehovah means god of wickedness - marglass.ro Even Jews Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult? - ussanews.com Hosea 13:16 (God threatens to rip open pregnant women & smash babies) But what has been the result? 11 The evidence should be clear to all. But there is the promise of so many more blessings. People who endure this system will be rewarded with 10 times what they lose and everlasting life. 3 It was Satan the Devil who started wickedness on earth. Not only our creators name has been altered so has our messiahs. They were not only evil, they were evil continually. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. H1961 hayah haw-yaw a primitive root (Compare 1933); to exist, i.e. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? (b)What complaint do some people have? Her website reveals horrendous English, including grammar, punctuation and spelling. This suggests that usages of the name were already adapted to in the times prior to Raymundus Martini. The Disciples kept the Sabbath 85 times in the Book of Acts!!!!!!!! Hosea 4:6 My people perish for lack of knowledge. I went to a web site that makes this bogus claim. They decreed it should only be spoken by the high priest during the designated Day of Atonement, one of Israel's major holy festivals. Yah (#H3050) means god. Hovah (#H1942) translates to eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness., Baali (#H1180) From baal with pron. So the important issue or question raised was: Does God have the right to be the absolute ruler of humankind? 6:1-7; 2Pet. He is present with us even when we sin. However, there is a scripture that contradicts this idea. 34 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first, and I have written on the tables the words which were on the first tables which thou hast bro Why ignore this commandment? Article Images Copyright . YAHWEY TAROT CARDShttps://www.google.com/search?q=YAHWEH+TAROT+CARDS&rlz=1C1CHBF_en&sxsrf=ALeKk00MVsFvVChqPnLC3kbzxaCx28GGOQ:1584248847713&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjM3rbu2pvoAhUEXqwKHVBjQQ_AUoAnoECA0QBA. (Genesis 3:3-5) He thus called into question the rightfulness of Jehovahs way of ruling. Oh my goodnessIm so confused.So what is the name? (b)What did it mean to eat from the forbidden tree? Jehovah - Wikipedia http://www.isawthelightministries.com/sacrednames.html, http://alphaomegabible.isawthelightministries.com/, https//justpaste.it/777YEHOVAH One of the many ways they did this was by going through ancient Hebrew texts and revising them, while changing the Name to the Tetragrammaton, which is Satanic. Seen in light of Scripture, it also hints at His all-present nature: seeing, knowing, and actually being with us. It is a moment of celebration and worship. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? - JW.ORG (Judges 4:24; 5:31) How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for putting faith in Jehovah God! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Jesus was an ADAMIC ISRAELITE. Did the Jews believe Satan never rebelled against God and that he was not evil? Ads Note: Random ads are placed on this website by Google. I left them a couple yrs ago shortly after. Or as the Worldwide English Bible words this verse: We know that we belong to God and the whole world belongs to the devil. Exo 6:3 And I appearedH7200 untoH413 Abraham,H85 untoH413 Isaac,H3327 and untoH413 Jacob,H3290 by the name of GodH410 Almighty,H7706 but by my nameH8034 JEHOVAHH3068 was I notH3808 knownH3045 to them. Im on the same planet with you people? Even though the meek make diligent search they will not be able to find even one wicked person to mar the happy and tranquil scene. There is nothing loving about him. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God . If that were the case, surely all their children would have been brought up to be Satan Worshippers. "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth." They tell of Jehovahs abhorrence of evildoing, and of his zeal for the eradication of wickedness. ( ), Yd, H, Vav, H YHVH/YHWH/YAHWEY/YAHUAH/YAHAWA/YAH/ YESHUA/YAHSHUA/YAHUSHUA/YEHOSHUA/JAH/ In this passage, Isaiah lifts up praise to the Lord for forgiving His people when they repent, and for restoring their relationship to Him. And they were successful, as they were chosen. For other occasions, the name Adonai was substituted for YHWY. Often it is the innocent who suffer. So I beseech you to study to show thyself approved.I started researching because I was reading the book of Psalms and I normally use my favorite bible but I had left it in the car, so I used a random I had lying around the house, not knowing it was an authorized King James. The meaning of Jehovah would be he who will be, is, and has been. The UN is Satan the devils headquarters and how he controls the world. 4 A person may at first think that there could be no reason great enough for God to allow all the human suffering that has been experienced over the centuries. What's the difference between Jehovah and Jesus? - Quora 61:8) Would this God of righteousness forever endure what he hates? You must remember Jehovah and Jesus created all things PERFECT which means all creatures would HAVE a PERFECT relationship with Jehovah; there would be no need for the PERFECT Angel to want to be worshiped nor would there be any imperfect thoughts in ADAM and EVE. Enough said on that. An example is the doba language say the name Jehovah as Ieoba, the Cherokee language says Yihowa. Site design and hosting by Whistlepig Softworks, LLC. GENESIS 6:5 KJV "And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in List of Watch Tower Society publications - Wikipedia 34 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou brakest. 1) God could change everyone's personality so that they cannot sin. If not, then you are obeying Satan the Devil. These imposters set themselves up to be the real Hebrews, and establish their god (Satan) as the God of the Bible. Jesus is named aftet g -Zeus the one who married his mother and had children with her. 13 Far from it! All of the names phonetically start with two syllables that are read Yeh-ho. Nevermind the devil himself. Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop Calling God All rights reserved. If your research wasnt done from there, then God have mercy on you. Or can man do a better job of governing himself? Shalam! 1 John 5:19 says: We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. All rights reserved. 12 However, a person might ask, Why has God permitted so much time, about 6,000 years now, to settle this issue? The Canaanite/Edomite Jews have corrupted the Old Testament to cause confusion and chaos in the New Testament about the true Biblical name of God The Father, and His Son in these last of the last days before the Rapture. The only means of avoiding God's wrath is repentance. jehovah means god of wickedness - cleanworld.com 2:9. I well know, O Jehovah, that mans way does not belong to him. Culprits Turn "God" into "evil" (The Loaf of Bread Illustration) God condemns wicked acts. http://ahayahyashiya.blogspot.com/2013/02/yhwhyhvh-and-ahayah-illuminati-knows.html, http://ahayahyashiya.blogspot.com/2014/06/documented-proof-this-is-only-true-name.html. Why does Satan mean truth in Sanskrit and Jehovah means evil God in Jehovah TsidkenuThe Lord Is Our Righteousness. Centuries later, a group of Jewish scholars called the Masoretes wanted to restore the word. In fact, crime, pollution, war, family breakdown and other problems have reached such a dangerous stage that scientists believe mans very existence is threatened. So when you are saying that you are praising Lucifier. Contracted for H3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name: Jah, the Lord, most vehement. In fact, much of the suffering on earth would be prevented if people obeyed God's laws. is this between the Melchizideck priests and the Levites? Proverbs 12:3-28 You can't find firm footing in a swamp, but life "And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. Jehovah Does NOT Mean God of Mischief, Ruin Satan is very clever and what better way to mislead 7,000,000 loyal people that follow Gods words as close to what should be under a false Gods name. Wake up before its too late and your the ones saying we cast demons in your name as he says I do not know you and you are dead to me. In fact, if we refer back to Daniel 2:21, where it says that God removes kings and sets up kings, we find support forthe notion that rule does not belong to man but that it belongs to God. In addition to these and many other promises to rid the universe of wicked ones, the pattern of action God has followed in his past dealings with evildoers offers some guide to us on how he will deal with them now. I tried hard to fight this and have come to realize exactly what it is now and why my life was one conflict accusation fight after another. ***WAKE UP CHRISTIANS***NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS*** You CANNOT make the decision not to read this because of its length. Vatican declares power over all Governments, Vatican seeks to abolish separation of Church and State, Vatican declares its hatred for the Word of God. The apostle Paul expresses his confidence that God is able to answer the prayers and fulfill the expectations of His worshippers in ways that they might not think possible. They made the claim that the God of the Old Testament, YHWH, was evil. They may say: If there is a God, why does he permit all these terrible things to happen?. Their purpose was to hide the history of the real Hebrews, so that they may be the chosen people. They could decide for themselves what is good and what is bad. Adam went along with Eve and also ate. If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? Hebrew: Yehowshaphat But God knows their inmost thoughts. It was never pronounced EA-SOUS. . Well as you seeIm a student. Sundayis the law of the Catholic Church alone, Concerning the Sabbath to observe it according to its law. They went to destruction. The family or kinsman of Jesus Christ were ADAMIC ISRAELITES. The "Revelation" was of a Jesus coming back in Apocalyptic fury. (Isaiah 12:1-3). You imagined that I would positively become like you. Daniel 12:4 knowledge shall increase. JW organization is over. All rights Reserved. YAHWEYS negro~Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian language did not exist until 300 BC. For 1,146 years the true sacred name of The Creator God was in the Parchments. they are almost ready to stone me.' 9 Now that time has passed, what has been the result? 6. If you still dont understand or dont agree, you can request a free Bible study with Jehovahs Witnesses. Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. This only proves JEHOVAH made the first humans, Stupid then and not with a PERFECT mind???? As Strongs explains under Jehovah 3068: so God explained the meaning of I am who I am, He spoke to the fathers as YHWH, but the promised deliverance and, therefore, the fuller significance or experienced meaning of His name were unknown to them. So therefore the forefathers knew and used the divine name, however it was at this point that God explained its grand meaning to them. In explaining wickedness, The Watchtower has made EIGHTstatements and quoted TWO scriptures: Lets look at these statements a little closer to determine if they stand up to scrutiny. (Exodus 6:3 KJV). 2:7; Gen. 18:20; 19:4-14. Why should we be encouraged to examine the other important issue raised by Satan? In explaining wickedness, The Watchtower has made EIGHT statements and quoted TWO scriptures: God has allowed wickedness. Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment. Jehovah Nissi means "The Lord Is My Banner." This name for God appears in Exodus 17:15the only place it occurs in the Bible. The Hebrew word means what it means. Psalm 94:23 He will bring upon them their own iniquity and destroy them https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=who+is+jehovah, I hope these help you find the answers to questions. As the ark tossed to and fro on the surface of the boundless waters, its occupants, Noah and his family, had time to ponder the fact that Gods announced purposes are always carried out. PRIVACY POLICY Exodus 34 - BibleGateway Yah/Jah just denotes God, Some people say some of the Prophets have Jah/Yah in their names also but there is prophets that lived that did not, Moses did not, Samuel did not! In fact, there is no scripture in the bible where Satan has questioned Gods right to rule. I think you will find the following interesting. THE FIRST OF ALL THE COMMANDMENTS IS: HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD, JESUS! I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground.Gen. Do not be deceived people. Matthew 18:7. Since the Hebrew hayah is the root meaning and not the Hebrew hovah the name implies to be, to become, to happen. What I mean to say is that the English part hovah has the Hebrew meaning of hayah and not the Hebrew meaning of hovah. Priests have MORE POWER than God Himself. The 4 LETTERS YHWH ARE NOT HOLY! Christian Standard Bible He will pay them back for their sins and destroy them for their evil. (LogOut/ And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus." It should also be noted that there is a Guyanese woman who demands that Jehovah means god of ruin. The Watchtower quotes Genesis 3:3-5 to support the statement that Satan called God a liar. Eventually, not one peak was left, and the only soundthe swish of waters piled high above the tallest mountains. Shava'/sawa' - 22 verses - Job 19:7; 24:12; 29:12; 30: . Prosperity has a very temporary effect on the person, but adversity has a . In Hebrew, Je, Jeh, Jah, Yah means Lord or God. "In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarksTrust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength" (Isaiah 26:1, 4). Often remembered as the prototypical "fire and brimstone" sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" reflects the complicated religious background of eighteenth-century America, influenced not just by Calvinism, but by Newtonian physics. Strongs Number H3068 matches the Hebrew (Yhovah),which occurs 6,519 times in 5,521 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV. The expectation that God will act to put an end to all wickedness may be grounded upon a knowledge of Gods own qualities. You have people that know the Ancient Phonecian Hebrew and they have got themselves a JPS Hebrew Tanakh and read the Yahweh/Jehovah in the scriptures and it says Yahawah but it is still the same as Jehovah or Yahweh which means sacred god of wickedness, clamity and ruin. a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. The early Masorites translated the ancient Hebrew text into the Masoretic text, including adding vowels to Hebrew letters. However, Jews claim that this name (YHVH) is not to be spoken aloud, despite Gods command to declare His name throughout the earth (Exo 9:16). JEHOVAH is cruel and his people are cruel. Charles Taze Russell, byname Pastor Russell, (born Feb. 16, 1852, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.died Oct. 31, 1916, Pampa, Texas), founder of the International Bible Students Association, forerunner of the Jehovah's Witnesses. This is the first scriptural explanation I have seen. These examples of Gods pattern of action in dealing with wickedness surely constitute object lessons to be read and understood by all who have lived since. In fact, most language experts would find this uneducated, unscholarly nonsense as borderline ludicrous. But the essence is the same. There is no verse in the bible that says God has allowed wickedness. Well, that is an easy question. He is present with us in times of suffering. The assembly hall we do have is sufficient enough and guess where they built it On DEVILS LAKE. The Power of Fasting and Praying, Esau is the modern day Caucasian (White Man), From the Tabernacles of EdomEsau.. .the father of the caucasian race also known as Edom and Idumaean. All the inhabitants of the district, with their cities, their homes, their gardens and all the well-watered fertile country, were overthrown in the fiery disaster. But destroying them would not have settled matters in the best way. It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. You can ask them all the questions you would like to hear their point of view on and tell them your views based on your research. Download Ebook I Am Jezebel A Former Jehovahs Witness Breaks Her SEE THIS POST TO SEE YEHOVAH IS GOD ALMIGHTY. But in any case , I believe the Lord God is good !!!! How We Know that God Will Put an End to Wickedness Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. His name is Ahayah and His Sons name is Yashiya. You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Continue in the Things That You Learned. All their children, including us, have inherited that imperfection, which brought with it sickness, sorrow and death. Abraham asked if God would sweep away the righteous with the wicked. YAH = moon god. BTW all our Bible studies, articles, magazines, websites and information are free! If you are disobeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of lies. Do you see what has just happened?